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Clubs for 14 year old daughter


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I tried to search the forum for something like this but found nothing. My daughter is turning 14 entering 8th grade. She has decided to give up softball for golf. She won a small local junior tournament last year and 2nd this year. We are going to start serious lessons this fall. Looking for new clubs. 5'2" and growing. Looking for ladies clubs. She golfs left handed and has very few choices. Any thoughts on what she should look at? I don't want to say price doesn't matter, but it isn't the most important factor. Thank you in advance for any advice. BTW I love this site.



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I tried to search the forum for something like this but found nothing. My daughter is turning 14 entering 8th grade. She has decided to give up softball for golf. She won a small local junior tournament last year and 2nd this year. We are going to start serious lessons this fall. Looking for new clubs. 5'2" and growing. Looking for ladies clubs. She golfs left handed and has very few choices. Any thoughts on what she should look at? I don't want to say price doesn't matter, but it isn't the most important factor. Thank you in advance for any advice. BTW I love this site.




First, this an area in which I am by no means an expert, so treat my recommendations accordingly. If I were in your shoes, the first thing I'd probably look at would be Ping's Faith series. Adams also makes a line of their A7OS specifically designed for women. Just about all of the big companies have ladies specific offerings.


That said, there's nothing inherently special about a ladies golf club that makes it uniquely designed for a woman. Generally what we're talking about amounts to little more than a feminine color palette, and a softer flex in the shaft. With that in mind, I'd find a proshop with several fitting carts (my local shop has carts for all the major OEMs), and get a better idea for what she likes, and of course hits well. I'd venture to say that all of the big OEMs, and most of the smaller companies would be able to put together a combination suitable for your daughter's swing.

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I tried to search the forum for something like this but found nothing. My daughter is turning 14 entering 8th grade. She has decided to give up softball for golf. She won a small local junior tournament last year and 2nd this year. We are going to start serious lessons this fall. Looking for new clubs. 5'2" and growing. Looking for ladies clubs. She golfs left handed and has very few choices. Any thoughts on what she should look at? I don't want to say price doesn't matter, but it isn't the most important factor. Thank you in advance for any advice. BTW I love this site.




Gary, I would worry less about the clubs than finding a good fitter. The other thing I would be concerned about is finding a good instructor. There are a lot of people out there with "PGA Certification" who should never be allowed to comment on the golf swing.

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Thanks for all the help so far. I think we have found a reputable fitter and a good swing coach. I think the best clubs will be which ever ones she feels comfortable with and wants to golf with. I am guessing there is not a set of clubs out there that adds 50 yards.



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