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Old Sarge 7997

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Everything posted by Old Sarge 7997

  1. I have favored putters with adjustable weights for a couple years, so choosing the weight of a LAB instrument had me a bit hesitant. I've tried their Mezz Max in standard and heavy and a DF3 in heavy. I feel like the extra weight helps keep me smoother in the stroke and using the bigger muscles instead of the smaller ones and getting "handsy". However, with both the DF3 and the others, I began to feel like it was getting difficult to adjust stroke speed to shorter putts with the flag in the hole, as most of my league buddies like it in. I'm afraid to hit the ball so hard that it ricochets off sideways if it doesn't hit the flag dead center and drop. Even had a few hit the flag off-center and lip out whereas they would likely have dropped without the flag being there. So, I took LAB up on their weight adjustment option and the DF3 is en route to the factory to reduced to standard and rebalanced. Meantime I am using a center-shaft PXG Battle Ready II Bat Attack with 10 extra grams in the head above standard weight and a 50 gram SuperStroke counter weight in the grip, and with both putters I grip down to where my trail hand (bottom) thumb is about 1" above the end of the grip, unless I have a cross-country lag putt, in which case I stand more upright and lengthen the pendulum accordingly.
  2. Thursday and Friday there are morning waves and afternoon waves that swap so the early guys Thursday get more recovery time that night, by luck of the draw, (which also IMHO should also be a stat kept by the tours so the same folks don't always get assigned to one wave or the other, but as close to evenly split as reasonably possible), but the chances of finding a fairway divot is almost even, taken as an average, comparing who and how many players went out in front of you each day. That said, the folks who barely made the cut get way fewer divots on Saturday morning than the leaders later that day exactly because the barely-mades are out there MAKING them before the leaders even get there shoes on. Likewise on Sunday with whoever fell to the bottom of last page of leader board Saturday evening vs leaders. We hear about "protecting the field" and "you're entitled to the lie you had before your playing partner messed it up" (both balls in same bunker and splash of sand from player 1 covers player 2's ball, etc.), well, why not apply this same logic / line of reasoning to the divot issue? Obviously, raking a bunker is much faster than waiting for a fairway divot to sprout the seeds in the sand mix and grow into real mowable turf that hides the fact a divot was ever in that spot, but why not roll the ball to the rear of that divot like folks do on the range and treat the divot as the GUR it truly is? And not just for elite am's and pro's but EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE?!?!? Especially where the lie of the fairway landing area is sloped to create a funnel effect that gathers drives into a smaller dispersion pattern, so even if you aim your drive to the edge to avoid Divotville, thereby risking trouble, you still might ending up renting sub-surface parking for a few minutes until your next turn to play!
  3. I tried that link and my security software said it is a known dangerous site, so I stopped right there. Thanks anyway for the suggestion.
  4. Gonna try my new DF3 today with the rear hole perfectly sized to grab a ball if within gimme range. If I sink the putt, I have a folding grabber screwed to the butt of the grip to save my back that way too. Now if I could figure out how to remotely plant a tee in the ground, tee the ball, then pick up the tee without bending over ... ?!?!?!?!? Might have to trek down to the PGA Merch Show to find such a gadget ?!
  5. Maybe their photo shoot schedules would never align for them to both visit BJ simultaneously.
  6. Beeeyyyoooteefuulll !!! Do you or anyone you know who also uses the DF2.1 use that rear notch as a ball picker-upper ?
  7. Maybe "Bluser", a mash-up of Blue and Laser ? Or "Bluzer"?
  8. As I understand their tech, and I've bought 2 Mexx Max's and a DF3 from them, so I've read their stuff thoroughly ... cutting the shaft down would throw off the balancing they do at build time, and also brooms have a more upright lie angle than standard style putters, which is accounted for in the machining of the head, so to adjust it would require bending the shaft, possibly damaging it. Their balancing process takes into account the length and weight of the shaft as well as the weight of the grip ordered, plus the lie angle, so if any 1 of these variables changes, the harmonious interaction of them is negatively affected.
  9. I wanted to check the status of my DF3 order and found it not showing in my order history, emailed them and was told they had a server switchover or something like that and a few things did not transfer smoothly, but a day later my order was showing, so maybe your video got caught up in that turmoil.
  10. For me, intimidating .... the one I am on at the moment LOL! Look forward to, probably 12, as there was a local family-owned course near me, sadly now closed and overgrown, that had a couple replica holes, Augusta 12 being one of them. They also had 7 from Pebble.
  11. Why would playing DQ someone from being a patron in later years?
  12. Tirico is good, but not for a golf analyst job .... that would be like replacing a F1 car with something you could buy with a 500 credit score on a car lot that was vacant when the military base next door all deployed, like Fayetteville NC when most of Fort (then) Bragg (now Liberty) deployed to Desert Shield / Storm. Both would get you from A to B, but F1 is sooo specialized in its tech requirements, and requisite driver skill set, that a generic vehicle just won't suffice.
  13. Fluff Cowan? Or is he too old to travel that much and climb the stairs into the towers? Bones was great but he's doing well with JT, don't expect them to split soon ...
  14. Anybody know if the sole weights are glued in, or fastened in some other way that makes them a PITA to remove? The similar weights in my Paradym hybrids came out easily with tapping on the floor after the screw was removed. Hoping to reduce swing weight to add club head speed for next season (pretty much done here in northern Finger Lakes region of NY, unless you count indoor simulators). Anybody who have successfully removed these fairway weights, how did you do it? Thanks in advance!
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