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    Wheelieb got a reaction from EnderinAZ in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Well yesterday I learned a valuable lesson in building this dang shed. It is not as easy as our small shed and getting the roof on is a lot more work than it should be. So I have to finish the roof today and it will be placed on its final resting spot to be the coop for the chickos. Going to try to get to the range afterwards. Hope everyone has a great day. 
  2. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from cksurfdude in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Well yesterday I learned a valuable lesson in building this dang shed. It is not as easy as our small shed and getting the roof on is a lot more work than it should be. So I have to finish the roof today and it will be placed on its final resting spot to be the coop for the chickos. Going to try to get to the range afterwards. Hope everyone has a great day. 
  3. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from ZJeb67 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Well yesterday I learned a valuable lesson in building this dang shed. It is not as easy as our small shed and getting the roof on is a lot more work than it should be. So I have to finish the roof today and it will be placed on its final resting spot to be the coop for the chickos. Going to try to get to the range afterwards. Hope everyone has a great day. 
  4. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Cfhandyman in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Well yesterday I learned a valuable lesson in building this dang shed. It is not as easy as our small shed and getting the roof on is a lot more work than it should be. So I have to finish the roof today and it will be placed on its final resting spot to be the coop for the chickos. Going to try to get to the range afterwards. Hope everyone has a great day. 
  5. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Josh Parker in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Well yesterday I learned a valuable lesson in building this dang shed. It is not as easy as our small shed and getting the roof on is a lot more work than it should be. So I have to finish the roof today and it will be placed on its final resting spot to be the coop for the chickos. Going to try to get to the range afterwards. Hope everyone has a great day. 
  6. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from EasyPutter in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Well yesterday I learned a valuable lesson in building this dang shed. It is not as easy as our small shed and getting the roof on is a lot more work than it should be. So I have to finish the roof today and it will be placed on its final resting spot to be the coop for the chickos. Going to try to get to the range afterwards. Hope everyone has a great day. 
  7. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from rkj427 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Well yesterday I learned a valuable lesson in building this dang shed. It is not as easy as our small shed and getting the roof on is a lot more work than it should be. So I have to finish the roof today and it will be placed on its final resting spot to be the coop for the chickos. Going to try to get to the range afterwards. Hope everyone has a great day. 
  8. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from sirchunksalot in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Well yesterday I learned a valuable lesson in building this dang shed. It is not as easy as our small shed and getting the roof on is a lot more work than it should be. So I have to finish the roof today and it will be placed on its final resting spot to be the coop for the chickos. Going to try to get to the range afterwards. Hope everyone has a great day. 
  9. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to ZJeb67 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Happy Sunday All!
    Up with the pups, coffeed and ready for the day. We're out of town now and the calculations in my head to see if I can get home in time for a late 9 is making my brain overheat.  Best to just enjoy the day and see how things wind up.
    I think a plan is just a list of things that don't happen.  - The Way of the Gun (2000)

  10. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to William P in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good Sunday morning Spies!
    Up earlier than usual again today but this time it is to head up to Wolfe City and meet @RoverRick for a round at Web Hill CC. Looking forward to it as we haven't been able to get together for a round since the tournament earlier in the summer.
    Hope all effected by Helene are doing better this morning and have utilities restored. The wind and flood damage have definitely wreaked havoc in areas.
    Everyone have a great day and keep 'em in the short grass.
  11. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to Byrnzee in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning Spies!
    Up extra early this morning as the dog was pacing by the bed, which sometimes leads to throwing up. Luckily got him out for a nice, little walk and he seems fine for now. Will keep an eye on him for the next hour or so before I get ready to head to my morning tee time.
    Didn't sleep great - I think the combination of a soda on the drive home from Notre Dame, riding the high from the Irish win, and getting the new P7CBs unboxed and ready for the round today had my heart rate a little too high for good rest. Oh well, we'll survive.
    Hope to catch the end of the Presidents Cup after my own golf adventures. Fingers crossed for a fun finish. Will likely finish off the day watching the Bills game tonight as long as I can keep my eyes open for it. 
    @slash25rc hope that you get power back soon and things get cleared up. Glad that you and your family are safe. Hope that any others affected by the storm are as well.
    Have a great Sunday everyone and if you're lucky enough to be golfing, hit 'em straight! ⛳
  12. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to RoverRick in The Good Morning Thread   
    Well I had to get up and make a few work phone calls and now can catch a couple of hours sleep before heading over to play golf with @William P  I’m looking forward to this. 

