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Craftsman Headcovers - 2023 Forum Review

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The Review - June 14th-July 22nd 2023

Craftsman Golf Headcovers - Official MGS Forum Review by tchat07


First, I would like to thank MGS and Craftsman Golf for this opportunity. This is such a unique test I am excited to participate and see if I can help those in the market for new head covers. I golf weekly in season being from May to September, I work in education so once school starts, I become very busy. Play most of my golf in Maryland, I have been seriously golfing for 10 years and like to think I am pretty engaged in the golf landscape. When it comes to head covers in my bag, I like to have custom ones from companies I support or ones with cool designs that I like. I am not a sock or animal head cover owner, mostly like the “boxing glove” style head covers for their fit and normally looks very nice in a bag. I take good care of my head covers, not a toss them on the ground during a shot type.

I think the biggest test for any head cover is durability. Durability of shape, can it maintain its elasticity after being removed multiple times. Durability of design, do the stitches remain intact, does it fade from being outside. I will be getting a set that comes with a driver, wood and hybrid. To test this product, I am going to be aggressive with the driver since it will be used the most. I am going to drop it, throw it, spike it (we all know those golfers who in a fit after a 3 putt take it out on their poor head cover). The wood head cover I am going to expose to the elements, leave it in my car after rounds, toss it in the back of the cart during rounds, let it get wet, bake in the sun etc. Finally with the hybrid head cover I am going to treat it as normal. 

Below is a picture of the most recent head covers I have had. The driver head cover is from Sunfish Sales. This is no longer in the bag because I got a new Callaway Driver and the head cover it came with is clean with nice stitching. The next is what I currently use on my 3-wood it is from Oahu Golf Apparel and I have had it for years. The blue head cover is my second favorite, the design from Almigos is top notch with the faux blue alligator skin. Finally, is my favorite my putter head cover from Oak and Anchor, which no longer seems to exist, so this is probably a collector's item now! The knock off Louis Vuitton look is solid but the best part is on the logo in the middle it says, “Go Low, Stay Fly”, what an awesome motto to have on your putter head cover.

I have open spots on my driver and my hybrid right now for head covers. To stay in the bag, it will need to maintain its shape well and maintain its look, I am gentle with my head covers so there is no reason it should not last a very long time but that’ll be up to the craftsmanship (pun intended). I had not heard of Craftsman Golf before, but I have a decent background understanding of what to expect out of a good head cover. 


First Impressions (14 out of 20)

The first thing we have to talk about is not the product but the website design. You get on to Craftsman Golf and are instantly hit with one of those add your email spin the wheel get money off pop ups. The impression I get from the website is it is very basic but certainly nothing on the opening page grabs my attention. You scroll through their collection, and it remains basic designs; “birdies”, USA, bombs and clovers. Nothing did I really love but I thought the clovers looked clean so I went with them. 

Shipping came through in the expected amount of time. Packaging was simple if a little overdone with each head cover been double wrapped in plastic. Looking at the head covers they are very clean looking with the contrasting white background and green clovers. Interesting design of with three attaches clovers and three embroidered clovers. I personally prefer the embroidered clovers; I think they have a cleaner look and seem like they would take on less damage over time. They also are all the same color, whereas the attached clovers differ slightly in color. The driver, wood and hybrid covers are all based off the same template so all look exactly the same. This is something I am not a fan of, I like the personality you apply with your head covers and to have 3 that are exactly the same takes a little away from it. 

Will say this seems to fit with the website design and available cover designs, does not seem to be a lot of creativity and seems to be more about minimization of cost. I will add though this seems to allow for a decrease in price with all their head covers being reasonably priced in the $30-40 range.

Aesthetics (20 out of 30) 

As mentioned before I like the contrast with the white leather head cover, grey felt interior, and solid green clovers. The head covers all have held up nicely to the trials I have put them through. I have been rough with the driver head cover and the only difference since I started using it has been it has become slightly looser making it a little easier to get on and off the driver. The wood head cover  I have gone to extremes to see if I could get the green to fade or cause some type of damage. I have left it outside at the beach, I have soaked it and left it in a hot car, I even got it dirty and tested how easily it was to clean the smudge. The pictures can be found below. First is the smudge, second is after being cleaned with just water and third is after using dish soap. It has passed all tests except for one which I will talk about later in my review. Finally the hybrid cover I treated as I do most head covers with care. Same as well prior it has not shown much wear other then with the one test I spoke of earlier.





