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Everything posted by BMart519

  1. Completed Unconscious putting and putting out of your mind last weekend. Testing out looking 2 inches in front of the ball while putting. Looking at the cup was too far out of my comfort zone
  2. Finished Lowest Score Wins and Golf my Way. Considering picking up a copy of Unconscious Putting but see that it is offered as a free e-book on amazon currently with an audible trial. Can't argue with that price! Does anybody have feedback on Putting out of your Mind by Bob Rotella? I am looking for something geared toward routine and mind state as opposed to mechanics. I hear the book is relatively short with a lot of stories as examples, so it seem like it could be light on actual content which would make it easy to pick up from the e-book.
  3. Split leg squats, single leg deadlifts I'll be doing the same thing with 50lb dumbbells. Body weight squats with focus on getting below parallel to increase hip mobility.
  4. 300/200 could be a 6 - 12 month target. I am 34 with a back that I would consider average at best. I did a lot of functional work and full body workouts in the past. I enjoy vertical jump and foot speed drills after playing soccer and basketball for years and use superspeed sticks occasionally at home plus an orange whip. Never played baseball, hockey, or any other rotational sports to develop good sequencing and rotary speed. In approx 3 months this year, I went from squatting 135 (5 sets of 5) to 195 and from 185 to 255 in deadlift (1-3 sets of 5). 2 days in the gym per week. Day 1 - squats, rows, bench press; Day 2 - more squats, deadlift and shoulder press. Select targets that make sense to you, a lot of people avoid squats and deadlifts in favour of the "showy" upper body muscles. Lots of statistics coming out nowadays, Scott Fawcett and Lou Sterner have put some averages out on Twitter as to how many strokes would be saved with a 20-30 yard gain off the tee. For a 90 shooter, I believe it was around 2 strokes per round. That is 2 stokes you can save without stepping foot on a golf course or picking up a club. This also drove home the importance of driver fitting for me, especially when I saw 10-20 yard gains at demo days over my gamer which got retired at the end of season. To make the 10-20 stoke improvements you are looking for, you need to hit all areas: strength/conditioning, equipment optimization/fitting, technique through lessons, lots of on course play, and training on course management. This is a summary of the approach I am using to close in on single digits.
  5. Depending on your strength levels - target 1.75x body weight for squat (1.5x min) and 2.25x body weight for deadlift (2x min), working on those moves should be your priority. (300lb deadlift and 200lb squat are other good interim targets) Mike from Fit for Golf references these on Twitter and elsewhere in his material. Getting really fast with low strength has much less upside if your max power/strength levels are limited. Vertical jumps and med ball throws are always good to build in for coordination, sequencing, and speed. But it doesn;t need to be the majority of a plan if strength level are significantly below what I mentioned above. Single leg squats and deadlifts, eventually incorporating the dumbbells, can help approach those weight levels when you start dividing by 2...
  6. The odyssey site is interesting, this is one of the only places where I have read that more toe-hang helps to fix a right-miss. I am RH and Left eye dominant as well, so I like the ball far forward in my stance so I can see the back of the ball more. For OP - I find hosel style mostly visual preference as you can accomplish varying degrees of toe-hang with many styles. I like to forward press and get my hands ahead of the ball but can't look at or aim a plumber's neck. Self-isolation is giving me a lot of time to work on my Putt-Out mat and alternate between my face balance mid mallet, strong arc odyssey 9 style, and slant neck EXO 7 with mid toe hang. I purposely bought 3 models to cover the toe hang spectrum to try and find if one style stood out. The iPing app ranked me directly between slight and strong arc. I'm using a yard stick instead of the Putt-Out hole to play with eye position and see how that affects my aim and start line using 3 very different putters. Starting to prove to myself that eyes inside the ball-target line help me aim accurately and eyes over the ball tend to create pulls. Have ruled out the #9 style as it adds too much face rotation (inconsistency) even after a fitting recommended that style. The only answer is trial and error to see what works for you and suits your eye.
  7. Always putters... Wilson Staff Infinite Michigan Ave PING Ketsch TR mid off FleaBAY Taylormade Spider S Odyssey Triple Track Marxman
  8. Avoid the swing technique videos and focus on what your instructor gives you in your lessons, you can only work on so many things at once. You will learn much quicker from an instructor and more importantly get some priority on which things to attack first.
  9. Go to the driving range and try to hit 5 big draws or hooks and then 5 big slices, feeling these 2 extremes will help guide you to something in the middle. To hit a fade play around with any of the following: open up stance, weaker grip, out to in swing path, more upright or steep backswing, get the hips turning ahead of the arms in the downswing.
  10. I only did some basic reading on the topic, but there seemed to be some disconnect with how well HRV ties into REM and the other 2 sleep phases.
  11. Golf My Way - Jack Nicklaus Decided to pick it up after finding success with a few elements from Jack's swing - playing ball farther forward, rolling/lifting left foot on backswing, upright swing plane, etc. He makes it clear his preference is to play a fade which ties into a lot of the mechanics discussed in the book. So probably less useful for people who draw the ball.
  12. General feedback on sleep tracking devices seems to be that wearables are generally less accurate than a device specifically made for sleep tracking that is set under the pillow or mattress. Great detail @edingc! Definitely providing valuable information that is difficult to pull from the podcasts or quick summary reviews online.
