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Posts posted by CarlH

  1. After Christmas temperatures in the 70s, we're turning colder tomorrow.  Today it's raining but should stop for a few hours this afternoon (giving me a window to fire up the Kamado and cook some chicken and some hot dogs.  Forecast for next week brings sub freezing nighttime temps and warming up to upper 30s and 40s for most of the week, but I believe there may be a few days that will get up into the 50s.  If we can keep the thunderstorms and rain at bay, should be able to play some golf by Wednesday.

  2. Was able to play yesterday, post shoulder injury.  It is still a bit on the twingy side when I use it to lift or try to raise it too high, but it wasn't bothersome for the full swing.  Moved up a set of tees because that's where the other 3 were playing from.  Dropped my handicap to a 5 for that set of tees.  Despite taking a double on a par 5 when I tried to putt out of a green side trap, I shot a nice 76.  It really helps me when I hit GIR and can avoid trying to get up and down out of the tight, yet sloppy, areas around the greens.  While my putting was pretty good, I did miss a couple of makable putts.  The weather was overcast but in the mid to upper 60s and quite pleasant but the ground was wet from recent rains (cart path only).  Raining cats and dogs today and weather will be turning cold tomorrow.  Hard to believe we were in the 70s for Christmas and winter is going to catch up to us now.  Welcome to 2022!

  3. While I'm not at 100% with my shoulder yet, I did go to the chipping and putting area for a bit the other day.  No issues (beyond my technique, of course).  Even went to the range and hit a few full 8 irons.  So far, so good, albeit I didn't pound balls very long, at all!  So, weather permitting, I'm hoping to get on the course Friday (but, I'm not sure the weather will be favorable as they're calling for rain and thunderstorms then dropping to freezing temps Sunday.  

  4. So, I'm under the sink, installing a new faucet for the better half in our new home, arms over my head when I go to pull out and feel a pain rip through my left deltoid.  Wasted a couple of hours at urgent care with a nurse practitioner.  Still painful, albeit to a lesser extent.  Temperatures are going to be in the 70s tormorrow with a 77 predicted for Christmas....and I can't play.  Hoping it's nothing more than a torn deltoid muscle (which is what the symptoms indicate), but even that will take a couple of weeks to heal before playing again.  By then, I suspect winter will arrive here in Central Arkansas.  On the brighter side, life is still good.  Merry Christmas to my MGS golf buddies across the globe!!

  5. I've been on MGS for awhile now, but recently moved from Oregon to Arkansas, so I thought I'd post my info here.....

    1. How long have you been playing golf? What’s your handicap or normal score? Started playing at the end of my military career at the age of 38, so it's been a bit over 32 years.  Typically shoot in the low 80s and upper 70s with a current index of 7ish.

    2. What do you love about golf? It's a great way to socialize.  It's a constant effort to do well and to improve.

    3. What brings you to MyGolfSpy? Do you already know any other Spies? Been here awhile already.

    4. Where are you from? What is your home course? Originally from Fort Walton Beach, Florida, then a lot of time in Charleston, SC during my military career.  After retiring from the Navy, I lived in CO, MT, ND, and most recently 20 years in Medford, OR.  I am now residing in Hot Springs Village, AR (Dec 21).  Home course is Diamante Golf Club.

    5. What are the best and worst things about golf in your region? Too early in my time here to make that call.

    6. What do you do for a living? Retired from US Submarine Service in 1990.  Worked as Financial Advisor and stock broker post military, but retired fully now.

    7. How’d you pick your user name? It's my name.

  6. Haven't been able to play much lately.  Our 22 day motorhome trip from Oregon to Arkansas and back (mainly driving with a bit under a week staying still) sort of put a damper on that.  I did get in 27 holes while in Arkansas.  The purpose of the trip was to explore the feasibility of moving to Hot Springs Village in Arkansas.  Seeing as how we are in the process of buying a house there, looking like the feasibility has become reality.  Anyways, I'm back in Oregon now with the tentative  moving date of 1 December or earlier.  And that leaves a lot of things to get done.  We have decided to sell our motorhome (which is in progress) and we also need to get our house ready for MLS listing and sold.  Needless to say, I've got a lot of things to get done in short order of time.....which means that golf is on the back burner for awhile again.  I hope to be able to slip out a few more times to play, but I have tendered my resignation at the club effective 30 November.  So, it's goodbye Oregon and hello Arkansas in short order. 

  7. 13 hours ago, fixyurdivot said:

    Now that is quite a change-up.  What is it about OR that has been enough and about AR that drew you there? Hopefully you're close to this.  

    Arkansas Golf Trail | Arkansas.com

    Tired of the smoke every year, the taxes, the growing drug and vagrancy issues, and the overall direction the state is going.  Hot Springs Village, Ar is the largest gated community in the US with 11 lakes and 9 golf courses.

  8. In my defense, I was pretty drunk.  I've had enough of Oregon, BTW .... headed off to another pasture soon.  Arkansas will be the future home.  I'm going to invite @Yellow Ballto visit me as my guest at our Member Guest tournament.  Bear in mind, that a substantial entrance fee will be required....I did mention that you were paying for the both of us, plus all buy ins and side bets, right?

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