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Everything posted by skraeling

  1. Roads were a dumpster fire this morning. wrecks everywhere and honestly I cant entirely blame people either. Road looks like its clear, but nope its just glazed with ice. Poor bastards. Since im such a subaru dork (I mean who else makes a manual trans awd turbocharged car anymore for under 30k?) I have a set of winter tires even though im in the STL area and we typically have somewhat mild winters. Though usually we do get one storm that'll drop 10" at least once. It does get sketchy enough here that the summer tires my car came with stock are not really useable. Seriously the manual even says (DO NOT USE THESE IN WINTER). I digress. Got to go to a hockey game last night with my nephew (his first game) dad and brother. Great times. Not so great was the snow on the way home making it slow going and me getting back at midnight with a 5am alarm set. Oof. Stay safe all. You northern bastards hah we were a balmy 3* this morning... suck it!
  2. damn nice gains. im hoping I can end up doing similar. I did my baseline when it was 32f and had a hoodie on, but needs must haha.
  3. I think it might even be too cold in my garage to do speed training
  4. They also have the app on the apple watch if you prefer that. Granted I dont have a watch so cant speak to how effective or not, it is.
  5. There really isnt a lot to actually use them. Turn on phone, have it in lead pocket with the course / tees / round type. Hit start and play. Thats pretty much it.
  6. Ive used it for a couple years at this point. The arccos link, f****** sucks. The only good thing about it was the one button pin location marking. It missed so many shots I returned mine. Phone in pocket for me has worked quite well. Rarely misses shots (putts/tap ins excluded). Its provided some quite useful data for me. Will I keep using it, im honestly not sure. It seems overly expensive for what it is and with the sensors being an essentially consumable item, I find that rather annoying. As is, its good though. Not sure its good enough to continue using however. When I got my new iron set it did help me learn my ranges to a T. So it did lower my scores by quite a bit.
  7. I have The Stack not super speed. So I cant speak at all to that one. As I have only done the initial baseline session, I cant really give a definitive conclusion just yet. I will say though the baseline set was only ~34 swings total. I am a little sore today so it did do something. Now multiply that over several weeks? If anything I wont lose any of my swing tone from the summer during this winter.
  8. Get a referral code off any one of us. Gives a decent discount and gets us sub time too
  9. Give you pupper pallet cleanse. Friends dogs from my east coast road trip. edit: and white dogs older sister
  10. Its worth a read through. Us slower guys will have an easier time gaining, at least maintaining and diminishing speed loss. I JUST started mine so only have the baseline done.
  11. my plane is fine I strike the ball pretty well. I lack speed. This is in fact a speed trainer so yes https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/44214-the-stack-system-review-and-progress-thread/
  12. And away… we… go. not bad speeds considering I did this outside in a hoodie with an ambient temp of 32*
  13. Finally arrived. looks like I’ll have to wait for a nicer day outside to do the baseline. Just don’t have a space indoors even garage to really swing free. Come uncomfortably close to my garages ceiling. I’m just a tad too tall with a full length driver. Good news is once I’m actually in a program stacks short enough shouldn’t be an issue. mmmm finally. think I’ll have a day later this week I can get outdoors to get the baseline done.
  14. Bought a composite one lately? Way more expensive than even the nicest wood bat.
  15. This looks like a crime scene. In other news. Weather here in the midwest has turned on us with a vengence. Temps will be hitting single digit lows later this week. Oof.
  16. Its not entirely true. Being farther down the course is an advantage. Can you make up for not being farther down? Sure. But my dad whos regularly shorter on drives than me at this point just cant keep up with my scoring and he is a FAR better putter and short game guy than I am. But I have easier shots into greens.
  17. I’d be quite happy with a 10mph increase for myself. hope you can go even higher of course
  18. I for one am all for increasing the gravitational constant of earth. It’s really the only way for everyone to have true parity. has anyone seen Dr.Evil lately? We need to get him on this gravity increasing job asap.
  19. Like anything I never base a decision solely on one review or without trying it myself. if they are up front about it being sponsored that’s pretty much the minimum I expect for transparency and sets reasonable expectations for the review.
  20. Mine shipped and should show up roughly Saturday. Really curious to see what I can accomplish edit nope Tuesday now.
  21. Shoot even or below par at least once. I came suuuuuper close this year with a +1 and a +4. so almost there. also planning to try and add more swing speed.
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