On close inspection there are a couple errors when it comes to the stitching. On one embroidered clover on the driver the stem and clover border were much closer than you see on all other embroidered clovers. On the wood head cover there is a clear miss in the stitching border of one of the attached clovers. Finally on the driver head cover one of the border stitching and the attached clover do not line up as well as all the others do. The hybrid head cover seemed to have the best quality, which was very interesting considering it is the smallest of the batch and you would think it would the most difficult to get the details cleanest. 




The Good, the bad, the inbetween (22 out of 30)

This is a very unique type of test, you aren’t really gathering any data or able to see any change to your game it is all subjective. For this very reason I felt it necessary to come up with some type of “test” that could differentiate the quality of this head cover from others, in comes the “swing test”. I am sure many have done this before maybe to warm up but the swing test is when you swing your club with the head cover still attached. For this test I had to include my previous head covers as a baseline, they have a few years in them so it should show if the Craftsman stretch quickly. 

First we will begin with the bad, the hybrid head cover slips off very easily after an its brief time of use. I actually launched it backwards on my back swing and all of these swings are at 50% so its not like I was going quickly. This compared poorly to my TaylorMade head cover that has been in the bag for about a year, will add the caveat that the TM has the high sock design at the bottom of the leather portion so a little more grab. I found this concerning because as you go through a round and the clubs are bouncing around in your bag I could see the ease of this head cover coming off to lead it to pop off during your round. To me the worst type of head cover is a lost one so that certainly would be less then ideal. Next came the wood cover, compared to my own that has been in the bag for about 3 years. This I was actually surprised with because my other head cover feels a snugger but both matched on the swing test and came off during the down swing.  Finally was the driver cover and weirdly enough this performed great! I was able to do a full 2 swings without it coming off which out performed the 5 year old head cover I previously had on my driver. 

Play it or Trade it? (14 out of 20)

Well at the beginning I said that there were positions open in my bag and I will be adding a head cover to my bag, however, it will only be one of the three. The driver cover will be joining the bag, it performed well in the swing test and I truly do like the compliment of the white cover and green clovers within my bag. The hybrid cover will not be joining the bag because of fear of losing it due to the looseness of fit after only a short time. The fit of the wood cover I was comfortable with but as I mentioned earlier it is an exact replica of the other two. It is a nice design but not so nice that I feel the need to have two of the same in my bag and I appreciate uniqueness of head covers so this would not fit what I am looking for in a head cover. Once again I will mention as I did earlier that the pricing for these head covers is reasonable and I feel matches the others in the market that support the $40 head cover market. These to me are a great gift for a golfer who is just finding there way into golf and might not have head covers or have older ones so a great cost affect way to spice up the bag.



Craftsman Golf provided me with a nice set of head covers at a reasonable price. There offerings are ones you have seen elsewhere and the head cover seems to be made off the same template so do not go in looking for something unique. There were minor flaws in the craftsmanship but I think that seems to correlate with the template design, once again do not go in imagining you are getting a 1-of-1 production. Over the brief time I had them they held up nicely and did not fade or have major problems cosmetically. There was a change in the fit on the clubs, not as snug as when I first received them, so it does take into question whether these end up in the lost and found at a course. Overall I think this would be a good head cover for a reasonable price for those who are not cover snobs (I am one).

Final Score (70 out of 100)

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June 14th 2023

Craftsman Golf Wood Headcovers - Official MGS Forum Review by Woody83

I would like to thank MGS and Craftsman for this opportunity.  I look forward to providing MSG members with a review of the Craftsman wood headcovers.  This is my first testing opportunity through MGS.  It is truly exciting to be selected as a tester.  I started playing golf when I was 6 years old and then took some years off when I was 15 when my dad left us.  I then started back playing golf when I was in college and have been playing again since then.  I play 3 to 4 times a week.

I am a retired educator and am really enjoying my retirement.  I have 3 different groups that I can play with at my home course.  I am a member at Boscobel Golf Club in Pendleton, SC.  

I have usually used the headcover that comes with a club.  I did purchase a few character/animal headcovers in the past.  This will be the first set of wood headcovers I have used that did not come with the clubs or that was not an animal/character.

I did not know that Craftsman was involved in golf until I saw the testing opportunity.  I look forward to seeing how durable these headcovers are.  How will they endure thew wear and tear of being taken on and off the clubs repeatedly?

Below is a picture of my current headcovers.  As you can see the hybrid headcover is in bad condition and the driver headcover has a worn spot just under the Calloway logo.





Excited to open and see what I am testing.


The color scheme and the Patriot design of the clover is terrific.


