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Everything posted by skraeling

  1. Was hoping for a brief work day but not sure that’s in the cards. Oh well. Got to play Wednesday (even if slightly hung over from a concert). Weather was stunning. Low 80s and no humidity. Road tripping with all my soccer people for an away match in Kansas City… I finally get to bring our noise to an away game… and oh baby do we bring the noise.
  2. I know I could have looked it up, but you gotta admit at a quick glance it raises some eyebrows.
  3. Is this an onlyfans thing? What in the ever loving hell is that thing?
  4. At least its not like the GPU space with manufacturers cherry picking the best silicone to send to reviewers. They had to start buying their own at one point to avoid getting sent a golden child for benchmarking.
  5. It seems overly complicated but with those pictures it actually seems damn simple. The figures at the end of the paper are just... lightbulb.
  6. said super nice dry fit shirt. Literally the best god damn shirts.
  7. C130. With the price of bags... really only will own one. Bit on the larger and heavier side, but damn if it isnt nice. Plus it was an absolute requirement to me to have individual club holes sleeved all the way down.
  8. survived the 115* heat index yesterday. It was mercifully cloudy otherwise I think it would have just been completely unplayable. As it were my very expensive very breathable dryfit tech button up shirt was soaked ALL the way through everywhere. The good: driver was solid, irons are just absolute money right now The average: was getting blady with my wedges but got that sorted out finally and was just dropping darts The bad: some early trouble really hampered the scoring The downright UGLY: 22 putts.... seriously.... 22 putts. *queue internal screaming* Oh... thanks arccos for spelling out how much of a potato I am at it. Well at least some aspects of my game were on fire. currently 16hcp according to arccos and this is set to compared to a 16hcp
  9. I’m here to f****** help. sorry app rubbing off on me.
  10. Several hours later and this is looking like it’s going to suck. Tee off is 5pm
  11. It’s just never a good sign when it’s over 80 this early. League should be… “moist” today. Projected heat index is ~115*
  12. Dunno it might. Gonna need you to give it back for my mens league tuesday though. Its supposed to be I think even hotter .
  13. Soccer game last night that delayed start till 8:55pm cst… not the worst idea as temps during daylight were…. so got back late and I’m on about 4hrs of sleep. not totally upset though haha. Don’t think I’ll make it the whole day however.
  14. morning mentlegen and ladies. not much on the lab docket today so may end up leaving early. enjoy this s***** glove art. looks more like a pirate.
  15. Even us regular dudes, get me a nice new golf shirt and ill do whatever the hell you want. also check ebay
  16. I missed even by a .5", tapping in for par instead of the birdie lol. granted it was on a putt from 25ft so finishing by tapping it in was still damn nice. My neighbor who is shorter than me by a few inches (me at ~6') actually had I think .5" added to his clubs. He stands VERY upright. So it works for him. I almost wonder if maybe .25" shorter would work for me sometimes haha. I tend to squat down too much and hit fat when I get lazy (thanks years of baseball and softball).
  17. what a morning. its 70* out... SEVENTY... high is I think 80today at best? AWESOME. Its LEEEEEAAGGGUUUUEEEEE DAY.... woo.
  18. im assuming our sugar reviews will get the treatment at some point too. Its mind blowing just how many tests have been completed in short order around here.
  19. It really cannot be overstated how important just playing regularly is to getting any better. 2.5 years into a golf league now and I am far beyond the player I was when I started playing in it. maybe played once or twice a year tops since I was 12ish. only got my first birdie 3/4 of the way through league my first year. im 39… this year almost managed to shoot even one round. Now do I do that all the time haha hell no. But I know I can do it. I started the league as a probably 30hcp. down to 16 this year.
  20. Email last week from the golf league.. we only have 3 weeks left of it wtf do I do after that? moooooooorning
  21. The forum was always kind of on the periphery for me. I’m not new to forums (they used to be all the rage in the early 2000’s). Forum use seemed to kind of really taper off across any subject matter. changing tastes? Changing ways to interact with new social media types? Maybe all of em. dunno what it is about this forum that sucked me back in so hard to using one again. either way enjoying participant ass off. Really love the morning thread. That and coffee really start my work days off on a good note.
  22. oh my... that IS pretty. wouldnt mind trying one of those out someday.
  23. I dont know specifically what the callaway has for its various tiers of balls, Im only saying a urethane cover is really really nice to have.
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