    My game and body feel the best in a couple of years, so that just adds to the excitement. 
  13. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to BIG STU in The Good Morning Thread   
    Had a nice day yesterday got plenty of laughs watching tourist idiots. When we play we take our time and are not in a hurry. Not slow but not in a rush either. We rested and let these 2 guys through and I guess they were in a hurry. After we let them through they started doing stuff like agonizing over every shot and lining up putts like they were in a Tour Event. They ended up holding us up. Took a rest stop and let this one guy through. Dressed to the nines with a Scotty and fancy cover. He was arrogant as heck. was mad at the 2 guys said slow play pissed him off. He said he had to get back to the Motel to take the wife and kids out. What was funny those guys never let him through. On the next tee he mentioned he was in a hurry. He said something about I was having trouble. I told him no I was fine. He asked if we were in a hurry? I told him naah we lived here and I was a member so we played as much as we wanted to. OMG that ticked him off. I saw on 9 he skipped those guys and went straight to 10. We took an extended break on the turn and caught those guys on 16 anyhow. We still made our lunch time and had a great meal. Came home and I worked the dinner off cleaning up storm debris. Was tired in a good way last night and slept good.
    This morning up early and well rested. We have a tee time at 7 for the Sunday bunch at my course. 
  14. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to Indy_Oz in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good afternoon Spies!
    Nice start to the day. A few spots of rain, but at least the strong winds from Helene appear to have left us in Indiana. Plenty of trees and tree limbs down around our village. Fall limb and brush collection on Monday, so well timed for once.
    Dog walked, farmer's market done and squeezed in an hour on the sim this morning. More time trying to figure out carry distances (as well as other shot stats) for the new P770s. Unfortunately, the sim seemed to be reading a lot lower than they should have been. Maybe RCT balls would have given more realistic numbers.  Different sim bay to yesterday. Guess I'll just have to figure it out on the fly on course, if weather and course conditions allow a round tomorrow morning. If I don't play, I'll get to a range or sim again.
    Family stuff for the rest of today, as kids' sports are cancelled due to sports field's being rather waterlogged and flooded.
    Have a great weekend all. For those in the path of Helene, I hope you and yours are safe and well.
  15. Sad
    Wheelieb reacted to slash25rc in The Good Morning Thread   
    Just wanted to give an update as I was just now able to get service about an hour from the house on a supply run with a neighbor. Western NC was devastated by hurricane Helene and it will be some time before we have power, water, much less WiFi, and road access where we are. Hopefully the trees can be cut on our road tomorrow or Monday to make way for crews to get power back on. We have a tree on the house but no major damage that I can see.  Others have not been as lucky. Our biggest issue is not being able to get vehicles out of the drive due to those down in the roadway. The hardest part with that is having an 18 month old and trying to get ice and food for her but hopefully will find some soon. Stay safe out there and prayers for all affected 

  16. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to chisag in The Good Morning Thread   
    ... Not just editing, they are scripted. 🙄

    ... I have dedicated my entire adult life to just such a proposition. 😎
  17. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to fixyurdivot in The Good Morning Thread   
    Yikes...what a mess 😲.  The pictures of the two kids walking so close to the collapsed road with gushing water below is concerning.  Hope all our spies in the area are okay.
  18. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to Shankster in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning -  I hope everyone in the path of that wicked storm is doing ok.  News and social media posts I saw doesn’t look good.  
    Daughters Senior Day Cross Country meet today.  Can’t wait to see how she does.
    Have a great day everyone.  This is a 3 cup day.
  19. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to jbern in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning! Had an early start to this busy Saturday. Had my workout before making eggs and sausage for breakfast. Then we got one kid to gymnastics practice and another to a soccer game. Now we’re getting ready to go to my brothers in Findlay, OH for his kid’s first birthday party! Should be a fun one. 
    Have a good day everyone!
  20. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to EasyPutter in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning MGSpies on a late to weigh in post having a quiet morning - up early to feed the corgis then back to bed for extra rest only possible on weekends.  Yesterday was a long planned day at Chautauqua Golf Club played the Lake Course this time which hasn't been available and had to play the Hill Course for the last few times playing there.  We stopped to see the Marmaduke monument in Brocton where cartoonist Brad Anderson grew up and lived his life.  Weather was excellent with high overcast no doubt northern reaches of Helene well to the south.  

    We gave the Ghost Golf GT-14 Oreo bag a good run having moved all my contents from C130 to the GT-14 the day before and Jim's @The1C3man C130 right next to it like an experiment constant to see directly the differences.  The only less than ideal part of the day was the Starter bringing my bag of Oreo's to us after I had left them precariously on top of the other Oreo bag before heading to the tee box.

    House jobs today are the main event and hope golf is a part of your day.
  21. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to cnosil in The Good Morning Thread   
    I love a good conspiracy theory, but I do believe the moon landings were real.   
    I do think part about the presidents cup/professional wrestling and the commentators are the same.  Brandel, Paul, or whomever they put in the chair are there to play a role and take a perspective and generally on the opposite sides so they can discuss.   Those perspectives are there to force the viewers to take a side and position on a topic.   No different than how they edit reality TV shows.   Everyone on TV is cast into a role to provide entertainment to the viewer.  
  22. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Byrnzee in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All, 
    With the trip to Peru almost a week away, the final touches are being completed for the shed to be out for the chickens today for their coop. This is going to be an exciting but draining week, so I may not be playing until after we get back. Would have taken the clubs, but we have so much we are going to be doing while there that it was difficult to find a time slot to get to a course to play. President’s cup got flipped on its head yesterday when the Americans decided to leave their game at the team house. That makes this interesting. For me, time to head out to do the house work. Hope everyone has a great day. 
  23. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Byrnzee in The Good Morning Thread   
    David Feherty
  24. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Byrnzee in The Good Morning Thread   
    Story I read about Tom Kim and Scottie was that they play money matches all the time in Texas. So I think you’re pretty spot on with your assessment. But I will counter that with this year, the presidents cup has really peaked my interest. 
  25. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from BIG STU in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All, 
    With the trip to Peru almost a week away, the final touches are being completed for the shed to be out for the chickens today for their coop. This is going to be an exciting but draining week, so I may not be playing until after we get back. Would have taken the clubs, but we have so much we are going to be doing while there that it was difficult to find a time slot to get to a course to play. President’s cup got flipped on its head yesterday when the Americans decided to leave their game at the team house. That makes this interesting. For me, time to head out to do the house work. Hope everyone has a great day. 
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