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Everything posted by skraeling

  1. SPIES I SUMMON THEE Storm forecast is looking.... sketchy. Hoping it clears out before 5 local.
  2. Just looked at my arccos scorecard. Did it with 5 penalty strokes too lmao.
  3. I’m gonna say firmer than the B RXS (65ish) but not as firm as a tp5 (90+). I’d estimate maybe low 80?
  4. I play semi regularly with a true single digit handicap, and one I play with regularly who is is high single digit. So same lol. Dont wanna say it forces me to be better, but it definitely ups my game.
  5. so... so much coffee. I SUMMON THEE TO WORK.
  6. Stormy as s*** overnight, but should move out. Though league looks like it may be sketchy tomorrow with more storms predicted (havnt checked timing yet). Good thing I got the round in sunday.
  7. Finally broke 90 on a late stormy day.
  8. Updated with a FULL 18 hole playtest now. Interesting results!
  9. Would enjoy the broke 90 badge please.
  10. So so so much this. I tend to get too quick thinking... THAT MAKE DISTNANCE. When being smoother and waiting for (to me) the kick in the backswing where the club itself almost is making the transition to going forward.
  11. When you can putt, when you cant bump it, when you cant do either of those pitch it, if none of that is an option pray to your favorite golf god and grab the 60*.
  12. I have the opposite problem. Par3's cost me the most compared to you. It helps im longer on average off the tee which is probably why I tend to do better on 4/5's 4.1(PAR 3) 5.3 (PAR 4) 6.1 (PAR 5) iron consistency has always been my biggest achilles
  13. I cant hit my neighbors stealth to save my life. Granted hes got it customized to him.
  14. Added quite a bit of playtesting, another round to follow in the next few days.
  15. Ive very thoroughly tested its ability to hit trees, thats for sure.
  16. Ok so league on tuesday didnt quite... enjoy the benefit of the mojo round that I was hoping for. I lost.... 6 balls... in the most comical of ways. randomly developed a fade... (cost 2 balls). Over drove a fairway (into a creek) that cost me (1 ball). Dropped and grabbed the wrong wedge which left me 15yds short of clearing the lake (second ball cost on the same hole). Faded another drive right and into the woods (1 more ball). Clipped a tree branch which then dropped the ball... yep right into the water. The good news was I didnt fat a single iron shot or thin one. The wedges were doing well, putting was... not bad. It was the best worst round ive played this year. A 50 with SIX penalty strokes is almost borderline impressive haha.
  17. Finally had to get my first LN2 blasting a few weeks ago. Overall he said my skin was in pretty good shape most of the damage being confined to my face / neck, everywhere else was a-ok at least.
  18. Had a new shiny toy show up saturday morning, so I of course had to break it in sunday with 90.00 worth of beer ingredients. Not cheap, but man do you get what you pay for.
  19. now two rounds under the belt. I wish I were a better golfer to give these balls their proper due.... However I am NOT. Nothing worse than getting a test thrust upon you and then utterly SHITTING THE BED, when it comes to hitting the ONE thing every golfer does... THE. DAMN. BALL. Turned it around though and it did improve my opinoin on the balls. Sour grapes aside from my own game... it wasnt a fair shake for the first go with these from me and I knew it.
  20. Played a par 3/4 course this morning. Me and my coworker both needed a mojo re-gainer round. Plus we both wanted to work on some stuff. After an absolutely abysmal round on the 4th, I found my stroke again. my mechanics are good.... when I dont rush myself. Regained that tempo that I was seriously lacking. For MY swing.. Start back swing straight away as I can... wait for the waggle at the top as the trigger... go through the ball. Hit my 3h the best Ive hit it this entire year... which with my modest swing speed ended up being ~209yd or so... now it was also a steep backstop of a green so 220 wasnt out the range of possibility. THIS though was the LIGHTBULB moment that those of us who play enough go... "ARE YOU FK*ING kidding ME?!?!?!?" and go.... my tempo was SOOOOOOOO far off till that 3h swing. Now... Im thinking... will this translate to my driver? My driver has been... pretty good lately. Till the last time I tried to hit it on the 4th of july and I didnt hit one farther than 200yd..... and that I managed, ONCE over 9 holes. No joke I could not get off the TEE box. It was brutal. So me going... "am I just rushing myself?!?" +the other thousand swing thoughts we get. Yes.... yes I was. So on this modest par 4.. I 50/50'd the ball off the top of the driver and crown.. this f****** thing still stopped at around the 250yd mark. But... Sir Ryan (you may ask yourself)... is that impressive? Yes... yes it is... im like a teens handicap so hitting it 250 even total distance not carry... is a god damn good day for us hacks. This is where it gets really fun ladies and gentlemen. My co-consipriator is a VERY new golfer... I typically play more rounds in a month than he has... (EVER). This dude... PRAISE BE UNTO SIR DARREN... Hit his driver which he is loath to do... a respectable.. 221yd (we dont mention the fact Ive seen him hit his hybrid that far).... be that as it may.. it was an absolutely beautiful draw ball flgiht.... This mother ****** then proceeds to pull out an approximately 600* wedge with a full swing and drop this ******... I dunno... 6feet from the pin on his second shot? This guy gets his FIRST BIRDIE EVER. Not only that... he straight up DUNKS me on this hole even driving the ball 30yd farther.. (I three putt as is tradition). It was frankly an AMAZING 9holes of two dudes going out and learning some stuff. He asks me questions like I have the answer and... really I dont
  21. Now that the forum is once again showing up for me... updated with my unboxing. With bonus cat pics... no seriously its totally relevant.
  22. one of these days I wont be unconscious for one of the calls.
  23. played 9 on the 4th in the mid morning. absolutely s*** the bed. couldnt get off the tee box at all. just felt all out of sorts shot over 50 for the first time this year. Wedges and putting saved me at least some sadness. Didnt help it was about 100* with 60% humidity. Miserable out.
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