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Everything posted by EugeGall

  1. Regularly play as a single at my home course - how else do you get to practice, not the same as using the range. They are great and actually have it on the booking system that you will never be paired up with anyone else. I like playing with people mostly, but I enjoy my solitude to play myself and try things out.
  2. Congrats all!!! Volvik Condor - @jayyarr @MichaelC_81 and @Zman56 Volvik Condor X - @TK_ @JackBurtonsPorkchopExpress and @Sharp.shell Volvik XT Soft - @archship @MajorCavalry and @RajMahal Looking forward to your thoughts and insights.
  3. Cool and there was me thinking it was a bit random
  4. I walk all the time, carrying or pushing. More enjoyable I find, plus that way I can convince myself I’m keeping fit too.
  5. I was going to swap the Tour Stars that I got as part of the test for some Sidewinders for my woods and even went as far as adding a couple extra (as their website suggested) to qualify for the free shipping and got the same £34 shipping charge. Bit misleading during the order process so needless to say I've pulled the pin on that order - LOL
  6. This was an interesting discussion point on the last community call. My road to moving shorter: Got back into golf early 2022 after 10 year hiatus (don’t ask) and bought new clubs, my present to myself for being smart in getting back into golf, plus I didn’t really want to be seen with 10 year old sticks. I put my “new” misses down to the break. My fairways, irons etc. all got back on track to what I remembered. However the driver had developed a big miss right, sometimes the slice was just a sight to behold. I never missed right before, but I persevered and yes it got better, but consistency just wasn’t there not constant but enough to annoy and play with my head. I kinda learned to live with it though. Got fitted for new driver a few months back which must have been on one of my good (lucky) days only the odd miss. So yes I thought it was my driver. However you got it the miss started to come back. Racking my brain on what to do next I suddenly had a mad idea to take my old R11 to the range and see if I could hit it the way I used to and no lie it was a dream, straight shots to a baby draw; it was like stepping back 12 years. Sitting down to argue with myself that was I really going to put a 14 year old club in my bag I looked over at my R11 next to the Paradym and there it was the R11 was shorter. Nah it can’t be that simple, but I quickly marked up the Paradym, choked down and bang, the heavens rejoiced as my driver sang to the flight I hoping to see. Played for a few weeks with this setup and my Eureka moment was proven, driver average up 12 yards, dispersion is consistent. So I cut it down to 44.5” from the stock 45.75” and haven’t looked back. Swingweight so far doesn’t seem to be an issue, but I’ve bought a heavier weight which I may try out just to see. Conclusion for me - 44.5” is more out of the screws. 45.75” can be all over the place with the miss low and heely.
  7. good call glad I dialled in
  8. I will give it a look for sure, thanks for sharing .
  9. Hey I love putters, and buy them for fun, but that’s usually because I blame the tool and not “the tool” using it so now got too many. Now there are some insane dollars being dropped by some after going through this thread, however if you have the cash your call, why not. For me I’d say my top limit would be $500 at a push and then it has to putt for me. I’m now going to (try) stick with my current and just work on technique.
  10. Bummer to have missed this live, but just watched through - great questions, great answers. It's this part (Community Calls) of My Golf Spy that makes it just the best!! Gavin at Shot Scope was cool, but then again I'm biased. All scots are cool!! Big X5 user since launch and I wouldn't play without it.
  11. So technically my 7W is a Heavenwood, but I'm going to say that counts. The club is sent from the Gods.
  12. Ah golf shoes, my number 1 purchasing weakness - too many pairs (especially for my wife to know), I reckon if I play 1/week I could go months before wearing the same pair. The survey could have been better to allow for multiple selections; I play both spiked and spikeless, laces and boa and Adidas & Footjoy. I rotate based on my mood, what I'm wearing (yes that comes into it) and the conditions.
  13. Welcome and good reviewing - interested to see how it stacks up to the S70. Love my X5, pretty much for the reasons you give, lower cost and the data it provides, but the S70 is cool looking.
  14. I'm basing this on the X5 (only difference I can see is X5 has touchscreen and V5 has buttons), the Shot Scope is a great upgrade to your Garmin. Whilst yes overall the Garmin, especially their latest models are a better all round day-today-day watch, value wise the Shot Scope is just what it's designed to be - golf specific so you can't beat the Shot Scope; nothing tracks data better, it's subscription free, just forget it tells the time. For me the X5 is golf, I have an Apple Watch for everyday use, plus other non-tech "real" watches I wear off course. One size(product) doesn't fit all (everything).
  15. Congrats to all the lucky testers - the Shot Scope watch is a great piece of kit and the data is 2nd to none. Have a blast guys.
  16. Welcome and good luck on test - I have the X5 so can say you will not be disappointed on the stats you get from the V5. For me I've found it invaluable, not only to pinpoint my weaknesses to work on, but it shows my strengths; best club or length to leave into greens makes course management simpler. Will be following along so have fun.
  17. Just wanted to add to my fellow testers, @BreakfastBall15, @LeakyValve and @Alf. S thanks for all your similar and contrasting insights and especially your final thoughts. For what is a simple, overlooked piece of kit, but the only component between us and failure or golfing immortality (ok yes I’m blowing this up a bit) I’ve had a blast (of air) with this review. Also to all my fellow Spies out there many thanks for all your questions and views on this topic it’s what makes it all worth doing The good part this could be the longest running review since given Star Grips 3 year warranty it has to last that long.
  18. Just fitted this grip to my Odyssey Stroke Lab Seven in the last few weeks - my gamer is/was a Mizuno M-Craft VI fitted with a Zenergy XL Flatso 2.0+ and a 25g CounterCore weight. Grip weight of the Kotahi is 100g so not too much difference for me to notice. The "palms up" technique does take a lot of getting used to so before using on the course (last few weeks) I hit ball after ball on the matt at home. Initial findings for me so far in real use have been better consistency, certainly on line with my setup - my miss was a push. Another big plus is my lag putting has got so much better. Is it a game changer, well that's to be seen, but I'm loving it so far
  19. I’ll 2nd the Green/White - appeals to my Celtic roots.
  20. Used both, makes no difference as far as I can tell.
  21. For me tapping down doesn’t work as grip is pretty much welded to the shaft, plus if it did I’d be worried about movement during use. Just always made sure to get on all the way with air with a final little push with the gun.
  22. Final review is up. Thanks to all for the good interactions and comments throughout.
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