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Everything posted by TonyDS

  1. So I was able to try out the mindset. I was fit for the RX (which I think was a mistake, which I will get to). Here are my main takeaways from it. Good and bad. Good: 1. It helps me not rush anything. I go through my routine and then before I approach the ball I go through the mindset routine. 2. Using the aiming system off the tee leaves out aiming guess work. I’m sure we have all hit great shots that didn’t go where we thought, but actually, went exactly where we were really aimed. I have a tendency aim left of target and miss left with my draw. 3. The ball itself felt really good. 4. The mindset process, specifically the first 2 steps, are something I’m going to incorporate more of into my game. There was no downside on my actual performance on the course thinking about these steps. Bad: 1. As others have stated, focusing on the dot seemed to not be something I’m wired to do, it may help the majority of people, but for me it either didn’t, or I need to spend more time with it. 2. Personally, putting has been a strong part of my game. I place the ball where no markings are showing and stare at the hole. I do not take practice strokes, I fall into the “see it creative blah blah” type of putter, where the first 2 steps of mindset are. Focusing on the dot/the alignment aid, has me more worried about my actual alignment and not feeling my stroke to get the proper speed of the putt down. 3. On the tee box and on putts I would almost freeze sometimes telling myself to focus on the dot instead of reacting when I get into my “swing box”. 4. When pace of play is fast, it becomes more difficult to add things to your process. To be fair, I need to add this to the range so I can go about it faster on the course. 5. I believe I was fit into the wrong ball. I lost a lot of distance off of the tee. ProV1 and even a chrome soft I played went further. This is not the balls fault but probably mine for possibly entering something wrong (I don’t know, I’m not going to blame them, as I’m sure it’s my fault). So these “bad” aspects are all personal. An interesting little bit is, the ball flew straighter off the tee. I’m guessing the low compression just mashed the ball and took spin off. When the fairway was dry the roll was good and it was comparable at times to the ProV1. But overall it wasn’t as long. It actually seemed to hold greens pretty well. I’m going to play all dozen until they are either too scuffed or lost and give them a fair shot, even if I’m not using the dot, because I feel like Bridgestone makes a quality ball. 45 holes isn’t a big enough sample size. I’ll try to update as I go. I’m also going to try to bring more of the thought process to the range to see if it’ll speed me up on course. Who knows, after giving it more time, it may be my go to.
  2. What an interesting way to look at the approach to the game. Would love to give it a try.
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