The head covers are well constructed.  The materials feel like they will be very durable.

More to come later.  I look forward to trying the covers out and seeing how they hold up in playing conditions as well as when stored in my truck.

Have been to the course a couple of times with my new Craftsman Headcovers.  My playing partners love the design and feel of the ones I received.  The covers are holding up well in my truck and during my rounds.


During Tuesday's round we got caught in the rain.  Covers did not discolor after getting wet.  The covers dried and still look new.  

The Good:

The head covers for my driver, wood and hybrid are awesome.  They have not faded, stretched or worn during the time I received them and used them.  They had been rained on twice, left in my truck and garage.  I even left the hybrid cover on the dashboard of my truck during some of our hot humid southern days and it still looks great.  I do like the design as I said earlier as does a lot of my playing partners.

The bad:

I have found that the indicator wheel does not stay on its setting very well. There have been a number of times when I pull the club (3 wood or hybrid) that I notice that the number I set the wheel on has moved to another number.

Play it or trade it:

The headcovers are definitely a keeper.  This item does not help you play better but they do look good on your clubs at the course.  Others have complemented them a number of times during our rounds.  They are definitely for any golfers that desire a nice-looking head cover for their woods and hybrid. The price for these quality headcovers is a very fair asking price from what I see they cost on the website and how good they look as well as how they perform. If and when they wear out, I will be looking on the Craftsman website for another set.


These are a quality set of head covers from Craftsman.  They are reasonably priced and a good value buy.  The headcovers look good on the clubs.  The color schemes and the material they are made of are excellent. Other players notice how good they look on your clubs when playing.  The headcovers hold up well in various playing conditions.  




New headcovers on clubs 3.jpg

Edited by Woody83
Received shipment; have used them a few times. Final review process

:callaway-small: Mavrik Driver

:callaway-small: Mavrik Three wood

:taylormade-small: M2 Hybrids 3, 4 & 5

:taylormade-small: R7 irons 5 - AW

Volkey sand wedge

David Musty putter


Retired educator who loves this game.  It is challenging and a game of integrity.

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The Review - June 2023

Craftsman Headcovers – Official MGS Forum Review by Alf. S


Iron covers seem to divide the golfing community, there are lovers and haters. I’m not sure many of the haters will get past my intro but here goes.

I’m a 62-year-old retiree based out of the central belt in Scotland between Glasgow and Edinburgh conveniently placed for golf, with St Andrews, East Lothian (Muirfield), South Ayrshire (Troon and Turnberry) and Angus (Carnoustie) all with in a 2-hour drive. My home course is parkland and is The West Lothian Golf Club which sits above the Firth of Forth giving views over Fife, all the way down to the Bass Rock and up to the hills of the Trossachs North of Stirling.

My work background was programme management in microelectronics so I am a technophile with attention to detail.

I play on average 3-4 rounds a week; weekly competition, bounce game with friends and I’ll try and get a couple of rounds by myself when the course is quiet. I have been playing social golf since my early teens but for the last 20 years I have played competitively.

On the course I like to look good, and I like my clubs and my bag to look good. I mostly use an electric trolley when I play and have a selection of cart bags that I use throughout the year, I match my woods covers, putter cover, towel, rangefinder case and hybrid headcovers to the bag. Yes, I’m really that pedantic. Below is my current setup with the Srixon iron covers out of retirement for the duration of the review.


 During the testing I will be looking at

·         The look of the headcovers with my 3 different bag setups.

·         How easy they are to get on and off the clubs. When hitting an iron, I usually slide the head cover onto my umbrella handle, does it fit?

·         Are they secure on my clubs and is the closing mechanism good quality?

·         Water ingress and trapping of water on the clubs.

Every time I buy new irons, I buy a new set of iron covers, usually neoprene with the manufacturer’s logo. They stay on my clubs for about 2 weeks then go back into the garage, they will then come out on an annual basis only to be returned to the garage after 2 weeks. I can do all the testing in the world on these but ultimately it will come down to the look and useability of the headcovers for me to decide if they will become part of my bag setup.  For the test I want Craftsman to convince me that I want to keep them on my clubs.

First Impressions (500 Words) (9 out of 10)

I went for the

Colorful Embroidery Number Iron Head Cover Set


Craftsman were also good enough to also provide me with a set of wedge covers

Colorful Embroidery Protective White Leather Wedge Iron Headcover 52° 56° 60°



They arrived as promised securely wrapped and in A1 condition. On unwrapping and first inspection all the covers were in perfect condition. Comparing them to the neoprene covers I currently have they are far superior in quality and design.

