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Everything posted by skraeling

  1. My driver had a descent angle like a 7i, almost 40* sometimes lol. Once we sorted that out 30-40yds of rollout wasn’t out of the question. distances between the two both were pretty consistently in the 260ish range.
  2. So I got to do that free Qi10 fitting yesterday. Learned some interesting stats from my trackman sessions. I hit up on the ball... like REALLY up. over 5* wasnt abnormal to see One I hit 7* of positive AoA. It was usually around 5* though. Fitter also said Im basically maxing out what the sim2 can do and that the Qi10 would do basically nothing for me. Numbers were very close to my stock driver. Spin rates were rather good 2300-2800rpm usually mid 2k's no problem. So... I was hitting the ball WAY too high. We did something I never thought someone of my handicap would need. We turned my 10.5* head down one setting to ~9ish*. Wouldnt have seen that coming. Had no issues still getting the ball in the air. Added benefit of opening the face as my miss is a hard pull left. I will say the new Qi did feel REALLY good hitting. So if you are in the market for one worth a look. Was it any more forgiving than my sim2? not really.
  3. Hit more than those. Hit as many GI irons as you can. I thought I would vibe with the g430's but they ended up being middle of the pack for me.
  4. Neither was mine haha. I’m actively working on it. Now this is flat out. So it’s probably high 90s when hitting an actual ball…. For now.
  5. Great observations. Both shafts are "stiff", but different manufacturers. Ones UST, the other is Ventus. Stock 3w offering vs the rando I bought. The Helium shaft is very whippy. Quite a soft tip I think. Either way im gonna enjoy this trying out a new driver anyway. Wont buy a new driver but my swing speed is starting to creep into the low triple digits now. Would be fun to snag a ventus shaft off ebay or what not with a TM adaptor on it. But ill reserve doing anything drastic for now. Gotta love this game.
  6. played 9 holes yesterday, didnt have time to try out the speed priming sadly so went into it rather cold. I will say though my driver shots were much crispier. pity its winter conditions lol. 0 roll out. Still several drives that were 230+ carry. Cant complain. Session today set a plethora of personal bests. This is getting silly and fun.
  7. Is the game played off grass or holes? Maybe at the best pro levels it makes sense perhaps. Though really do they want it segregated just based purely on luck?
  8. The only thing not fitted is my driver. Everything else below it is good to go.
  9. I got this sim2max used. Never fitted for a driver (irons are fitted). So i have ZERO idea what this current setup is doing on the various things as far as spin rate etc. Plus im working on more speed. For a free fitting Ill at least get to see what numbers my current driver is producing so far Ill hit it anywhere from 219 - 270 yards lol. Miss is for sure predominantly left though.
  10. yeah thats the plan. doing swing speed training too and not super far into it yet. still 2.5months before league starts so this will whet my appetite for a full fitting in a few months i'm sure.
  11. Well open face wouldn’t be the worst thing.
  12. all aboard the bad decision train.
  13. Let the record show this is all Taylor’s fault.
  14. ooo GG is doing a free fitting for the Qi driver tomorrow too. hmmmmmm stupid tempting to go give it a hit, problem being I want to hit more than just that
  15. Fun round yesterday afternoon. Ive pretty much convinced myself I need a driver fitting though. got to watch multiple driver shots balloon into the wind. Worked out on a few holes keeping me out of hazards though haha. Played the course with my usual driver setting of +.75* (11.25* loft total), so the next round I get out for im going to try -.75* and see what happens (drvier at 9.75* loft) should be a fun experiment. Anyone done a driver fitting or spun the ball too much, observations? Thoughts?
  16. Ehhhh.. shot a 47 from one tee box back farther in winter conditions (cart path only too). I cant say im upset about it lol. Lots of rust to knock off. Also didnt help on the 5th hole stepped in a sink hole up to my shin and had water in my shoe the rest of the round... that was unpleasant. I can for sure tell the swing speed training is doing something. Had a few I absolutely roasted, only two weeks and halfway into the first program. Itll be real fun to see what I can pull off in the 2.5 months before league actually starts. I think I need a driver fitting though. My driver shots are starting to balloon. Clearly spinning it too much and losing distance.
  17. today is 100% the day for me. a high of SIXTY THREE... no rain (finally) either. I intend to sacrifice many balls to the wood gods today.
  18. Was a tester for these and found them quite good. Didnt stick with them for gaming as they dont make a yellow one. Wasnt the balls fault just personal preference. Hell broke 90 for the first time with one so ill always have a soft spot for them.
  19. Maybe 1 a round just from sometimes not even being able to find it when it goes dead middle of the fairway usually an early spring / fall problem with the ground being so soft. Sometimes 0. Sometimes 2-4 if its a really bad round, bad luck whatever. Dont have a crowd of spectators watching my ball so eh screw it. Balls gonna ball.
  20. chrome soft = highest spinning chrome soft X = slightly less Chrome soft X LS = even less. These X LS are the 2023 model, no clue about 2024 for anything callaway plans. I dont plan to go anywhere near the chrome tours yet. Ive got the ball I like at least for now.
  21. I wanted to like these so bad (Had the divides), but I found them incredibly short off the tee compared to my other balls. LOVED them around the green though.
  22. Slow and steady progress. I always find myself being somewhat slow with the 195g max swing though. Almost feel like I have a mental block to really ripping with it. For sure feels like a mental barrier to try and gear myself up for it. Golf round tomorrow though so that should be interesting. Havnt played in weeks at this point.
  23. Chrome soft X LS. Even with my average swing speed it still goes miles and holds greens with zero issue. plus it’s yellow. I play yellow balls and prov don’t come in yellow so callaway it is. i really… really like them.
  24. Going off strictly my arccos data im striking the ball better and farther. For sure want to get on a proper lm before the season starts. Based on just my home radar my swing speed is already up 5-6mph over what it used to be. Also that SS of the numbers was my stock 7i, my new one I remember being something like 110mph ball speed? No idea on swing speed though, Do remember the rpms being about 5500 though.
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