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Everything posted by skraeling

  1. Had both my dad and neighbor take a whack off the tee with the X LS callaway ball. Both really liked how it felt and launched off the tee. They both had pretty ok distance too. they both already play callaways (super soft and chrome soft) respectivly.
  2. Not morning but I did sleep for about 12hrs. Felt sketchy during the concert last night. Sinus infection weeeeee. Have another damn concert tomorrow night. Gonna suck it up have had both these tickets for 4months + Keep staring at my new 12* driver head. Just such confidence when I look down at it.
  3. Had my Pearl Harbor golf towel break off my bag while we were driving to the next hole. I was quite bummed. Two weeks later I remember to ask the front desk guy and someone (another league member) had turned it in. thanked him profusely as I didn’t get a chance when I was back in Hawaii in June to get more while I was there so it was my only one.
  4. CVS overprices everything and I mean everything.
  5. I really think I need to give one of those swing speed increaser systems a go. I could probably benefit from it as I do have a somewhat on the slower side (I feel like) speed.
  6. Was always into rock / alternative and its various sub genres. Past maybe 20 years though I am all in on Metal bands. Im a giant Soilwork and Inflames fan. Both swedish melodic death metal bands. Wish they would do a dual video again at some point.
  7. Have yet to look at what im doing this morning... I just dont want to know yet.
  8. Well the head was even in better shape than the listing made it look. I’m not sure this one has ever been hit. 175.00 before tax and shipping? lol okey! IMG_7028.mov
  9. Morning crew assemble. Played a nice quick 9 yesterday afternoon. So my test with my current driver cranked to 12*.... was hilariously successful. I gained consistently more yardage off the box unless it was a truely poor strike (like almost missing the face entirely). AND THE LOFT SHALL SET YOU FREE! drives 7 238 247 223 (hit into the woods but did find it had to punch out) 138 (I uh.... topped it) 223 (hit a bunker so no roll) 251 246 (also... into a bunker) Overall.... insane distance gains on average. Hit a few more fairways and a few less vertically oriented wood poles, a few less bunkers and a 240 average wouldnt be out of my range. So now my new 12* neutral head shows up today me thinking..... I wonder what 14* would do lol.
  10. Was mostly basing it on how well I hit my 3w off the tee and its the HL version at 16.5*. I can damn near get my driver distance with it. I probably hit down a tad. Ive got a round today with my current 10.5 cranked up to 12* so im expecting to miss it left. But if im happy with the flight and launch ill know I will like the higher lofted 12* that sadly arrives tomorrow.
  11. I feel like im never far from this thread. Just picked up a 12* driver head from ebay for about 200.00. Yeah I can crank the loft of my current one, but it also closes the face too much and my miss is already Left. Matches my 10.5* lol.
  12. I unironically told my boss last week that I "crapped excellence". Your bosses know who the rockstars are. If they dont? Sign of a bad manager.
  13. Morning spies. So that ball lab test... its got some merit. Played at my par3/4 course yesterday because why not, weather is nice and the course has lights so playing later in the day isnt an issue. The dragonflys were going absolutely ham on gnats. Wonder if my ball hit any on the way out. 378444574_6769083919823719_8970697626729246090_n.mp4 Were behind a lady fivesome (walking too) who were playing at a damn solid pace so /respect to them. Accidentally got all of my 3w... and when I say got all of it holy yikes. Didnt think I had hit it all that well but it just ran and ran and ran and ran and ran. Boys and girls.... I may be ditching my bridgestones and staying with these Chromesoft X LS's... they are just too damn good. Distance feels a good 10yds farther on irons, and even longer with the long clubs. Hop and stop when you hit a green isnt an issue either. Had a few roll backwards. Hitting my comedy 5i (seriously... this things lofted at 20*). Got it thin, but still hit the green. Usually hit my hybrid on this hole so hit it too just to see. 3h (19*) actually cleared the green and hit the upsloped "backstop". So 5i was actually the right choice.... never get to hit it on my league course as its usually not a fit for where I typically land. I mean 2 for 2 at this range.... f'me ill take it. Without a backstop.. 3h was doing some work. TLDR: Guess im team Callaway now. Its two rounds in a row these XLS have just seriously performed.