With the iron set you get 7 iron covers (3i to 9i) and 5 wedges (PE, AW, SW and 2 x LW) which should support most iron set ups. I’m afraid to say, not mine which uniquely has a 52 and an AW. But this was basically the reason for asking for the wedge set.

Putting these slight niggles aside my initial impressions are very positive and award them 9 out of 10.

Aesthetics (19 out of 20)

If you are using Iron Covers then good aesthetics will be a mandatory requirement in choosing the right covers. Craftsman do not disappoint on this measure.

The standard set contain 3i to 9i, PW, AW, SW and two LW in a variety of colours that makes it easy for you to identify the clubs in your bag and are striking visually.

On close inspection the SW iron cover had some loose threads


With the quality and options for the headcovers I would rate these 19 out of 20, deducting 1 point for the SW loose threads.

The Numbers (18 out of 20)

How do you rate something that in terms on the effect on your game is minimal. The main question would be do they protect your clubs from pings and water.

The covers are made of polyurethane (PU) leather which makes them durable and water resistant with the padding the clubs are very well protected.

The fit on most clubs was very good but like most iron covers when you get to the wedges they can look a bit mis-shape, and this is the case with Craftsman.

Like most head covers care is needed to dry the clubs before putting the headcover back on or storing the clubs or you could end up with rust. On the times I used them which was about 10 times over the month and 3 wet days this was not an issue.

The next area I looked at was how they fitted in with my bag set ups. Here are just a few pictures of them with a myriad of covers and bags I have.




I use cart bags on my electric trolley on the Powakaddy Dritech which is a 14 way bag but is the smallest bag the clubs did feel a little cramped.

My favourite was the third one above with the black and red Callaway wood covers.

Fort this section I have given the covers 18 out of 20. Main deduction being the mis-shape on the wedges and the volume they take up.

Practice makes…? (20 out of 20)

In this section I’m marking the practicality of the iron covers and their use on the course.

The use of iron covers should be part of your normal routine, if it isn’t then you run the risk of misplacing and causing unnecessary delays to your playing partners. My normal routine would be:

1.       Select club and remove from bag.

2.       Remove headcover and place on umbrella handle.

3.       Check face of club and clean if appropriate

4.       Play shot.

5.       Clean face

6.       Replace headcover and club in bag.

With the colour and large numbers on the covers it makes it easy to identify the club in the bag.


The securing of the covers is through Velcro tabs which looks a bit flimsy but in experience have been found to be robust and secure in their application.


On the course I could not fault the covers and have marked then 20 out of 20.

Anecdotally I have send a couple of these covers in lost property at the course which I will put down to human error.

The Good, the bad, the inbetween (20 out of 20)

If you like iron covers you will love these. I’m not a total convert but I love they way they make my bag look. I think I would have liked to have a total white option available .

Play it or Trade it? (5 out of 10)

After all the praise I’m giving them I am still on the fence on using iron covers, they haven’t convinced me to use them 100% of the time and they will probably come out for the season start and special occasions when I play. Like the old ones they will stay on my clubs for a couple of week then be put away again.

Conclusion (91 out of 100)

These are quality iron covers that without going down the leather alternative, should be considered as the top of the market.














Edited by Alf. S


Driver Callaway Epic 10.5' Fujikura Stiff

3W Callaway Epic 15' Fujikura Stiff

3-AW Srixon Z565 Nippon Stiff

52', 56' Cleveland RTX 585 Wedges

Putter Taylormade Rosa Daytona

Bags 2017 Callaway Org14 Cart bag or 2018 Srixon Z start Carry bag 

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Let me first tell a little bit more about myself - I am 69, live in Middleburg, Florida which is just outside of Jacksonville.  I play at least 3 times a week, and have participated in many tournaments, from USGA events to state events, and even the Senior Amateur Tour.  I've been playing since I was 12,  and have always been interested in anything that would help my game.  So I am very happy to participate in these reviews to let others know about product and my experiences with them.

I just got the covers today, and my first impression was that they are great looking and appear to be well made. Once I can get out on the course with them, I will be able to give a much better opinion on how they hold up under all types of conditions.


First impressions: 10/10

After opening the package and seeing the covers, I could see the quality of the materials and their construction.  The leather was nice, and the embroidery was excellent, with no loose threads.  Lining looks sturdy, and the Velcro strips are not overly large.


These look real nice on the club, and the embroidered numbers/letters make them easy to identify.