  13. My instructor identified a fault with rolling the forearms to start the backswing and opening the club face on a flat plane. Started to notice that getting my hands higher on my backswing with a closed clubface eliminated a lot of my two way miss due to timing a flip or roll of the hands to shut the face. The result was a consistent fade tending towards slice as my path is out to in. Was thinking about "shallowing elements" as discussed in Adam Young's Strike Plan. Which led to messing around with some partial, slow motion, and then full swings where the downswing was started with an exaggerated "pulling down" on the handle which tucks the trail elbow and initiates side bend instead of starting by "swinging" the club out and towards the ball. It was easy to see this led to an in-out path and it started to feel powerful after some practice. Did 3 or 4 sessions of 5 minutes over the evening getting into a proper address position and ingraining this feeling making 9 iron swings without a ball. Also listened to the Golf Science Lab podcast with John Novosel Jr. about the Tour Temp tones and added his suggestion of trying to swing faster than normal as an experiment with this new technique. Excited to try this out at the range but might have to take it straight to the "course" for the next round on the simulator due to shortage of practice time.
  14. 120 range balls... - start with 8 iron stepping lead foot back to trail foot on backswing and then forward to address location on front swing the ingrain feel of good weight shift - work on driver face angle - hit 4 hooks, then 4 slices, both to exaggerate feel; then 4 relatively straight balls - iron club path - hit minimum 7/10 ball on toe side (successful), then heel side (fail), then center third of club face (face colored with marker to show impact location) - mixing in occasional 30 yard chips with LW and hitting a fade with driver to an imaginary fairway between the iron shots - hit the same iron 3 distances: full, 3/4, and half swing - finished by playing imaginary 9 holes at my home course with tee shots, approaches, and chips if I would have missed the imaginary green - cool down hitting 80-100 yards wedges and the odd 20-40 yard chip All shots were hit slowly working on alignment, spine tilt away from target, and routine (looking at target and back to ball while counting 1-2 to initiate back swing).
  15. I purchased strike plan and am considering buying the accuracy plan since the cost is relatively low. I don't know all of the details about NLG, but I have a book called "Better Faster: The Modern Golfer's Blueprint for getting more from less" which has performance tests and troubleshooting that I feel would overlap more with NLG. For the cost, the book provides significantly more material than the strike plan - the only difference is there is obviously no video but I would highly recommend it. Lessons will always be the better solution. I took 5 lessons this season plus 3 sessions with a personal trainer geared to golf fitness. This included a TPI movement assessment as well as measuring power then creating routines I could do at home and in the gym that had elements of strength training, increasing power, as well as functional range of motion and core stability. I am very detail oriented and willing to measure my performance, get feedback, and use these resources for my practice sessions, so it works for me. If you don't have the time or interest to research material, develop plans, and track performance then there will be limited benefit from these resources and in-person or online coaching is the best option.
  16. Some Adam Young variability Drills - trying to hi bottom middle and top of an iron face with the ball tee'd up 1" off the ground. Then setup a towel a few inches behind the ball for feedback in low point to work on ball first contact. Warmed up with orange whip and then by working on weight shift by addressing the ball with feet together and then stepping lead foot forward on the downswing.
  17. Golf town demo event up in Canada. $300 for a new f9 driver instead of $550. A couple gloves for the wife and I as well.
  18. Forgot how to swing a club... hit 6 shanks with irons and steady pull hooks with driver helping contribute to 6 penalty strokes all capped off with a 9 on the par 4 18th for a grand total 95 in what was my worst round of the year. Made a game time decision to use the EXO 7s instead of the Huntington Beach SOFT #6 since I just upgraded the stock grip to a TOUR SNSR contour 140 on the EXO and ended with a season best 31 putts to keep it under 100. Hopefully, the new grip is going to help the EXO behave after cycling through 4 putters this year. I don't think I can game the SOFT 6, the sight dot seems to have me pushing everything right of the hole. Maybe there is something to the visual aspects of the Edel putter fitting system...
  19. 9 ball test with 3 trajectories and shapes... Nailed it with the 7 iron and then decided to try it with a 2H which didn't work nearly as well.
  20. Most Wanted "Hall of Fame" testing - winners or even top 3 from previous 3-4 years in each category. Give the bargain hunters what they want! Sponsored by Callaway Pre-Owned and ebay
  21. I have been working through the 9 hole putting assessment in the book "Better Faster: The Modern Golfer's Blueprint for Getting More from Less" recently to compare different putters and really help ingrain what I learned from a recent Aimpoint clinic. Before the assessment I usually putt a few balls to the fringe to get a bit of feel for distance and then make a couple straight 4-6 footers to make sure my aim is in the ballpark.
  22. Got fit for G410 irons with Modus 105 stiff shafts Going to be a nice upgrade over my off the rack 2011 Cobra S3 irons. Anxiously waiting for the phone call they are ready for pickup so I can get a few round in before the season wraps up in Canada.
  23. Cleveland Huntington Beach SOFT #6 putter compliments of ebay... Needed something milled to go with my EXO, Metal X, and White Smoke lol.
  24. I have received good feedback for club building from the shop in the CGY golf dome. The website mentions they have both flightscope and trackman for fitting.
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