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Everything posted by TShaffer

  1. So in theory if the CG were to sit off to one side, shooting for low torque would put the shaft location there as opposed to just blindly picking the center of putter face to align the shaft with?
  2. I am very intrigued by the idea of center-shaft/low torque putters. I think the technology could really help my putting consistency but that said, as a lefty options are limited I can't afford the price tag that comes with them anyways. But I've got an older mallet putter that I have experimented with in that past and I am wondering what is stopping my from making my own center-shafted frankenputter. Am I crazy for thinking that? I understand that the quality and precision of my attempt won't be the same as an OEM, but if nothing else could it serve as a proof of concept before I sink $$$ into a name brand option?
  3. Love this idea, I know I am a little late to the party on this thread, but just curious. If you put this on without removing the grip (By cutting it down the length of the tubing) would the crease be unbearable? Even if you "hid" it on the back side of the shaft so it isn't visable at address?
  4. Mind blown!! I love this!! I was just discussing the other day the impact learning styles has on the confidence of individuals in difference circumstances. I think this makes a lot of sense!
  5. Thanks @B.Boston, yeah it wasn't too bad. I have a pixel 3 xl so a decent sized phone. The skin I purchase came with 3 different "sizes" each covering a different amount of the phone. Naturally I chose one and had the other two left over, so it did take more material than just one phone skin. I traced out my putter on paper and used those as a template to cut my phone skins. The Manta putter is naturally segmented so that made it easier. The actual skin is a sticker like material and a quick pass with a blow-dryer on low heat helps the adhesive really take. It also helped smooth out the corners. Very similar concept to how they wrap cars. I made sure each shape was cut just a little larger than the piece it was covering to allow for overlap. I won't post pictures of the bottom because it looks as dinged up as ever, trying to use the leftover trimmings on that still. As far as the alignment lines, grey gel nail polish with a protective clear coat (ask your wives). And done! I already spent the money and was never going to use the extra skins because I doubled up with a clear phone case to take the physical abuse.
  6. Well as I am lacking black paint and found myself with a lot of time on my hands, I decided to just go off the rails and repurpose an unused phone skin. Definitely not a look for everybody but I like it!
  7. I think that is so interesting, that you can pull out a relic set of irons and people think it is nostalgic and a reminder of when golf was pure, but an old putter is just immediately written off.
  8. So in all seriousness, I doubt you've brought the brick out to the practice green to test that, but a lot of putters that claim some proprietary, "sink more putts" tech are not that appealing. Do you think there are putters that you wouldn't give a chance based on looks?
  9. The great Deion Sanders once said, "If you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you play good. If you play good, they pay good." My question is, does tht apply to the flatstick? A while back I got myself a Taylormade Ghost Manta putter for a steal on eBay. Not the biggest fan of the white putter, but I figured I could fix that, quick trip to the hardware store and a few costs of black paint and I get this. (Looks a bit worse for wear now) I liked the look a lot better and I took the liberty to add a couple alignment lines to help me out. Alas, the shine has faded and I find myself sneaking peeks at other putters while mine has its back turned. I feel like I'm cheating, I mean don't get me wrong, I love my putter. It's served me well over the years, but I am beginning to wonder if all those chips and scratches make me like it less. Performance wise I don't need to be looking for a new one, so what are my options? How many spys out there have taken creative liberty with their putter's appearance? Has anyone dipped or wrapped theirs? And do you think that you really do perform better when your putter looks sharp? Would love to hear your thoughts
  10. Hey everybody, new to the forums, but excited to be here! 1. I've been playing golf for the last decade. I got buit by the bug and now it won't let go. 2. I love the feeling of being able to "crush" a drive or pure an iron and have it do exactly what you want it to. And I love the pursuit of that feeling 3. I came into MGS because I love the science behind golf and these guys do a great job dissecting it. 4. I'm from Kaysville, Utah and I would have to say my home course is Davis Park, but I love finding new courses and experiencing different types of course design. 5. Best thing about golf in Utah is that within a pretty consolidated area you can find all kinds of different courses. The worst part is that it is hard to get out and golf more months than it isn't here. 6. I work for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints helping manage vendor accounts. 7. I always just go through different variations of first and last name till one isn't taken, nothing crazy. I am very excited to meet golf nuts like me on here!
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