Fit: 19/20

These fit on the club heads very well, with very little give, and they do not move once the Velcro straps engage.

On Course : 20/20

These work very well, and do not fall off the clubs like other covers I have used or seen in the past.  To the question about keeping track of them and not losing them, I simply have been putting the cover in my back pocket as I pulled it and then replaced it after the shot; however, the covers all have a looped tag which you could run a lanyard through to connect them all and attach to the bag to keep them.  Any dirt, moisture, grass and other items easily wiped off.

Good, bad  or otherwise: 19/20

The straps really hold well in fact, almost too well, as you do have to pull them apart sometimes to release the club, but that is a good thing!  Really, I don't have negatives on my experience with these; in fact, one other positive was that my bag fell over in the parking lot, and the 5 iron struck the pavement.  Instead of being dinged the cover protected the iron, getting only a small nick that you might be able to see in the photos below.

Play or trade: 20/20

These are keepers!  I used covers only once before, and they were the rubber types that held moisture, causing some rust to form, while these did not with the cloth lining.  So after being skeptical at first, I will continue to use them.  Besides, they look good in my Sub 70 bag!


If you want to protect your investment in irons, then these are the ticket.  They are well made, and after 2 months of play, wear and tear, rain, heat, etc., look just as good as when I got them.  I have attached the photos below.  Thanks again to MGS for giving me this opportunity.  Hope to do it again in the future.

Final Score : 98/100











Edited by Randall Robbins
Craftsman club covers review

:Sub70:Driver : Sub70 839D

:Sub70:3 wood Sub 70 pro

:Sub70: Hybrid Sub 70 849 18*

:Sub70:Hybrid Sub 70 839 21*

:Sub70:Irons Sub 70 639 combo

:Sub70:Wedges Sub 70 659 approach 50*, 286 full face groove 54*

:seemore-small:Putter FGP

:titleist-small:Ball  Titleist AVX

Grips: Best Grips std leather

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20230705_080813.jpg.0d08e19aefca208cec4813f18945ccf7.jpg20230705_080828.jpg.20cc93a61e1fefb674154d1f233f442b.jpg I finally got my head covers. Here are some pictures. It looks like everyone's head covers are different. I took every head cover on and off several times to see how easy they were to remove and put back on. They are easy to remove and replace. They have a velvet lining that's really nice. Looks like i won't be Able to take them out to the course today supposed to rain all afternoon. Tomorrow and Wednesday don't look any better. As soon as I get a chance to play i will post an update. 20230623_112911.jpg.ed7ca2cc5cb0869f16efbde8c4f9b927.jpg20230623_113409.jpg.3a3cd2443d5002cceedb1e89b4984122.jpg

Edited by Big moose
Well I put my craftsman head covers to a good test today, I ran it over with the golf cart twice. Here are the pictures, it still looks like brand new. I guess if that doesn't hurt them I don't know what will.

Frank musolino 

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Congrats. to those chosen for these headcovers.

Will be interesting to see which models are chosen by this group, and the comments after using them for a while. 

Driver & Fairway: :titleist-small: Titleist GT2 8 degree - :Fuji: Ventus TR Red & :titleist-small: TSR3 15 - :projectx: Hzrdus Black Gen 4 

Hybrid: :titleist-small: TSR2 21 degree - :projectx: Hzrdus Black Gen 4

Irons: :titleist-small: Titleist T200 3G (4) & T150 - (5-G) - :Nippon: Modus 105

Wedges: :vokey-small: Vokey SM9 54, and 58

Putter: :cameron-small: Cameron Phantom X 5 

Ball: :titleist-small: Pro V1 & :maxfli: Maxfli Tour

Link to Motocaddy M7 w/Remote Trolley & Bag Review


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Congrats to the testers! I picked up one of these for my driver recently, and I like it. I’m interested in how the testers plan to put these through their paces.


D: :titleist-small: GT-2 10° w/ GD Tour AD-UB 6s

3W: :titleist-small: GT-3 15 Tensei Black 75 X

3h: :ping-small: G430 18° Tour 2.0/Stiff

7W: :callaway-small: 21° Rogue ST Max LinQ 7X

4i:mizuno-small: Pro 225 with Project X io 6.0

6i-PW:  :mizuno-small: Pro 225 with Recoil 110 f4

50,54° & 58°: :vokey-small: SM-10

P:   :L.A.B.: Link.1

Ball:  :vice: Pro Plus Drip

Bag:  Ghost MGS Anyday 14 way

"And so, we beat on, boats against the current, borne ceaselessly into the past." - Fitzgerald

” The woods are lovely, dark and deep,   

But I have promises to keep,   

And miles to go before I sleep,   

And miles to go before I sleep. - Frost

"That you are here—that life exists and identity,

That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse." - Whitman

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Congratulations guys, looking forward to the reviews

Driver: Callaway Big Bertha Fusion

3wood: Titleist 917F

5 wood: Titleist 917F

irons Titleist T350 5-pe

hybrids Taylormade 4 

wedges: Titleist SM8 50/54/58

putter: Scotty Cameron Newport slotback

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Congratulations testers!  Looking forward to your take on these covers!

