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Everything posted by westy

  1. So in a weird twist, which by raising ensures imminent floods, we are currently In One of the driest periods for years in uk (at least down south anyway). Ground is cracking, courses are running fast and greens are firm. Frankly courses are playing really hard as a result. Now it is still the UK so it's still not warm! But it makes a change from our usual rain. hope the spring finally appears for golfers across the Atlantic
  2. You just don't get toothy reptiles in the UK.....which in my books is a good thing! Had the opportunity to play Royal Porthcawl (Wales) a few weeks back, it'll be hosting the British Seniors Open later in the year and is a wonderful old school links course. Worth the trip for overseas visitors looking for a real test. So have a putt on a putting green, with surf crashing close by, that was so fast that my first 3 putts missed the green. Then walk to this first tee shot..... No doubt the seniors will manage some great scores off the back pegs, off the yellows I was chuffed to bits with 79.
  3. westy

    is Tiger Done?

    It's a real shame that we couldn't have had a few more years of Tiger competing, to see him stare down some of the young guns would be great - let's be honest how many majors might Els, Mickleson, Singh, Garcia etc have if Tiger hadn't psyched them out? 4 back ops though, with this one a fusion? The scar tissue in and around those crucial lumbar discs will be a huge hindrance, could he win with a 3/4 swing and get his short game and putting back? No. Every week there are 30 players who could win, all class acts. In some ways though it's good not to have the will he play nonsense before the rest of the majors this season.
  4. First win at a men's open for years today; windy old day and scoring poor but was a bit surprised to see off 87 players. St 6th last week in club championship was my highest ever finish. Now to get that handicap going in the right direction again (SLDR in the bag has meant fairways hit stat is awesome - also put my old Never Compromise back in the bag and it's a weapon from 6 feet)
  5. We had a 12 shoot 67 over Easter, think it was an issue with him being new to club or country - think he'd told us he was pretty good!
  6. Slightly surprised yesterday to find I was now off scratch..... Which would be great if it was correct! Investigations suggest an epic IT fail somewhere - finger pointing at slightly elderly handicap secretary pressing the wrong button.
  7. Pretty much the same in the UK, but we can (hcp 6 and above) enter additional scores as long as they are played at a course your a member of with someone signing your card.
  8. First comp off the back pegs of the year yesterday, started out cold and wet and ended cold and sunny! Course was very damp, preferred lies in place. Made two bad swings with the 3 wood, and another with the hybrid ( quickly ping I need that crossover!) cost me doubles. But in truth it was poor decision making - should have hit mid iron for position. Anyway 81 not a disaster, but when you make 12 GIR pars it ain't great. But back held up, although walking like an old man today.
  9. here we go, first day of season. 45 f and raining....

    1. Kenny B

      Kenny B

      Sounds like here 3 weeks ago; now 75 f and breezy

    2. westy


      Oh if only I thought England would be like that in 3 weeks!

  10. 79 whacks, shockingly average at times. Ground out back nine. 1 double, 6 bogeys and 11 pars. Not sure how I broke 80 - no birdies in round makes it tough.
  11. 79 and 77 on Sunday, solid but managed to make three 7's in two rounds. A quad, a treble and a double. Couple of lost balls being to aggressive and an unfortunate incident involving a bunker rebound on to my chest (oops). Shame as I was 2 shots off third and 4 off second. Still compared with 6 weeks ago it's a huge improvement.
  12. Yesterday saw me filling my boots with a morning comp at my home course, 78 whacks (38 putts.... 3 lip outs did the full 180 back to me, after the second you just have to laugh). But super steady long game day which was nice. The afternoon was at a course 6 miles away for their once a year comp off the tips at 7650 yards. Aside from losing a ball that'd become an old friend ( it was 49 holes old when I dumped into a pond) and an aberration off the 16th tee I was pleased with an 88. Given the rating of the course that was actually playing to my handicap! Played with the winner, lad off +2 who shot 76 (with a 7 at the last!). Longest putt holed in the afternoon was around 4 feet, I know where my practice need to be at the moment!
  13. 82 whacks in a monsoon today. Think I may have gone up to 7 - shame but hey I'm not playing that well. But, found a putting stroke. Gone back left hand below (as I used in the 90's) and my word they are tracking so much better..... Holed nothing much, but didn't have a birdie putt inside 20 feet - lipped out 4 times and made some great distance two putts. oh and finally stuck the ping piper tr in the bag and that bad boy is joyful off the club face. I decided against ketsch (or the Cleveland smart square TFI) mostly because I couldn't win one on this site (not grumpy about that though) and also I prefer a centre shafted putter as a rule.
  14. So I'm kind of offline in the Alps, have TM or Callaway released a driver this week? Ketsch up to 5.0 yet?

