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Everything posted by skraeling

  1. So played a 4 man scramble with my dad (whos birthday it was), coworker and his dad. Sunset was 6:12!.... so best ball is the only way to get through 9 holes as late in the day as we need to play post work. Was super relaxing, and quite enjoyed it. Plus I had an absolute MONSTER (for me) of a drive. A very respectable 268yds (with a prov1). Those are always fun. We wont speak of the 10yd tee shot into water I had on number 1. Did you know its easier to hit the ball on a tee if you uh... dont look up before you actually hit it. Bold of me I know. I think ive topped out the distance I can get with a softer ball my perennial favorite RX. As much as I dont like how hard they feel, I just cant argue with the distance I can get off the tee. Leaving myself under 100yd to a green... just seems silly to pass up for a "feel" off the face. Ill hopefully still be hitting a simulator sunday so I can REALLy finally get some actual dry data on what these balls do for my swing. Will I notice anything? who knows. ProV1 v RXS v RX v Sugar v Chromesoft X LS By the end of the season my swing speed has got to be higher than the beginning of the year. Now... what would more speed do for me? Swing trainer time over the winter? Food for thought.
  2. Good thing I have no need to get new equipment (club wise) really. My lineup is quite set thankfully, short of something breaking. My neighbor might have one I can bum off him over the winter (not his mlm2). Doubt he will part with his MLM2 though for an extended period haha. I 100% change how I swing indoors, to the point I only work on feel chippin with foam balls I just cant take a full swing inside my house or if I do its not my normal one it feels like.
  3. Id love to do this one, but... oooof... over $500 after discounts is a hard pass for me.
  4. I know the reviews have already been published a while ago, but Ill actually be hitting a legit sim on sunday to get some lab style numbers. Not totally related to the Sugar balls themselves. I just want to see wtf numbers my driver actually produces and put that ball up against my two gamers Bridgestone RX and RXS, and my new love (potentially) the Chromesoft X LS. Given my swing speed is in between mid and slow, kind of fills a gap I feel like that doesnt exist on the current ball table. I can get total distances anywhere from 230-260. Well... thats not on the slow speed: 212 (low) - 224yd (high) depending on ball Im not totally on the mid swing speed either with ball data from that saying: 256-274yd depending on ball.
  5. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • FOR SALE
    • Used

    Ended up going back to my 10.5* so dont need it. Used for one round. Looking for 230 o.b.o. USA shipping only.


