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Everything posted by skraeling

  1. Finished first foundation program a few days ago. Full speed spectrum got recommended to me and began that today. so my progress check. It says 99 but honestly I just wasn’t feeling very fast that day when I did it. how do I know I’ve gained probably more than this? When I did my iron fitting 2 years ago I was clocked for an average of 73.6. currently on the prgr with a ball, 80s to low 90s is my speed now.
  2. Literally this is me. I couldn’t hit titles at all for whatever my swing was at the time when I got fitted. 7i was doing like 130yds they just didn’t vibe with me.
  3. Progress check in. I’m faster than this I just wasn’t super warm yet but for being cold? Not bad. Then I went to the driving range to hit some stuffs. 3w practice got some stuff figured out with it too. Irons were crispy. Got the tempo figured out. Think this was an 8i.
  4. Much beer, Much gaming, Brain over. Todays gonna be a struggle. Fortunately I piss excellence.
  5. I went from a sub 90 to and I have not measured it on course directly... low six figure swing speed. without trying. Just translating my new speed to my old swing. No regerts here.
  6. A referral code from anyone whos active, will save you 50.00 and also give whoever you use a year sub. Float through the thread and who ever hasnt gotten a referral yet.. hit em up. Also. Please note I do ZERO other exercise. This has made my winter off season VERY interesting. Already in "winterish" conditions.. ive hit possibly the second longest driver ive ever hit. The only other longer one being in a 40mph gust situation. This is fun... like really fun. It turns working out into a game.
  7. Its done just absurd stuff for my swing speed. my shortcomings in other aspects of the game are frankly my own fault. to put it in perspective though, i havnt regularly played in maybe 4months or more. Yet from a tee box farther back im scoring withing a few strokes of my usual on a course in 3 YEARS ive never played from this spot... ima call this a win. mechanics I can fix.... power? I need to gain.
  8. you and me both sir you and me both. I need to hit some real balls in a controlled place and just get some reps in. try some things... get frustrated... try a few more things.. shelve it.. come back... try some other things.... yell at the clouds... and it clicks. I think. Ill actually be going either saturday or sunday as well.
  9. I was a massive fan of this show. It was home improvement, but.. without the cocaine.
  10. I want that problem. Fat fat city here (low point control is just... my kryptonite). When its not, ive somehow discovered that the toe of my club is now a thing. Annoying. If it doesnt improve after a few weeks of golf league ill just eat crow and get a lesson. Granted I said the same thing last year and they ended up just clicking. f****** winter. If I could play year round I might be... okish haha.
  11. Its really hard for me to say. Ive played a couple times (like 3 since starting speed training) and not each week since well... its winter and winter conditions still (like NO grass depth). So I cant say just how my approach game will be. Granted the few times ive played its been s***, but I also havnt played for months before these past few rounds. ill reserve my opinion till its actually not winter. My irons have honestly always kind of been my Achilles heel anyway.
  12. Ended up going from 84* to 27* the next morning on Wednesday. Casual 57* total drop.
  13. “If the women don’t find you handsome they should at least find you not three putting”… or something.
  14. Thursday.... Anyway... last night did the last session for my first round of speed training. The difference is... significant. I have the official progress check tomorrow, but I think even on the low end im up a pretty easy 5mph probably more. and yes I have 100% noticed a difference on course. muscling a drive 245 doesnt sound impressive, then you remember you just did that into a 20mph headwind. scary. Cant wait for summer temps and dry fairways.
  15. Maybe. Im gonna let this setting mellow for a few rounds to give it a thorough shake down. i hit up anywhere from 5-7* so I could maybe get away with it.
  16. VAG (vw auto group you pervs).... SERVICE POSITION 1... runs screaming from the thread.
  17. So the experiment with turning my driver down another notch (- 0.75*) making it a now 9* head thats 3* open. From its stock 10.5* std setting. Loved it. Longest drive ever for me and it really toned down the snap hook I have. Now if I could just get the irons to play nice I should be able to put up some decent scores in league this year. This is a personal best for me.
  18. May not have set any records playing but still had a better day than this guy. Everyone was confused how he pulled it off. Speed limit is like 20?
  19. Another comically windy day. 17mph steady but into the wind was still hitting it 240. Not bad. first hole and this was just hilarious. sadly bunker stopped any additional distance. This was almost on the fly. im stunned with the results. i also turned my driver down another .75* so its at 9* loft and 3* open (i tend to come around the ball too much). only had one drive I pushed right thanks to a uh 17-20mph left To right breeze I didn’t plan for.
  20. I forgot to mention tonights low is 28* lol. Ye know... just your casual 53* drop
  21. I mean I had played since I was ~12 (and lessons early on), but only once or twice a year for oooooo 25years lol. So im not sure if that would make me a new golfer or not. Then joined a golf league with my free strata set played one year and went "yep... its time". Then got fitted (for irons). Then dropped about 10 off my handicap. Still lots to work on of course.
  22. coworker texts me last night say his plans for today had been cancelled..... and immediately sends me these . So of course I booked a tee time. todays high is I think around EIGHTY. I mean it is spri.... *checks notes* FEBRUARY still. We broke our high yesterday for temps since they started being recorded. Already before today its the third hottest february on record. Not good. Anyway may as well play some golf while the world attempts to burn. Gonna have to freebase some claritin or allegra or something though. The trees are already starting to go nuts. Its too soon I tell you!
  23. Thats on my bucket list in a couple of years to do. Would love to get a fitting from them some day. Plus maybe roll it into catching a hockey game while there (even better if my hometown team is playing a road game). I honestly had this experience at golf galaxy of all places. TM was doing a free Qi10 fitting so sadly I didnt get to hit anything else, but the fitter who I was given knew his stuff. He could tell where my shots were going to go just from where my hands ended up. He recommended I turn my loft down actually. I never knew I hit up on it as much as I do. He tried different heads, a few different shafts. Flat out told me to not even bother with the LS head as my spin numbers were low / mid 2k's, he really worked to get my launch angle to something reasonable. Then told me to not spend 600.00 on a new driver as all the numbers I was generating between the Qi 10 and my sim2max were very comparable. Outright said, dont spend any money, come back in 2-3 years. Ill make it a point to get him when I do.
  24. we did have a week of -7 to 0 in january so not always sunshine here haha.
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