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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. For me the stretches and warmup helped a lot with the my flexibility overall so i would say yes it increased for me.
  2. I am going to redo the top end of my bag (Driver and 3 wood) and I could likely go into a heavier shaft in my irons, but right now everything still works well so that will stay. Thankfully my 2 and 4 iron have actually improved with the speed so they defintely stay!
  3. I haven't seen 10mph, but again the setup or placement of the PRGR is very important. It took me a bit, but I did find a spot where the numbers were very similar and often within a mph. They do read different the odd time here and there, but they are placed in very different spots as well so depending on the your swing path that can make sense.
  4. I believe I went over this a bit in my review, however I will gladly go over my findings here, because I started my program with the swing speed radar it is what I used as my official reference for the duration of the review and I still use it as my main one. It was great, didn't miss many swings and for the program was exactly what I wanted and needed. I did feel a bit left out and thats why I ordered the PRGR from Superspeed to see what it would be like in comparison. As far as swing speed numbers they are very similar and are often within a mph of each other. So for the sake of numbers its great, but if you only plan on using it for the training then the swing speed monitor will be more the adequate for you. I haven't used it enough with a ball to really say for sure with those features, however now that I am getting a membership somewhere I can surely tell you more soon. However more testers reviews go into that as well. I guess it depends on what you want it for, if you want those numbers then it is a great device to have and provides solid data for you to reference. It can take a bit of time to set up and may be a bit of trial and error, but I think they both are good and do the job. In the end it will more or less be again what you want to use it for! Want the extra data then get the PRGR, just using for protocols then stick with the Swing Speed Radar. Hope that helps!
  5. How I would love to have a set of these!
  6. Yes an oldy but a goodie! Ping i210 in the most wanted testing a couple years later and still not only relevant but doing very well! https://mygolfspy.com/2020-most-wanted-players-irons/
  7. Looks like Switzerland is headed for another mini lockdown and means that I think now is just as good of a time as ever to reup and fireup the Superspeed program again. Had a good break while things were picking up at work and busy, but lots of uncertainty and could be a lot more time at home again.
  8. Certainly can't hurt! @Apolloshowl for instagram.
  9. In Canada they would be available at stores such as walmart, sportchek and canadian tire. Pretty sure they are just a simply 2 piece at $16 or so a dozen
  10. It is a day earlier then expected, but for those who are needing some evening reading my review is up! Of course there will be much follow up as the program continues and expect a updated scoring on the review in the coming months when I have more rounds in! Also final note will be I am going to try and find GC quad or trackman and get a full round up of numbers then fire them off to TXG and say give me a driver since they ship worldwide and will likely be cheaper then anything I can find here in Switzerland. Thanks everyone for following along and please feel free to send any follow up if you have them. I did not post kneeling swing or step swing numbers as I figured the other data was more relevant to the review, but can go over them if so desired. Cheers!
  11. Review to drop Friday! Compiling all the data and getting some good figures for everyone.
  12. Review to drop Friday! Compiling all the data and getting some good figures for everyone.
  13. I think something I've learned through all of this is that some days are just a lot better then others. Tough to say normal or not, but there are so many factors that come into play with sleep, energy, time of day, weather or heat that there are always ups and downs. With that being said if you post a video and mention Superspeed they will often look at it and give some tips on getting a extra gear.
  14. No pictures or anything for this update, but they will come with the next. A few things to note over the last few weeks. I've been tired and sore and simply lacking a bit of overall energy. If I could put a finger on what exactly it is I would, but simply put I have not been sleeping great and there have been some added stressors in life that I believe have had a big factor in all of that. My numbers have stayed pretty close to where they have been for the last while, however the AFTER driver swings have slowed down and become a lot closer to the average and not quite seeing that peak after swings as I was before. Again I can believe this is more or less because of fatigue. It has also been HOT! and with the additional kneeling swings it has provided extra work and by the time I am done the protocols I am exhausted. Things have settled in a bit now and I am back to work for really the first time in months which is great and hoping that with this those stress' will decrease and sleep will come a bit easier and therefore speeds will pick back up a bit. One other things which was talked about before we started this as testers was to make sure we were dedicated to doing this. I will admit there have been times where its a bit tough, but have continued to plug through and get the reps in even when speeds slow or you're simply just tired. It makes such a big difference when your body is loose and you're fired up and ready to go, speeds come easier and think its a great sign for how your mindset can be going into a round of golf as well. This is a long program and a lot of work, but the results overall speak for themselves, if you want to gain speed and want to get extra yards then this is something that really needs to be considered. It is proved both on tour and at a amateur level to work and be successful. Its a journey and with it comes ups and downs, but in the end it is all worth it for those swings that the ball is mashed and you're 1-3 clubs less into a green then you were before. Looking forward to getting some short videos and photos up soon and some graphs which will show the results over the last little while.