What's In This Lefty's Bag?

Driver: :titleist-small: TSR2 11° Project X HZRDUS Black 4G 60g 5.5 Flex

Fairway Woods: :cobra-small: F8 3W Project X Even Flow Blue 75g shaft

Fairway Woods: 

Hybrid: :titelist-small: TSR2  18° Graphite Design Tour AD DI-85 Shaft

Irons: :titelist-small: 2021 T200's 4-GW AMT RED shafts Regular Flex

Wedge: :cleveland-small: Tour Satin RTX 4 Wedges in 52° and 56° 2 Dot

Putter: :nevercompromise-small: Gray Matter TDP 2.2 32.75"

Bag: :1590477705_SunMountain: Three 5

Ball:  :titelist-small:  PRO V1x / :srixon-small: Z*Star

RangeFinder:918457628_PrecisionPro: Titan Elite

Social Media:

Facebook:   MD Golfhacker
Twitter:        @mdgolfhacker
Instagram:   mdgolfhacker

Current MyGolfSpy Review - Precision Pro Titan Elite Rangefinder:



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This will be a challenge! Put those things threw the ringer

#GoBallsOutAlways #GoRickieGo

Driver:      :Sub70:849 Pro-:projectx:HZRDUS Smoke Blue RDX 70 6.0-NO1 50 Series Grip
Fairway:   :Sub70:949X-:projectx:HZRDUS Smoke Blue RDX 70 6.0 (1/2 inch short)-NO1 50 Series Grip
Driving Irons:     :Sub70:699 Pro 2-:truetemper: DG S400- NO1 50 Series Grips

Irons:     Custom:Sub70: 639 CB 5-Pw :truetemper: DG S400- NO1 50 Series Grips   
Wedges:   WedgeFx 52,56,60-:truetemper: DG S400Shafts-NO1 50 Series Grips 
Putter:      :Sub70: Sycamore 007-NO1 P90 Pistol Grip
Ball:           :odin:X1

Bag:     Side Street- Back9 Backpack Bag

Link to my Bag Boy ZTF Review!


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Congrats & looking forward to the reviews!

Mark Luft

Driver:  PING G430SFT 

Woods: PING G430SFT 3, 5 & 7

Irons:  PING G430 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, W, 45, 50, 54, 58

Putter: TaylorMade Spider X HydroBlast #9

Bag:  Bag Boy Revolver

Push Cart:  Bag Boy Nitro 3 Wheeler

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Congratulations spies!! 👏  Have fun with the testing.  My only recommendation to any of you new to using iron head covers is to develop a consistent system on when you remove for shots and put back on.  I've had to go search the "lost & found" bins at our courses several times since moving here.  Iron head covers have a good showing in those boxes 🤣.

:ping-small: G410 Plus, 9 Degree Driver 

:ping-small: G400 SFT, 16 Degree 3w

:ping-small: G400 SFT, 19 Degree 5w

:srixon-small:  ZX5 Irons 4-AW 

:ping-small: Glide 2.0 56 Degree SW   (removed from double secret probation 😍)

:EVNROLL: ER5v Putter  (Official Review)

:odyssey-small: AI-One Milled Seven T CH (Official Review)





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Congrats! I have seen some of these designs before, but didnt have the Craftsman name that stuck in my head. Prices look fair, hope the quality is good!


Driver: PING G400

3W: Ping G400

3 Utility Iron: Ping G410

5-GW: Cobra Forged Tec (2020) KBS $-Taper 125 x-stiff shafts (Club Champion fitting)

Wedges: 52,56,60 (mixed)

P: Cleveland Frontline 8.0 Wide blade

HCP: 11


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Congrats testers! This should be a fun read and I am interested in how you guys are going to test them.

D-Callaway Rouge ST Max

3W-Callaway Rouge ST Max

Irons-Callaway X-Series N415

54-Callaway Jaws Full Toe

58-Callaway Jaws Full Toe

P-Taylormade TP Brandon 1

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Congratulations testers! I'm looking forward to the iron cover reviews because if they are good I will update my cheap ones with these.