  14. and some dont even look used. Got both my sim2 max and my mizuno putter for significantly cheaper. Putter didnt look used at all and the sim2 had I think one tiny wear mark somewhere maybe? Cant even remember at this point.
  15. I prefer yellow balls. Sorry not sorry. 4yds difference is literal margin of error. I dont buy it vs a white ball.
  16. The good: Concert last night, Red as always is such an underrated band especially live. The bad: It was on a sunday night The ugly: I think I managed 3hrs of sleep... maybe 3.5hrs if im being generous. also gave these plugs a try last night.... 10/10. I could hear everything perfectly and my ears arnt ringing today. absolute game changer if you havnt ever gotten high fidelity plugs before (from anyone that makes em) do it. Its silly how good they are.
  17. So is this a highlander situation. Can there be only one?
  18. How is a holiday shortened week longer than a regular one... Glad its friday.
  19. Dont be this guy. Someone makes regular grounds + filter dripper at work and NEVER empties the f****** used grounds. I bet they also leave the shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot too. Monster.
  20. yeah, they were really really good at one point. lost the touch with it on really close in shots at the moment.
  21. I just gave these a try and I quite liked them. Even with my modest swing speed I had ZERO trouble getting them to stop on the greens. Wish the left dash prov came in yellow, but they don’t so LS it is.
  22. Tagged a 44 today pretty good considering I had issues off the box early. I apparently hit driver better when I tee it low. Whatever… I can work with that. Started being smart on my regular courses 10th hole. Being too long here really punishes you. So I have started taking 3w which at my best ever hit tops out at 245 (miracle shot for me, but it can). Usually 220 is a safe bet. So first swing of the day? Easy I won’t overcook this one. It’s 265 to the creek and it’s been very dry. grass was VERY wet so didnt quite catch my AW the best and pulled a tad left into a depression in front. Tee trouble started with the big stick. Snap hooked the first shot into the water. Retee I SKIED and barely cleared. finally pull my head out of my ass and saw where I skied that ball on the face (BOOM headshot) domed that s*** almost off just the crown. Oops. Things however got better. we won’t talk about the bladed wedge…. You know that feeling when you roast two clubs in a row? Yeah… Again we won’t speak of my doofing my wedge into the bunker. played this entire round with a VERY different ball than my go to the Tour B RXS. Gave the callaway chrome soft x LS a go. Why not eh? its 30pts harder compression roughly and supposedly for “better players”. Bullshit. This thing is . Old and busted v new hotness? Saw the ball test and had some cash to burn. Why not. Iron spin was comparable to the RXS. Had ZERO trouble holding a green. 8i shot. Plenty of spin and distance. Here folks. fwiw I’m a 16-17hcp depending on the week. off the driver face the ball feels very firm. Iron to wedge shots don’t feel as firm as the long sticks. Distance control on putts was hit or miss for me, but that’s just me having putting as the weakest part of my game. Ball screams off the face. @GolfSpy_APH Almost think I should clean up some stuff and xpost this to reviews.
  23. Dry fit button up shirt. Got a few of them when I was in Hawaii and they are the literal best. Pity the off bx prices though lol. plus literally no one else has these shirts in my men’s league so it stands out too. Oh and they are flexible. and some Walter Hagen shirts. Also dry fit.
  24. Ordered a dozen of the chrome soft x ls they seem to compare pretty favorably to my current gamer the Tour B RXS. Will it knock it off for distance off the tee? Ill find out monday. Figured I would go as far away from my softer RXS to really try and suss out any actual difference on course with a human hitting it. Will be playing my regular league course so I know where I typically tend to end up with hits. Should make for a good head to head comparison. TLDR: had 10.00 of scorerewards sitting in my account so decided to yolo on some new balls to whack.
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