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Everything posted by skraeling

  1. who hasnt gotten a ref code use yet? Im ready to order mine.
  2. Welp played an above average round for me. Also achievement unlock: first time ever back to back birdies. Now if only I could have ended and started better haha. Middle was great though. not bad for a 16hcp eh
  3. Personally? The stack. It REALLY got me wanting to just hit farther. Now it was a test that spoke to me personally the most. Sadly ranked it even over my own test I participated in haha. Did learn a lot doing the testing so looking forward to contributing next year again hopefully.
  4. Winter has just decided to.... abstain from December. High of 58 on saturday.... so of course booked a tee time with my coworker (the FNG) flipping new golfer. Hes got it bad boys and girls. Then again im the one that booked the tee time so what does that say about me haha. Either way, probably the last gasp *Why do I feel like ive said that before* this year as far as golfing goes. Expecting January to dump about 10-20* off the average temp.
  5. A somewhat frigid start to my round sunday. The wind was pretty relentless early and never really let up. Fortunately once we got down below the tree line it got much nicer and the sun also came out early on and stayed out. What wasnt frigid was my driving. Now for my hcp ~16-17, Im ok on distance. This course was so wet and also it being cold and windy, I pulled a 232yd average drive out of my ass. So this was almost all just carry as there was ZERO roll all day long. Ignore what the app says for average one went way left and got stuck in a crack lol. Overall Ill take a 44 for these conditions.
  6. Why? I found some threads on a google search once.. they intrigued me. Intrigued me enough to actually register for the forum. Now the forum itself... yeah.. the UI/UX experience is... not err great. At least the search function is competent.
  7. FYI for anyone else... if you know your way around reddit /r/golf theres a dude who works for CPO'd and will if you dm him cherry pick the **** out of stuff if you send him what you are looking for. At least that was the case, assuming it still is.
  8. messin with you, pretty sure I already do.
  9. Finally getting into For All Mankind... its damn good. A little dark, but damn good.
  10. Going to play a round sunday. Gonna be a bit on the brisk side with the projected high being only about 50. Figured as long as the weather keeps holding out may as well try and play. Not taking it too serious as well... its winter golf. Mother figure wanted a beer that didnt taste like beer. Shes a fan of Amber Ales apparently. So cooked this recipe up and will be brewing that this weekend. So im giving her CAACAA.... Caramel Amber Ale
  11. But if you wanna charge 1500ish dollars for a set.... Im not sure id be ok with it doing that. Charge a premium price? I expect better.
  12. pricy as all get out, but you get what you pay for with them.
  13. now not just be good, be good repeatably. Week to week? Any one of those components of your game can absolutely depart you.
  14. Ive found it similar. Did baseball for years, hockey too. I never had to take a lesson to know how to shoot a puck or throw a ball. Golf? You literally have to learn a mechanic that isnt a natural motion the body does. At least thats how I see it.
  15. It’s been a busy morning. PRGR showed up 10min before my second fermenter did.
  16. Used PRGR showed up finally. Beats paying the new price for one. also I’m not as slow as I figured i would be. Not fast but not bad.
  17. Im heading to pittsburg end of the month. Hope the weather holds up for my 9hr drive from midwestlandia.
  18. Plus nothing to stop makers from still making in 6 whatever years technically non conforming balls too. As long as the pros arnt playing them would the USGA even care? Id play one if they keep being made and not give two sh!ts what the USGA is saying the new rules are anyway. This isnt my job I want this to be as easy as I can make it.
  19. I already have more than 10yd variance between drives... literally anywhere from 220 - 270. The other thing is being amateurs... as above we CANT hit every club very well every time. Now I got just one more thing thats going to gut my distance so my poor hits got even poorer, and my great hits are now "eh ok". Kinda awful.
  20. Thought it funny, but why not move the pros up several boxes on some holes such that hitting driver would be a poor choice? Would that be a thing that could be done? Variable tee box play?
  21. I made poor choices last night. Up too late few too many beers. terrible copilot.
  22. Considering MOI and other things related to clubs are already capped, Its all marketing wank and has been for over a decade.
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