    1. Mr_Theoo


      cally yes, tm no, ketsch 3.0

    2. westy


      Oh a quiet week then!

  15. Hcp computer finally updated - 5.4. Good season

  16. Today was the best example of my game, shot 75 (4 over) but managed to hit 14 greens. My playing partners were a little blown away (2 of the missed greens were in the fringe). No birdies, 14 birdie putts and no birdies! Missed from 4 feet at the last.....putter was sooooo cold. Think I had 36 of them today. Assumed that the one on the last would cost me a decent handicap cut and the money, but no. Took division 1 by a single shot and scoring was so bad it looks like I'm going to get cut 0.6. The importance of that is, for at least one week I'm down to 5 (5.4) - the first time in 25 years of golf I've achieved it. Great way to end the season.
  17. I usually carry a couple of flapjack bars, because when I don't I start to lose concentration on the last 6. Chocolates ok, but the quick energy leads to a crash pretty quickly - same is true of energy drinks for me. So I stick to water, mind you I often have a coffee on the first tee which lasts a few holes. Not sure caffeine is a good idea but hey at 7 in the morning I need coffee.
  18. Played Friday night in a club match, finished at 8.30pm. Back at our place at 7.20 the next morning on the first tee. I think ideally I need longer between rounds that 11 hours. First tee shot topped out of the heel, rolled along the cart path and hit the marshals hut and went out of bounds. Nice double to start, but from then on hit it smooth and got up and down on the last three to shoot 74. Made some nice putts, chipped nicely and held my nerve down the stretch. Had just popped up to 7 last week so this should get me back to 6. Just wish the weather would improve - may have to trade the sticks in for an ark soon.
  19. Interesting start to the year, 87 then 84 then 77. Strangely I think I'm striking the ball worse as the scores get lower! But my word the chipping and putting is coming back nicely. Should have been better than 77 today really, but hey when don't we say that. The double at 17 hurt for sure, dumped the drive straight right into the cabbage and never saw it again. But holed a good 6 footer at the last to play to the handicap. Next round on Saturday and then first match of the season for the club on Thursday.
  20. Erm so new handicap is 6 - was aiming for 8 this season! Been a good month. Wow, going to really have to practice to play to that consistently!
  21. Winter golf really kicking in now; dark, wet and cold (not US cold of course!) So pretty damn pleased with 72 shots As always waiting for the computer to be updated but possibly down to 7.0 ; just holing puts from 5 to 10 feet that I never used to and what a difference 28 or 29 makes to having 37 or 38 which I've been used to throughout my 20 years of golf. Highlight came at the last, 25 footer that never looked anywhere else for my only birdie of the day. 3 bogies, 1 birdie and a whole load of pars. It's fun on the course at the moment
  22. Hcp computer updated.....new hcp is 7.8, lowest ever and a 1.2 cut - get in.

    1. kygolfer1980


      Nice, Congrats!!

    2. R.P. Jacobs II

      R.P. Jacobs II



      Hat's Off Westy, that's Great!


      Continued Success!


      Fairways & Greens My Friend,


    3. westy


      Erm new handicap is 6.0 , what a few weeks.


  23. Finally finished off a good start today; made three good pars down 16, 17 and 18 for a 71. That should bring the handicap down to 7.8; which once confirmed (come on hcp secretary sort the computer out!) will be my lowest ever handicap. Had an awesome day with the short stick as well, 29 putts with the cut down belly (never compromise sub 30 - fitted with fatso grip). Treating myself to a large Irish whisky to celebrate.
  24. Yep it did cost me a few £ - finished second by a shot! But my major annoyance is that i didn't get down to 8.....2 months of the year let to achieve my main goal for the season. Always frustrating when it happens, but it's helped me think about my club selection on 17 and 18 if I've got a decent round going in the future. I also came as close to a hole in one as I have since my only one so far, 4 hybrid into our 220 yard par 3 lipped out and finished 2 feet away. Only the second time in 7 years as a member of the course I've birdied the hole! Yep love to have a game Rev, geography not our friend.....but never say never. Any MGS folk get over to the UK and decide to head to Celtic Manor then drop me a line - only 30 miles from my front door.....
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