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About schmen082

  • Birthday 08/23/1982

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Northern Indiana
  • Interests
    Golf!!!! Comic books and pop culture in general (yep I'm a kid in my 40s) and spending time with my children and wife.

Player Profile

  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
  • Biggest Weakness
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. Good afternoon fellow forum members, I've noticed a big trend the last couple of years that I'm sure you are all aware of, and many even participate in: playing music out loud while playing golf. At first I wasn't sure what I would think about this. I walk 90+% of my rounds (only ride if the 5 year old desperately wants me to drive a cart). When I am playing I will inevitably come across a group that is playing music. It isn't loud necessarily, but it's there. What do you guys think of this? Are you okay with it? Do you do it yourself? Do you follow any kind of etiquette with playing music? (Turn it down around others or only play certain music, etc.). I don't do it myself, but I'm not the least bit bothered by it during my rounds.....having said that, I can see how people might be. What are your thoughts community? Thanks
  2. I have a question for my fellow forum members. How do you balance family life and golf life? I've found this to be a challenge at times. I have a 10 year old and a 5 year old. The 10 year old comes out with me sometimes, but she doesn't love that I walk every round so the 9 holes may get cut short from time to time. I have this weird thing where I feel like I need to "earn" my golf time. I'm a teacher so I have a little more time now than I normally would. I do laundry, dishes, cleaning, and anything else the house needs everyday to justify my "free time" at the course (my wife doesn't mind that part!!). The downside is that sometimes I'm WIPED OUT by the time I hit the course. I'm interested to hear what all of you do to try to balance your passion for your hobby and your family.
  3. I'm really liking the responses so far!! It's hard to find time for competitive golf. It's a dream of mine and I'll keep moving toward it if I can, but I also have a 5 year old and a 10 year old which brings challenges. I brought the 10 year old with me tonight (we walk which didn't sit well with her after 4 holes) and it makes concentrating a bit difficult at times. I figure if I can learn to score with those distractions that maybe I can try competitive golf again in a few years.
  4. I'm curious as to what are some of the career aspirations of the various forum members. I just signed up for this forum in March and I really enjoy reading about others experiences. I'll be 42 in August. I've been a single digit handicap for the last 27 years. I've been a scratch for the last 3 years. It's a pipe dream, but I want to qualify for a pro event someday. At this rate I'm looking more toward senior competition. What about the rest of you? Play for fun, competition, or both?
  5. Definitely tucked!!!! This is a tradition to the game that I enjoy. Untucked looks sloppy. It doesn't matter how good of physical shape you are in. When I see a player on the course with an unlucked shirt I immediately think this person doesn't care. I 100% know that isn't true, bit it's a feeling I get. There is a guy at my course who owns his own cart, wears basketball shorts and t shirts exclusively. When he swings his whole belly comes out of his shirt. YEAH I DON'T want to see that. Tuck it in. Show some class. To be fair, I've never tried the untucked shirts that are made to be untucked. They are probably super comfortable, but in my opinion they aren't for being on the course. People will disagree and that's okay. Having said all of that, I don't despise people who untuck. I just prefer a more professional look.
  6. I walk with a push cart for EVERY round I play. I use a Titleist Cart 14 golf bag that I purchased last year. It's a midsize-ish cart bag with enough room for all of my essentials, but also light enough that I can easily move it from trunk to house to range to wherever if I don't want to use my cart. I had a stand bag up until last year. The main reason I changed it out was because my push cart didn't like the stand and it often wouldn't allow the bag to seat itself all the way down on the bottom of the cart. I would sometimes have to adjust the bag 3, 4, 5, or more times per round and it got very annoying. My cart bag sits perfectly and never moves out of position during my round!
  7. I've tried Bridgestone in the past, but not since about 2015 or so. I'm excited for the opportunity to try them again.
  8. I'm going to be the outlier here. I would prefer tickets. The ONE TIME experience may be great, but stepping foot on the grounds and seeing the course changes each year as well as the best players in the world duking it out year after year is too hard to pass up. If the weather is bad on that ONE round or if I somehow forget how to hit a golf ball (im a 0.2, but everyone has bad days), then it's possibly ruined. If the weather is terrible in 2024, then it's okay because I get to go back in '25, '26, '27, etc. Being a witness to true history in the making means more to me than ONE singular round of golf ever could. I know it's not the popular choice, but it's my choice.
  9. I use a Garmin Approach G80. This device gives me accurate yardages and allows me to move the flagstick around on my display to adjust for front, middle, and back locations. Also, it gives me a "low cost" launch monitor option. I use it on the range to look at swing speed and ball speed during practice sessions to determine how well swing changes or fixes are working. I'm a 0.2 handicap and I'm satisfied with the information my G80 provides.
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