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coachdoc's Achievements

  1. One of the somewhat unheard of golf equipment makers is WISHON. Tom Wishon is a reknown club maker his clubs have always been TOP quality and leaders in new club design and technology. Wishon Clubs are available ONLY though accredited Wishon club makers/ fitters and are not sold in retail Outlets..These Wishon Clubs should be tested and compared with the "Big Boys I know the results would shock the golf industry. Sent from my SM-N920W8 using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  2. Golfed one summer every day and went through 100 to 90's to 80's then a hiatus for many years except for an occaisional round now after 4 years of semi-regular play within a 6 month season have worked it down to a 12 hdcp..hoping to get to 9-10 hdcp this year. Sent from my SM-N920W8 using MyGolfSpy mobile app
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