Mixed bag of goodies: Taylormade M2 driver, Titleist F15 3 wood, Nike 5 wood, Mizuno 923 Hmp irons, Cleveland zipcore wedges and Odyssey 3 ball putter.

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3 hours ago, fixyurdivot said:

Congratulations spies!! 👏  Have fun with the testing.  My only recommendation to any of you new to using iron head covers is to develop a consistent system on when you remove for shots and put back on.  I've had to go search the "lost & found" bins at our courses several times since moving here.  Iron head covers have a good showing in those boxes 🤣.

I hear you, I lost my wedge cover when we were in Augusta last year. I am very careful about where I put them now. Thanks 

Frank musolino 

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Congrats! Should be a fun and unique test to follow!

In my Vessel-removebg-preview.png.afd31301c874ee24a33a6c5f06f4ab98.png Lux XV Cart Bag:
Driver: Cobra RADSPEED XB PTC 10.5°
Fairway: Callaway Paradym 3HL 16.5°
Utility: Callaway Apex UW 19°
4 Hybrid: Cobra KING LTDx 21°
Irons: New Level 480-TC (Thanks to MGS for allowing me to test these!)
Wedges: Edison Golf 2.0 49°, 53°, 57°
Putter: L.A.B. Golf DF3 34"/67°
Ball: Maxfli Tour (Thanks to MGS for allowing me to test these!)

Check out my Official MGS Reviews Below!
:skycaddie: LX5 Watch - Link Here!

MaxFli.png.395dd0dca3a12529f636728b3e66a134.png Tour and TourX Golf Balls - Link Here!

image.png.28a3be9c497202cfc8176faecf8777ad.png Approach S70 Watch - Link Here!

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Congrats, testers! After seeing the call for testers, I checked out Craftsman’s page and ordered a 3W cover. Looking forward to testing alongside you.

2023 MGS tester: OnCore VERO X1 ball

2024 MGS tester: Edel Array putter

Driver: Callaway Epic Max 9*

3W: Ping G425 max

Irons: Srixon JX5-MKII (5-PW)

48* Titleist Vokey SM9

52* Cleveland RTX Zipcore

56* Titleist Vokey SM8

Putter: Edel Array B-1

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Way to go testers. I like Craftsman's covers. Run them through the gamet.

Follow my journey to enjoying golf and going low

Driver: :callaway-small:   Epic Max LS :kbs: TD Cat 4 60g 

3wHL: :callaway-small: Rogue ST LS 75x  Tensei AV Blue w/ xlink

7w: :callaway-small:Apex UW 21* MMT 80S

DI: Caley 01X 18* with :kbs: PGH Stiff plus 95g

4-AW: th.jpg.d6e2abdaeb04f007fd259c979f389de6.jpg  0211  with:kbs: Tour Stiff 2.5* up 3/4" long, Soft stepped, MOI matched

Wedges     :cleveland-small: Zipcore 

Putter::L.A.B.:Directed Force 2.1 69*/35" in blue 


Ball:  :Snell: Prime 4.0

Shot Tracking: :ShotScope:

Bag: Vessel VLX 2.0

Grip: Lamkin Sonar +  Midsize 

Glove: :redrooster:

My Reviews:

Caley 01X Driving Iron Review 2023

Max Swing Speed Training and Speed Progress: Current Speed 120 in the MGS Speed Challenge (updated 3/15/23)

 :1332069271_TommyArmour:TAIII #2  Review here: TAIII Impact #2 Putter )

 :cleveland-small: Zipcore Tour Rack 54/full and 58/mid (review here)

th.jpg.d6e2abdaeb04f007fd259c979f389de6.jpg  0211  2019 Unofficial Review




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On 5/29/2023 at 5:04 PM, GolfSpy TCB said:

  Congratulations Testers!!!   