  15. Well that sucks... As for the PRGR monitor I have liked it and it has worked for me. There is a little bit more variance with the numbers, but a lot of the time they show the same numbers for me. I have actually had the radar miss more swings recently then the PRGR. Taking your time and finding the right positioning for it is important, but it is a good little device!
  16. I have certainly been the opposite, I have felt a bit sluggish and the results have been steady. Not really any big changes and the highs certainly haven't been super high. Its a plateau that hopefully will break through. Definitely have noticed that more rotation helps or atleast what feels like more rotation, I haven't seen what effect it has on the course as of yet though.
  17. For those looking for some more content be sure to check out @SuperSpeed Golf youtube channel as they have added a ton of videos over the last few days that go over a range of topics!
  18. Been fun catching up on all the goings in and Challenges. Seems like a tricky one this week. My round tomorrow will be quite the opposite at a pitch and putt so thinking I bring putter and 2 maybe 3 clubs haha Good luck for those this weekend and interested to see how it all shakes out.
  19. Had a decent night. Seems like I am settling in a bit. Not getting those super high numbers, but do feel a bit stiff. Been a long week and not surprised at the numbers being where they are. Another hot day here so wore two gloves which helped. Did a full video which I'll edit and post in the next couple days when I have a decent internet connection!
  20. I have found others progress interesting compared to mine. Whether it was a big jump to start or a quicker plateau and so on. I found mine more gradual, in part it's because I am also learning techniques on simply swinging faster which may be in part why I see small gains here and there. I didn't notice a big sustainable jump to start off, but instead saw it close to week 4 I believe. I have also worked hard on getting small but personal bests with green in particular. My hope is that at some point I see 140. I've done 137 so it's not that far away!
  21. Kneeling swings are rough! Just a fyi do recommend the rain gloves for them. Swung good and hard and slipped a bit both grip and knee placement which did not feel good, but all is okay!
  22. This is a quick sample of some lefty and righty swings from this evening's session. It was incredibly hot out today and waiting for it to cool off before I got to them. I did this video after I completed the protocol and used the blue stick. Don't exactly remember the numbers, but left handed swings were 115 range and second right handed swing was 113. I have both the swing radar and PRGR set up, although I only base my numbers off the swing radar as that's what I started my protocols with. I got the PRGR after and use it as a back up and see how similar they are. Generally they are within 1 mph sometimes a little more, but it is reassuring to see them so close. Hope you all enjoy and I'll try to do more videos in the coming days with other views.
  23. Okay with the big move done and a lot more settled I have still managed to complete a week full of protocol with kneeling swings. Part way through week 2 now and will do what I can to make up that 2 sessions that were lost in the move. That being said I have a great area for doing them with the only downside being it's way too hot after the mornings so they need to be done early. Videos and pictures will be dropping by end of day tomorrow as well.
  24. Will have updates shortly. Made the move across the pond to mountain land and of course gold clubs and Superspeed sticks were priority and would have come carry on if they could have! These sticks have done some travel in their short time and don't a lot of good for my swing speed too! Promise I will also get some of those videos too.
  25. Other side note when I was playing last weekend I had go at a right handed drive. The quote from my playing partners was the following B- 8/10 swing and setup, 1/10 result A- I didn't even realize you were swinging the wrong way...till I saw where the ball went. So apparently the swing looks okay and it did feel good, however the hole making contact with the ball was a little troublesome. Ball went about 30 to 40 yards of the heel up the left and into the woods. So I think with some practice it could be a lot better, but my left handed game needs work too so I'll wait and work on that before I go full into working on RH swings.
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