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Everything posted by MIGregB

  1. As a club builder, you can cut the shaft to the appropriate length from a raw shaft and glue the proper adapter in place. But is it reasonable to cut down a shaft that it already tipped and fitted with a shaft adapter? I guess I'm asking where you make the cut; the butt section so only a new grip is needed, or the tip end where a new adapter needs to be installed? I have a spare Motore X F3 65R shaft that I'd like to experiment with, but I don't want to hose it by doing something stupid Thanks!
  2. He is dead on with this suggestion, although I think it was PhilM75072 who 1st convinced me to give it a try. It is eerily similar to the Windows restarting trick to clear up various performance issues. Hopefully it won't have to be done periodically; it's a bit of a pain. You'll have to reinstall the latest firmware update and set up the X5 again as if it were new. But it worked wonders for me!
  3. I couldn't agree more! I've not found a wood style hybrid that I can hit consistently, but I use my Srixon 23 deg Hybrid Iron when I need to keep the flight down, whether in the fairway or on the tee, and fairway woods (5 or 7) when I want it elevated.
  4. Whether I'm being quick and efficient or just plain lazy, I often use the narrow end of my blade putter for a mark when I'm just realigning the ball. Since I never move it and I'm replacing the ball at that moment, no one has ever challenged me. But I always wondered whether it was technically legal. Then a few months ago, one of the many email newsletters I receive linked to an article addressing that very issue. According to them, it is legal (sorry, I really don't remember, but it was probably either Golf Digest or Golf magazine). Again, assuming you're not moving the putter head before replacing the ball.
  5. I agree! I decided to give it a try and found it to be pretty darn accurate and (so far) fast in settling on a distance. I also really like that they provide an unofficial handicap calculation, even on the free version, based upon the rounds you have in the system. I asked if they follow the USGA handicap formula and they said they don't adjust for weather conditions, but imply they otherwise do. That works for my needs, so it's great! They have also been extremely responsive to questions and requested edits. I asked for tee-box, slope and course rating updates on two different courses and they got it done in a day. Pretty terrific! As most subscription apps do, they offer a solid discount on 1st year sign-up of which I've taken advantage. There's a LOT to it and I'm just scratching the surface, so no usability opinion yet. BUT... the one thing that I really hate, you'll start receiving tons of spam emails from their "partners". I think I've been able to successfully unsubscribe to most, but I hate having to go through that. There was probably a choice to opt out when signing up, only I never saw it.
  6. Agree! My only remaining disappointment is battery life. I commented a couple of pages back that I thought with some careful planning, one could get 36 holes of battery life. Today, I don't think that's easily done. My last round was played in 1 hr 50 mins on the front nine, a 45-minute period between where the X5 was on watch mode only, then the back nine taking 2hrs 10 minutes. The battery was at 44%. The course is heavily wooded and there were occasional thick clouds which, I think, causes the X5 to work harder to maintain a connection. But those aren't conditions over which I have any control and the X5 should be better at performing in those kinds of routine conditions. I think they need to take their statement, "Long battery life in golf mode lasting over 2 rounds" out of the product description as I'm willing to bet that 2 rounds of life is the exception rather than the rule. They have enough challenges without setting up unreasonable expectations for prospective buyers.
  7. Should anyone have a lot of time to waste, they'd find that I've said the same thing while in the throes of X5 frustration. And I still believe that to be true even though my X5 has settled down to a very solid performing device. We ALL had a hand in making that happen! I'm also sure that the G5 directly benefited from our experiences, but I don't deny SS the ability to launch new products. Heck, you could say the same thing about any product; improvements on newly launched products always benefit from the previous generation. So, I would have felt much better if SS had asked for beta testers (there'd have been a lot from this forum alone!) even if we still paid for the device, new products only help us in the long run, IMHO of course.
  8. I echo his comments regarding performing a factory reset vs hard reset. After doing so just over 2 weeks ago, my X5 has settled down to a excellent performing device; and I had all sorts of goofy things occurring prior to doing that. My battery life still isn't the greatest, but I think with a little careful attention and reasonable time per round, I could get 36 holes out of one charge.
  9. I ended up not doing it because I ran out of time, but that's exactly the method I was going to try when I was back home for a longer time than expected and wanted to play but left my regular set up north. Seems fairly easy to set up and use. I'll be interested to hear your experience!
  10. I'm so sorry, I wasn't debating the rationale for the formula or questioning its validity. I literally couldn't come up with a number that came close to a slope for any tees on the course. (And I had a math minor in college!!! ). I even checked Knuth's site but couldn't come up with it. Would you mind running the calculation for perhaps your course as an example? Thanks! Update: BTW, I really like the idea of determining the proper tee box based on the course slope/difficulty, not average driver/5 iron distance.