    - US

  6. much better morning today for myself. Had both flu and updated covid shot on tuesday.... proceeded to have my ass handed to me by my immune system for the next 24+hrs. Still played golf yesterday though haha. Im dumb. Seriously... drove in to work with my car heater on full blast the entire way (the chills and aches were hardcore). Also I think I might sell that 12* head I bought as I played that round with my 10.5* cranked up one notch to ~11.25? Anyhow... I was BANGING balls with the driver (for me anyway). Impressive considering how damn sore I was. Played my worst round of the year, but I wasnt in my best condition either so mostly just wanted to hit balls haha.
  7. I’m not saying mistakes were made last night, but damn did it taste good Also I have GOT to get on to a launch monitor and nail down a ball choice. i keep flipping between the RXS RX chrome soft x ls. i just can’t settle on one. I have no issues sticking greens with any of them so shorter iron spin isn’t an issue. i want more distance off the tee. Though I think I need to figure out my driver loft too and or some combination with one of those balls.
  8. Screw it booked a tee time for Wednesday at 5pm local. High is 70* we shall ignore the fact that sunset is now 6:20pm….
  9. We are losing a person from my group and there is some hemming and hawing on getting a replacement. Flat out told a coworker im quitting if we dont. Stretched thin already.
  10. welp had to head in to work this fine ok semi fine ok actually pretty cold rainy morning. suppose thats fine as well who wants to golf in this s***? Not I. Besides... the OT pays for a few rounds too amiright?
  11. Was how i approached my iron fitting. im brand agnostic, I want performance first regardless of who makes it.
  12. Golf season is rapidly winding down here in the Lou.... highs next week barely scrape into the 60's for the highs making lows in the mid to upper 40's... not really prime golf weather. So what the hell do I do to entertain myself over the long darkness to come? Ive never been more obsessed with the sport than I have been lately. Shocking for just being a bogey golfer which to my midhigh handicap ass feels like im on the damn tour. My todo list over the winter I guess will be to try and get some sim time to really suss out some driver data. I never got fitted and Im to the point I think I could actually benefit from it. Seriously.... I get its hard to be consistent but having a driving distance from 200yds to 265yds.... somethings rotten in Denmark. So I think the next iteration of my game will be optimizing driver. I have no actual data on how I swing it. spin rates / aoa / launch angle etc. My irons im fine with so dont need any info there. those of you who have done so... howd that work out? any tips?
  13. trying to clear the fog off to actually be productive today. Drank roughly 5gallons of nyquil last night not an actual 5gal. Still slept somewhat iffy off and on. The coughing at least for now seems not as bad as yesterday but who knows if thatll change to the ultra annoying dry unproductive one that it tends towards the end of the day. Foggy 12hrs later yeeeeesh. Beats feeling miserable and sleep deprived I suppose. On cup number 2 of coffee trying to get the brain to jam into gear here.
  14. I’m treating these things like pokemon… gotta collect em all.
  15. Im playing in one on sunday in troy, mo (about 30min from my house). Was hoping to see a fellow spy there haha.
  16. You arnt playing in a scramble this sunday by chance are you?
  17. Suppose I should post my last round where I did some discovery. Was just a fun round with two of my usual partners (my dad and my neighbor). Was a midweek game and we had damn near the course to ourselves. Always fun when that happens. For a laugh I cranked my 10.5* driver up to 12.5*. I loved it. Loved it so much I ordered a 12* head off eBay. But back to how the stock one played cranked. so let’s journey down this round. I didn’t practice with this setting at a driving range just trial by fire. Hole 1: Not knowing how this would react and with my miss already being left I held the face open a tad much (cranking the loft also closed the face I think 4*?). whoops it was a straight flight but pushed too far right or aimed that way too much. Reteed instead of taking a drop. Retee hit was playable…. Yay Hole 2: straight nutted. It stopped on the fairway woo! hole 3: the regular tees were way up. Sailed this thing straight into the woods on the fly. Caught me by surprise. Did find it and punched out Hole 5: usually a hole I do well on driving. Well that memo was missed. Topped this beauty. A decent layup and then fatted the wedge into the water lol (all three of us did, golf amiright?). Hole 6: good shot just caught up in heavy rough so no roll out. Buried in the trees to punch out city again. Then snap hooked my hybrid far left of the green. Putt lipped out which would have saved bogey. Hole 7: nutted again. Actually rolled off the fairway into the rough. Difficult feel shot as if you miss long it’s down the back slope into the water. I miss played and should have gone for the big fat part of the green. Last driving hole #9: whacked the **** out of it but hit a bunker. Damn. Topped my hybrid out of the sand and then dropped a dime off wedge…. Into a 10ft deep bunker. A miracle wedge out that landed 4ft from the hole to save a par. TLDR: cranked driver to 12.5* and f****** loved it.
  18. I have kicked my fever, but man the drainage and cough have been a mfer the past two days. Woke up at 3am today partly due to storms and partly me just hacking my ass off. Couldnt really fall back asleep. Oh well. Long as I can kick my hack by my sunday scramble ill manage. Also since I was home sick I wanted to see just what my tee height looked like from the side. Its not something I really ever paid a ton of attention to so was interesting to get a wild hair up my ass and actually look at it. Welp the notch gives me dead even 50% of the ball, always looks so much lower looking down at it.
  19. I like most of us amateurs.... am probably never really happy with my swing because lets face it our level of consistency isnt the best haha. This year though when I find myself getting a little wonky with stuff it at least finally doesnt take long for me to rediscover it. I have for the most part figured out the 4 swings I do need (driver, irons, long fairway clubs, and wedges). Now executing the plan ehhhh I do my best, but I do know WHAT I want to do with each swing for those. My thing now is... I just need more speed. I am a ~16hcp so putting a driver shot routinely out at ~245ish is I think better than an average 16hcp. Problem is I just dont swing that fast. Driver is under 100mph at last guess. As a righty though its kind of nice to not worry about a slice, now can I fade a ball or push it right with the big stick sure, but its not an out and out bananna slice. My true miss is absolutely a hook.
  20. vit c really doesn’t do s*** for a viral infection (though I do love me some OJ). The LG c2 is really something else picture wise.
  21. This is way funnier when you read it like golum. spinny bits makes the weedzies all fall downses
  22. Ah hah! Actually back on the morning thread in proper morning local time. slept another 10hrs today but think I’ve kicked the worst of it. Feel pretty good actually. Did stay home from work though just to give my body a break. Have tomorrow off as well so hopefully I have knocked my requisite one illness per year off the calendar
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