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  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
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  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
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  • Biggest Strength
    Short Game
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  1. I am using quarters to experiment with back-weighting. The cost is about $.25 a weight haha. Quarter weighs 6 grams each. I went with 4 to start and messed around. They do lighten the feel for sure. Plus I like being able to take them off. Using electrical tape to attach them.
  2. Already carry the Tour B Xs they are a great ball:) looking forward to trying the mindsets!!
  3. I do something like the clock. I have a knee, hip and shoulder shot. Which is essentially a 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 for all my clubs up to 58-9 iron. Same swing just different loft. So with the 4 wedges and the 9 iron it gives me 15 different shots from inside 100. Most of them land on the 20, 30, 40, 50 etc. If split grip gives me a different flight of splits those carry distances, I would have 30+ options inside 100. I take those and write them on a note card with each yardage. So I know when I have a 30 yard carry to roll out to 35, I take my approach wedge to my hip and let er rip tater chip:)
  4. I have been playing with this grip. I hurt my hip and cannot get through on my shots so I am trying to groove my swing back. My plan with this is to go through my bag and map carry distance for all these shots. If they fall in between my gaps, I am going to practice those. Especially if it works on wedges. Would be great to have a 45 yard carry that is pretty automatic
  5. Here are a couple articles I read on it. The second one gives the rule of thumb for swing weights. https://pluggedingolf.com/can-swing-weight-affect-performance-golf-myths-unplugged/ https://www.golfalot.com/equipment-news/guide-to-swingweight-2907.aspx
  6. I think 2-3 grams is on the head of the club on the butt end I think it is more like 6 or 7. Each quarter is 6 grams, so I added 24 grams plus the tape.
  7. Hey all, I read an article about Jack Nicklaus and how he liked a lower swing weight in a heavier club so I started messing with my clubs to add and subtract weight. I was struggling with everything going left so first I added lead tape to the toe of most of my clubs. What I found for me was one piece of lead tape moved my trajectory to the right about 3 yards (right handed). So I added more lead tape to see if I could center the shot in the middle on my launch monitor. I added but what I found was the more I added the heavier the club felt and it messed with spin quite a bit. My assumption is all the lead tape changed the MOI too much. So after testing adding too much weight to the end of the club created a feel I did not like, and spin that was too low to hold a green. With that I was on to the quarters. I started looking to counter balance my club, but all the options I found required removing my grip or drilling holes in the grip. I didn’t want to spend a ton of money on testing so I landed on electrical tape and quarters for the first test. I taped 4 quarters to my irons and hybrid for testing. What I found was the club felt much more balanced in my hands and almost forced me to delay my release. It is amazing what adding about 24 grams to the end of my club did. I am excited to see if this is just temporary or if it is in my head. I don’t have a swing weight to measure how much I changed, but my guess is I am around D0 instead of D2 since I googled my Stealths to see what swing weight they usually sit at. Also I figure worse case I will always have money for the vending machine in my clubs if I need it. Anyone else mess with their swing weights?
  8. Come here to tell you I got the smoke blue in the previous model LTDx LS and it draws awesome. Looks like you had the same experience.
  9. I need to check out other states. Wisconsin is shut down for too long hehe.
  10. These new grips sound like the golf pride cp2 grips. I have a set on my old clubs and love them. I switched to +4s and regret not spending the extra on them. They were so durable and soft.
  11. Didn’t play well again, but was playing with a guy who was a wounded warrior (missing eye). Was awesome to hear his story and kind of forgot I was playing in a golf tournament.
  12. I just found out about these this summer and am hooked. I play in my third tournament on Sunday. Hoping I get out of my head and actually shoot a score. Shot a 99 last time out and am usually in the 80s. Just get a little in my head but it is an amazing time with fellow vets.
  13. I wonder if the grips Bryson Dechambeau uses would help. Jumbo max is the brand. They have a grip selector. Now I might have to buy one and try on my test driver. I wonder if ridiculous grips would work lol
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