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Everything posted by skraeling

  1. Best round of the year boys and girls. Started off rough. Though it was mostly because I was so sore from hitting I think an entire ranges worth of balls sunday. Took me several holes to loosen up. Had a 64ft putt that hit the pin and reject out so that was cool. Overall happy with my iron swing changes. started on hole 11, finished on 10. League shotgun start.
  2. Welp…. Golfing in 40mph wind was to say the least eventful. 5 penalty strokes from wind blowing it all over and a few of my normal errors. Set myself a new best long drive thanks to that wind haha so it wasn’t all bad I guess. Still hung on to finish +13 so same as last week. fighting the iron yips which doesn’t help. Zero confidence striking them at the moment.
  3. The new soccer stadium is nothing to sleep on either.
  4. Gonna be another windy one for league today. Temps should be amazing though.
  5. Better than my 15 year old odyssey white hot. I miss the sweet spot at all and it’ll go anywhere but where I wanted. White Hot off the green.
  6. If I tee it very low (think like an iron) or off the deck it’ll do a very consistent 210-220 for me. Slots in very well behind my driver that goes usually 230-260. But above the 3h that usually does 190-195. quite like the extra loft on it especially if the lie is downhill at all. My league course I usually don’t get to use it too often due to the ranges i typically land at. It would be too far for most second shots. It’s my bailout club if my drive goes too short or I just need that much more oomph hitting into say wind for a second that I’m not confident the 3h could reach. tldr: when I can hit it I love the damn thing.
  7. These should hold me over for many years to come. So no plans to really ever change anything for quite a while short of something breaking. Also yes… she’s a pretty one.
  8. Or as my username actually means. Skræling (Old Norse and Icelandic: skrælingi, plural skrælingjar) is the name the Norse Greenlanders used for the peoples they encountered in North America (Canada and Greenland). Top of the bag is a sim2max 10.5*. Got it used off eBay for a decent price. Has a lightweight shaft to maximize my pathetic swing speed. Down from that is a stealth 3w high launch 16.5*, and farther a sim2max 3h 19* Anyhow, I got my first fitted irons last year. Ended up in the sim2os. Went into my fitting brand agnostic (I was playing a free set of stratas). Those ended up winning. Had a cheap wedge and so grabbed two wedges off of callaway preowned that fit into the lofts at the end of my irons. Grabbed two jaws md5s at different times. They spin the ball pretty well for me and quite like how heavy they feel. Perused eBay for a putter as I had hit a mizuno in store but wasn’t going to pay 350 for it. Managed to find an essentially unused type ii Omoi for under $280. This is my third year in a golf league with my neighbors. I was always a once or twice a year player (thus free strata set) so never needed new shiny stuff. Now I play 25-30 rounds a year. Didn’t get my first birdie till I started league play and playing more often. It helped so much. I was probably a 30hcp or worse before league. Now I’m at 16-17 and it’s going lower for the most part. finally sniffed A flight this year.
  9. It really varies depending on your starting gravity (%sugar in your wort) your yeast (some are pretty slow fermenters), and temperature you are fermenting at. Some will ferment out in a few days to a week, some take weeks. So fermentation anywhere from several days to several weeks + throw in a few days to a week or so to clarifiy (if you want your beer clear) + a day to a week to carbonate. The longer you wait, the better it tastes usually.
  10. Time for another brewing session this morning. Todays style: Kolsch
  11. to add to that. my new 7i to my old tradtionally lofted strata 7i... launch angle was the same, decent was the same, spin was the same... just now it was also going 20yd farther. so loft jacking isnt the only detail just the one everyone focuses on. and mine are HILARIOUSLY strong lofted. old 7i was ~32* new 7i is uh.... 27.5* lol
  12. I even use iron covers *ducks*. I cant afford a new set and intend to keep these for many many years. As they are out of production, I cant easily replace one. But But Skraeling sir... you slow up play! Lol no. I know what club ill need from yardage. Grab club and as im walking to the ball pull it off and tuck the cover into my pocket. Take shot. While walking back put it on. It adds 0 time.
  13. I’ve never carried a 60* myself. without knowing what your actual gaps are it’s hard to say. I had a 4h. Dumped both it and my sets 5i as they were redundant.
  14. welp 48 in league. not my best effort. ended the day with an ocho after losing two balls on the same hole... into the same creek (went in after that little s*** though). couldnt get any putts to drop so had a lot of tap in 3 putts (brutal). lost one findable drive somewhere so ate a penalty there. obliterated a 3w farther than I expected... hit it too long and... ate a penalty there too. overall brutal day lol. Not to make excuses but Im blaming it on running a 5k the day before. Gonna have to switch my workout days to after golf instead. Its new to me to be hitting balls far enough (above average for my hcp anyway) now to actually have to worry about... maybe I should club down for this next shot. good news though is my iron striking was vastly better than the week before so that helped make up for the other potato moves. tldr: tired and sore as hell from exercise day before, completely mismanaged the course, paid for it with more penalty shots than Ive ever had in a single round.
  15. mmm tuesday. that means golf league day. I maybe shouldnt have run (use that term loosely) 3mi yesterday. A bit sore, but I should be alright. My Dad is back in town as well so I once again will challenge his honor during league. So far I am up 1 on him. He ... didnt have a great round the first week of league and I barely did.
  16. golf Galaxy probably just stopped carrying it themselves then.
  17. Don’t think the camo c130 is being sold in 2023. Can’t see any at my local golfgal online anyway. I’ll poke around the floor next time I’m there see if they got any around
  18. With the price of clubs now… monogamy. That said it’s been a fruitful relationship. I did have a very old odyssey white hot that I referred to as white hot crap. Pretty sure it’s the worst insert putter I’ve ever owned.
  19. I did the usual mistake of during scramble asking my neighbor hey... Can i hit that? (phrasing) I hit it and just ... f****** wrecked the ball. Had to buy one lol. It honestly fit surprisingly well into my bag. fell into a good spot between my 10.5* driver and 19* 3h. Granted... thats how I ended up with the 3h too haha.
  20. im roughly seven sheets to the wind at the moment. why I asked. my current 3w is a stealth HL at ~16.5*... the thing just f****** smashes.
  21. Not my tractor was assisting a neighbor with it. Unsure of what it’s used for. Was sweet though looks pretty good for a 20 year old eh?
  22. Ok so think I mostly solved my iron duffs. only took me 80 balls to figure out I was looking up before impact . Striking issue mostly solved. Find out next week if it actually is. maybe I’ll hit the range again Sunday to confirm haha.
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