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Everything posted by MIGregB

  1. I, too, think this is an incredible opportunity for the right individuals and could very possibly provide incredible feedback to equipment manufacturers as it relates to amateurs. I'm curious to see how plays out. I don't come close to qualifying for several reasons, not the least of which being that I don't participate consistently enough (frequently when time allows, not at all when it doesn't). But I do get to read most posts so I will be watching and hopeful that it's beneficial to the OEMs and great fun for the selected forum members. Good luck!!!
  2. I've been waiting for new MGS head covers for years! How cool!!! Order placed.
  3. For reasons I'm struggling to understand, my game this summer has been in the tank. My handicap has climbed by 4 strokes - ugh!!!! BUT... I am convinced it would absolutely worse if it wasn't for these terrific Vokey wedges! Looking at my approach accuracy up to 100 yards which includes approaches with all three wedges, left to right dispersion is the best I've ever had and my greens percentage is 62%. My big miss is still short at 31% which, IMHO, is from not being able to handle reasonable ball contact from the thick rough I find myself in so much (did I mention my hdcp has gone up this year???). Looking at approach of up to 75 yards which covers just the 56 and 60 wedges, I've completely eliminated left-right-long misses! ALL of those numbers, except for short, are dramatically improved over 2023! 25-to-100-yard approach accuracy 25-to-75-yard approach accuracy So, there is little doubt that I have benefited greatly from both the SM10s and the professional fitting!
  4. Because everything ran through MGS, everything took a bit longer than normal waiting for everyone to have fittings completed and specs documented. But I think mine arrived in less than 3 weeks from the time the group orders were all placed, and I was the 1st of the group to receive them. I didn't have any unusual requirements (just longer shaft and more upright lie) so maybe that helped.
  5. Just use double sided tape to fix it back on. My putters have counterweights, so I always cut off the screw and use tape. I've never had one fall off.
  6. Kind of you to ask, but not even remotely close to you!!! Though my 56.14F is money and my 60.12D is digging me out of short-sided holes that surprises even me. I'm also making friends with the 52.12F. But I still think it would be a great experiment to have someone get fitted for and test several high(er) level current wedges side-by-side. I had originally nominated you, but I'm beginning to think you can nail an old pie plate to a stick and do well with it. So instead, maybe I'll nominate.... ME!!! Now, how do I sneak $500-$600 worth of experimental club purchases past the wife???
  7. Yes, and about 15 yards in this case. I have used the pause function on occasion, but I find that I get distracted and sometimes forget to un-pause it (OTD). Probably still the best way to go. Thanks!
  8. I think Shot Scope is really nailing down consistency. After 3 rounds in the GPS & Track mode (no scoring), it hasn't missed a shot. I still need to find better a "process", though, that doesn't unnecessarily tag a club when I'm off to the side taking warm-up swings. The best example is that our league has a few young guys that play from longer tees, but I'm up next from shorter tees. To help prepare for my shot and speed things up, I swing off to the side of the longer tees, but SS tags that warm-up swing as real. Easy to correct post round, but the specific spot on the correct tee box is often difficult to choose due to shadowing on the overhead view when editing. Anyway, it's just a minor issue.
  9. I did play again yesterday and have to agree, battery life isn't better, at least in any substantial way. But the GPS lock has been the best I've ever experienced... well, with 2 different courses after a factory reset anyway. I'll be back at my league course on Tuesday, and then some other course, TBD, on Thursday. I'm anxious to see it the fast-lock continues. Thanks!
  10. That is a VERY interesting question and, quite frankly, one that I've been trying to decide myself. There is absolutely no doubt that the professional fitting has had a big impact on performance. The specs on all three wedges are quite different from my previous set-up which I really liked; well, except for the GW which I'll talk more about in a bit. And without someone suggesting to me/telling me that I needed something different, I was happy enough with the SM9s that I would have been leery of changing. I know being professionally fit costs money, $100 in this case. And whether through obstinance or simply being cheap, I wouldn't have done it if I was on my own. But this test has absolutely convinced me that you are doing yourself a disservice if you don't get fit at least at milestone purchases (changes due to aging, physical health, major equipment upgrades, etc.). I also know finding a good fitter is a question, but it's one that gets covered frequently on other MGS threads so you can find some guidance there. But based on comments/reports from @HeathS16, @snoopy79, and @Chubbs1991 as well as my own experience, you can be confident that Titleist certified fitters are outstanding. I would expect that certified fitters from the other major OEMs would be as well, albeit not brand agnostic. I am so enamored with the 56.14F that I tend to grab it first in most situations. I am also becoming more and more confident with the 60.12D. In fact, these two are performing so well for me that I've developed a new "problem" that I need to address. I'm getting so much spin on longer shots that I need to learn how take spin off; I have NEVER had that problem before! So... back to the gap wedge. I've always used a set GW and none of them have ever been a particularly consistent performer for me, so I was anxious to try out the Vokey. Unfortunately, I'm still not doing great with the 52.12F, although it is better than before. I've even been toying with the idea of catching up with my fitter, preferably in person, to see if he has any thoughts. I apologize for this lengthy reply; no one has ever accused me of being brief! But coming full circle to your initial question, I feel even stronger about the 56- and 60-degree wedges, they are terrific! But I have work to do on the 52.