  11. Like KennyB, I need some help understanding this. I'm not saying it's wrong, I just can't come up with any numbers that make sense. Can you elaborate? Thanks,
  12. Thanks! Now that you've reminded me, though, I seem to remember something about that seemingly quite a while ago. I also seem to remember that bag tags and more hats came out a bit afterward making me think headcovers weren't in the offing. Thanks again! (I also seem to say seem a lot!!! )
  13. I did do some searching but couldn't find the answer, so I apologize if it's already been covered. But does My Golf Spy plan on ever selling MGS themed driver head covers again? I bought the putter cover a couple of years ago and really wanted to add the driver cover. But it looks like years since it's been offered so I'm guessing it's a dead issue. Any know? Thanks,
  14. I had a strange but predictable issue yesterday for which SS can't or shouldn't have to do anything about. Played my usual early 9, and then league 9 at Huron Breeze on the eastern coast of mid-Michigan. Like most of the Great Lakes states area, we had considerable smoke from the Canadian wildfires along with cloudy skies. My X5 couldn't lock onto a GPS signal at all until the cloudy part of the problem cleared a bit. Once it got a signal (I tried in preparation for the league 9), it didn't miss a shot.
  15. OMG, they finally fixed it!!!!!! With today's app update, my complaint dating back from last November regarding how the app renders text on my Samsung Android 13/OneUI 5 phone has finally been fixed!! Awesome!! I can't wait for Android 14/OneUI 6 coming out this fall. It'll probably get hosed all over again
  16. Played this morning at a course 50 miles away from my league course. The X5 found it within a minute, and it didn't miss a shot! We played pretty quickly for us (3 hrs, 40 mins) and the battery was at 59%. I know I performed another factory reset before my most recent uses, but I wonder whether the scorecard feature uses a lot of battery. Now that I have a couple of rounds showing pretty decent battery life and excellent shot capture, I may try using the scorecard again to see whether it changes anything.
  17. OK, so you're just finding a sneaky way to brag about not having any penalty shots, right???
  18. I swear that I've performed a factory reset before, but as an experiment I did it again (had to reinstall firmware updates and everything), set up my X5 to PhilM75072's suggestions, and played 18 yesterday. BIG difference! No shots were missed. I also never detected any time that the X5 seemed lost on a green. Rather than take time working through screens to add penalty strokes (yes, I had 2.... get over it!!! ) I added them post round, but that was the only edit needed. A few of us play an early 9 before the league 9 so I sync that round immediately after, and then sync the league 9 once completed. After all that, battery life was at 51%... the best it's been by at least 15%! We did get through both 9s quicker than normal, about 4-1/4 hours vs. 5-1/4, so I'm reserving final judgement until I get another round or two in, but it seems to be much better battery life as well as solid tracking. The one anomaly I had involved starting up tracking for the 2nd nine. The 1st nine started up quickly without incident. But the 2nd nine wouldn't work correctly. It initially found the course, then immediately reverted back to the clock face. Then it took about 3 or 4 minutes of searching before it finally found the course again. Everything worked fine from there. I'm playing 18 tomorrow at a different course and I'm looking forward to seeing how it performs.
  19. Whoa! I don't think my battery life is that good when only using it as a watch for 4 or 5 hours. Seriously! Since I messed up and gave away my V3, I'll factory reset my X5, set my options on those suggested by PhilM75072 and give it a try today.
  20. I have been using pretty much the opposite settings. I'll give them a try and see if it makes a difference. Thanks!
  21. So... it turns out that I was a bit overly optimistic about the X5 several weeks ago. I was so pleased at the time that I gave away my V3. It took me about a half hour of searching around the house before it dawned on me; CRS disease at its best!!! I still have the H4 so I'll put that into play to see if any of the same issues crop up.
  22. Well... you are a substantially better golfer than I am but that seems like a lot of devices to deal with while playing. I also seem to remember that you play really quick rounds so it isn't like you're taking a lot of time with them. I consider myself, as does my family, a bit of techno nerd... at least for a guy of my generation . So maybe I just need to stop complaining about the lack of perfection and learn to work more efficiently with what's available.
  23. CRAAAAAPP! Maybe it was my selective memory, but I don't remember having that issue when I used the V3 last year. I did communicate with Shot Scope Support and they said that trees can cause the issue. I guess it loses the GPS signal and doesn't know exactly where it is at times. The course where I had the problem and routinely play is heavily wooded. Out of curiosity, is the course you had the issue wooded as well? Thanks
  24. I don't know whether one's own geo location makes a difference in battery life, but I don't come close to that kind of life after 18 holes here in mid-Michigan (Tawas area) where I spend much of the summer. Yesterday I turned on my fully charged X5 as I got out of the car at the course. I had about 40 minutes before my tee time, so I waited until 5 mins before to start tracking. That part works flawlessly, BTW. I'd be surprised if it takes longer than a minute to find the course and start tracking. We had regular league play on the front 9, and a scramble on the back. So I ended the round at 9 holes, synced it with the app (to be sure to keep everything separate), and restarted the GPS only function on the back. All together it was in play mode for about 5-1/2 hours plus another hour of watch only mode; the battery was at 36%. I'm also still having issues with the X5 moving onto the next hole while I'm still on the putting green, prior to entering putts (manual) and confirming score. That happened twice on the front side. It's a PITA to scroll through the menu to get back to the missed hole and correct it. I use the locked mode so it shouldn't from be accidental touches. I'll be home this weekend and plan on grabbing my V3 to use for a while; my X5 just takes too much fussing around with to use. The more attractive watch and enhanced graphics just isn't worth the poor functionality. I'll go back to it after the next firmware update, but right now I have to admit that regret buying the X5. In MY experience, it isn't coming close to the performance and functionality they advertise.
  25. Congratulations testers! I read a lot of posts from tony@CIC and have always liked his approach/style. I'm anxious to read all the reviews, but his review in particular. Thanks!!
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