Wood Head Covers

Iron Head Covers
@Alf. S
@Randall Robbins 
@Big moose

Looking forward to this test as there has been nothing like it ever in the history of MGS Forum testing!  Bring it on and let's have some photos and stories 🎉


Derek 🖌️ Verified Hack, ~21 handicap 🙂  Golf for exercise and peace of mind. ⛳ 
MGSlogoTinyNB.png.fa77eb3941d9cd5773ab070e0e4ccaa3.png WITB ( That's Linked ⚡ as is everything underlined )
|> Big Dogs: Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Max D (10.5)Tommy Armour TA1 3h :1332069271_TommyArmour: (19)Ginty Trouble Club 1582792763_GintyLogo(4)35h.jpg.fc3c835085ee4b6630b4ac7543b068c3.jpg (29)
|> Blades: First StrikeTM DeliveranceTM 4(23) 5(26) 6(29) 7(33) 8(37) 9(41) P(45)  
|> Chipper: Orlimar Escape (37)  Orlimar_Primary_Logo_Salmon_320x.png.74cc40a4a89b9e98905e4cba5c6d8337.png
|> Wedges: Worx 429668682_worx30.png.ecb184a97c8fb80112252b57c05f40c2.png (55)  Lovett 1857218720_LovetSandWedge2(2)30v.jpg.e22c477791c7dd1d962d07e9624df8cf.jpg (59) 
|> Flatstick: L.A.B. Golf DF2.1  ⛳ 2104071333_DrizzleStickLogo25.jpg.4a85e684857a33281ff6a12753532913.jpg  1935535164_ZeroFrictionLogo25.jpg.4af6ce349cb7b5117d2a8bb409c4b51f.jpg :OnCore: :footjoy-small:
⛳  :1590477705_SunMountain:C130 Supercharged 🌲  :Clicgear:3.5+  🌳  1197970276_COBALTicon15tall.jpg.92ebd5a63e6ab7d194096885e37eeb52.jpgQ6 Slope   🏌️‍♂️ SwingU2023logowhite30.jpg.238c607458394f36c7b0cd29738166fc.jpgPremium  
💻 1529843961_EPLogosm.jpg.3a2a74e3a5b6c64d4cdd1489a5d253b0.jpgMGS Logo  🌐 646255544_dghLogo30.jpg.9383a65e038b6a10ea92d0ada58bbc58.jpgBall mark   ⛳   IGBRC  International Golf Ball Rescue Commission / Founder
295785881_PGAHOPE_H_4Ch30.png.6317ecb613080e94b9fe996cd81462c1.png Graduate/Mentor    1698190715_StickHackLogo2021(3)20pixelstall.png.f28e1067b8bbf26fbd9d4c6c277f1a5d.png "The World's Greatest Golf Club Without The Course" Member #334 
Tester⛳logo_full_331d238c-3cab-4f84-ac72-d09e86f448c5_300x-12.png.8c8aee17ee565b3b96970802313957f9.png ⛳:Inesis: ⛳1382751340_L.A.B.Golflogo30.jpg.c054d635e47d481685d732a542e111af.jpg⛳:redrooster: ⛳LeanLockLogo.jpg.79bf29d6bf78b2208e2a58de63e92193.jpg ⛳ :callaway-small: ⛳GhostLogo.png.ccde624eb7cfea2672f0b34eb8fca132.png

It's all lies I tell you, everywhere the golf ball comes to rest! ⛳
If it wasn't for inconsistency, I would have no consistency in my game! 🏌️‍♂️


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On 5/29/2023 at 5:04 PM, GolfSpy TCB said:

Wood Head Covers

Iron Head Covers
@Alf. S
@Randall Robbins 
@Big moose

Congrats testers

My Reviews:

2023 Official review - Rapsodo MLM2Pro!

2022 Official Review - Edel SMS Wedges

2021 Official Review - Tommy Armour Impact 3 Putter

2020 Official Member Review - BagBoy Chiller Cart Bag

Cobra SpeedZone Xtreme - Unofficial Review by xOldBenKenobiX

Honma TR21 4 Wood - Unofficial Review by xOldBenKenobiX


Driver - :cobra-small: Cobra SpeedZone Xtreme 10.5, UST helium 5  Wood - :honma:TR21 4 Wood, Vizard 20-60  and TW GS 5 Wood Vixard FD 55  768205649_Screenshot2023-06-0213_28_25.png.53900da2fbc8d481e66d2a00ab6ac775.png 301 Combo 301CB and 301MB    231036130_Edel_Golf_Logo_v2_grandecopy.png.13cc76b963f8dd59f06d04b1e8df2827.png.6bd9ee8247ca1cc0415f39bf5fdfe313.png. SMS 48*, 56*, 60*   Putter: Lucky golf putter. Ball:  ::titelist-small:  ProV1, ::Arccos:: Smart Sensors. Shoes: a couple ::footjoy-small:: A couple of :nike-small: A couple of Adidas ,   Yeah I have a shoe addiction.::SuperSpeed:: Started at 79mph, finished 1st stage at 91mph


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