  11. I'm finally back home and have another round in. The SM10.56 has become my go-to club in lots of bunker and around-the-green situations, so I've taken closer pics of that club in an attempt to show nickel finish face wear; and it is a bit more than I first thought. I took several pics trying to show contrast the best I could. It seems bit more wear on the face than the bottom, which is where you'd expect. That's not a complaint, it's an observation. It's nothing that bothers me at all, but it's for you to decide what you think. I hope these help.
  12. I did get a chance to/had to try out the rain mode yesterday. It's not the easiest thing to navigate to once rain starts because, well... the watch face isn't responsive in the rain. But all shots recorded properly. Since it was my 1st time using the feature, I was fumbling around trying to find the trigger, but that'll get better over time. On second thought, I hope it NEVER gets better over time since that means that I have to use it a lot!!! Also, I'm cautiously optimistic that battery life has been improved with this update, even if it's indirectly. Since there were lots of storm clouds in the area and it was generally overcast on the heavily wooded course (Huron Breeze in Au Gres for those who know the area), I was expecting the battery to be around 50% for the 9 holes where it has often been under such conditions. But after the update, the battery was at 67%. Maybe there was just general GPS signal capture improvement (I made up that function ) because where it often took up to several minutes to find the course, it was only seconds yesterday, and that was on a factory reset watch with new firmware. I'm playing 18 tomorrow at a course 35 miles away from the last one and I'll report back on how everything goes. Hopefully I WON'T have to test out the rain mode again!!
  13. I totally agree! I really wasn't expecting a big improvement for me since I was already playing SM9s, but there was. I don't doubt that the professional fitting and proper wedge/grind selections play a big role in that improvement, but the SM10s are terrific! I think a really interesting member's test, even on their own, would be to get hold of a couple other highly regarded wedges, like the TaylorMade MG4, Cleveland RTX6 Zipcore, Mizuno S23, etc. and do their own head-to-head. Someone like @HeathS16 who has ready access to Trackman facilities could have a lot of fun with that! The hardest part would be getting those other wedges properly fit just to be sure the test is fair.
  14. Found it!! I rushed through accumulated emails when I got back and it didn't register that the title "Rain mode and dual greens available X5" was a firmware update. Not sure what I thought it could have been since those functions were not currently on the X5, but I just blew past the email. Coincidentally enough, I'll probably get my 1st opportunity to test out the rain mode this afternoon. Seems we've pissed off ol' man weather somehow as there's only been one or two Tuesdays this entire year where rain wasn't in the forecast in mid-Michigan, and today's no exception. Thanks again!
  15. Thank you! I did get way behind on emails, but I don't remember one from SS. I'll have to dig through my deleted folder find it.
  16. Just got back from nearly 3 weeks away and unable to play golf, so I turned on my X5 to check for course updates & charge the watch. I was surprised with a firmware update, ver 2.2.0. Anyone have any info on it??
  17. Like others have said, things change. I've used iron covers for travel most of my life being sure to remove them as I took them out to play, just to keep the ridicule to a minimum. I was at a charity scramble a few weeks ago and saw several of the Millennial crowd proudly rocking them, including my nephew. When I asked him about them, he sighted everything from protecting his new beauties to hating the clanging as the cart rolled over bumps. Surprised the heck out of me!!
  18. I also grip left hand low, but being a righty, that's my lead hand. Putting, more than any other golf stroke, is highly individualized so it doesn't surprise me there are so many variations of grips.
  19. I'm curious, how do you grip the putter? Lead hand low or normal? I grip lead hand low & it seems to work fine for me. But it does seem any better than my old Superstroke midsized.
  20. I'm really anxious to see how this test goes! If it is as reliable as an outdoor fitting, it can be a significant tool to better wedge performance. Congratulation testers!!
  21. The Titleist spec page says the SM10s have a standard SW of D5. So unless they weight sort the heads & use those that are lighter, SW will go up as the shaft length increases. The people I spoke with thought that should happen, but perhaps they no longer do it unless specifically requested. I admit that I was concerned, but it turned out to be very beneficial for me so I'm glad they didn't!
  22. I know that an in-person fitting can vary depending on the fitter themselves. But based on my experience as well as that of the other 3 testers, it's tough to go wrong with a Titleist certified fitter. It was excellent!
  23. Excellent final review! I see why you've been chosen for so many member's tests. I meant to post this after your intro, I'm wildly jealous of your game and access to great facilities. But that dagger about (only) having been playing golf since you were a collage freshman is too much!!!! Sheesh!
  24. I'm out-of-town for another week so I can't back this up with good pics yet, but I don't feel the nickel finish is really wearing badly at all. It does show scuffs and scratches more readily than my chrome and satin finished wedges did. This pic is one I took preparing for my final review. It only shows the bottom of the SM10 56, my sand wedge, but it also shows the bottom of my former gamer SW, the SM9 54, and a much older Vokey. From this view, the bottom looks pretty good. But I'll try to get some close-up face pics when I return. Admittedly mine is a fairly small sample size having only about a dozen rounds in, but I've had numerous range sessions as well as sand trap practice so it's not nothing.
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