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The Edison Challenge featuring Edison 2.0 Wedges


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On 10/3/2023 at 6:45 AM, PMookie said:

Chipping and pitching yips Champ of 2022 at your service! Yep, the bane of my golf existence these days!!! I have NO idea how they developed, when exactly, or why, but here I am, the CHAMP!

I’ve been golfing for over 40 years, my Dad was a HS golf coach and my favorite days were riding around on the cart during practice being able to drop balls here-and-there. When he took me to play early-on we went to Pat’s Par 3 so I could learn the game from appropriate distances, and only when I became strong enough did he move me to full-size course play. I still remember the day he told me I was ready for my first REAL round! Today that par 3 course is the famous Miles Of Golf in Ypsilanti, Michigan. I still love to go-by there whenever I get back home!

Born-and-raised in SE Michigan, first year of college at Kalamazoo College to play hoops, then off to Appalachian State University in Boone, NC, one of the most beautiful places you’ll ever see! I played golf in HS, did play in the Ann Arbor Jr Open one summer, so I liked to play competitively. I absolutely fell in love with Mountain golf in NC. We played an inexpensive course once the snow melted as the course was part of the ski slopes during the winter. Yeah, to this day I prefer mountain golf to any other! I had my first hole-in-one on that course in a tournament (my second hole in one came years later at Fazio Foothills #9 hole at Barton Creek in Austin, TX).

I live in NE Louisiana and play as much as I can. A recent divorce set me back a bit, but the course and range is still where I love to go to get peace-of-mind, be active, and be outside. I play most rounds with a former student and player who was on the HS golf team where I coached. I won my flight of the Monroe Open 8 years ago, but have only played in scrambles since. I play a semi-private course and it’s a good test albeit very flat due to the topography here in the Mississippi Delta. I’m a father of 3, dating again, and looking forward to the future!!!

I’m excited about this test because I’ve been through a lot of different types and brands of wedges over the years. Most recently I have been playing Edel SMS, and for those who know me on here over the past 10 plus years, y’all know I’ve been an Edel “fan boy” getting to know the guys there very well. As my opening few sentences let you know I need as much forgiveness as I can get right now with my wedges. I’ve REALLY been enjoying my i230 U wedge and have built some confidence with it, so adding a couple more for which I have the same feeling would be great. Shot-wise around the green I’m a bump-and-run guy, it’s old school, what my Dad taught me in the 70s, I hardly ever play a flop, so if I can use the 8 iron and run the ball to the hole I’m going to! I hit the ball VERY high due to overly active hands and arms, so I’m interested to see how much lower my ball flight goes with the Edison 2.0. What would I need to see to bag these babies? Similar distances, increased GIR, lower ball flight, and similar spin. If I can be more “accurate” and hit it lower, I’ll be a happy man.

My bag is all Ping until wedges and putter:

Ping G430 Max driver, LST 3w, and 4 hybrid, i230 irons 4-UW, 50/54/58 Edel SMS wedges, and Edel EAS 1.0 putter.

I’m looking forward to this opportunity, and I’m very thankful to both Edison and MGS for including me! Have a blessed day!!! Here we go!!!!


















First Impressions 15/20

I was very impressed by the Edison 2.0 wedges immediately upon taking them out of the box, even the shipping was nicely done especially with the inclusion of the hat! I liked the look of the wedges, the colors, the matte finish, the weight, etc. The only think I didn’t care for was the two-tone finish on the face just because I’d been playing a “single finish” face for years. I liked the dual sole wedge and was familiar with Koehler sole from Scor wedges, and the similar sole on Srixon irons I’d played for years.

Aesthetics: 8/10 with the deduction being for the dual color face

Feel-wise I really liked the Edison 2.0 on full shots. There was something about the combination of the face and shaft that on well-struck shots it had this “powerful” feel to it! It was addicting! One night at the range I was absolutely flushing everything so I had this feel coming as feedback over and over again. I was hitting to a green/flag and it wasn’t like the balls were going significantly farther than ones hit with my Edel wedges, but it sure felt like they were going 20-30 yards further! When I chipped and pitched I did not get the same feel at all. I actually didn’t enjoy the feel very much around the green and I’m not sure if I could narrow it down to one specific aspect of the clubface. I think I can chalk-up the issue with feel on chipping due to hitting balls further out toward the toe and the head being tilted toe down, but it’s just a guess. Full shots: loved the feel. Short shots: didn’t love the feel.

Feel: 7/10


The Numbers 2/10

Ok, here’s where we get down to brass tax. I purposely held off showing my Trackman numbers until the review for a reason feeling it would give away too much of my review if I posted them a few weeks back, so here goes. To start with, the whole purpose of doing a review for MGS is to put the manufacturer claims to the test and see if they hold-up for average Joe’s, weekend golfers, so what I was testing were the claims that these would be more forgiving, fly lower, and spin more. Ok, what did I see? Whether it be on the range, on the course, and especially on Trackman, for ME, not a single one of these claims held-up. I didn’t hit more greens than with my Edels on-course from the same distances. Balls did not fly any lower than my Edels in any situation, and my Edels spun more which was seen both on-course, and on Trackman. There’s even a picture I posted showing how balls were backing-up whether I hit them with my Edels or with the Edison 2.0 but the Edels backed-up FEET further! The minute I got these unwrapped and got to the course  I was SO ready to see lower ball flight from ball one! Ball one.. Ball 20, ball 100, none went lower than my Edel SMS! Shocked. I had numerous Edison users tell me it really noticeable so I thought something might be wrong, but the balls off the Edisons never went any lower than my current gamers in any situation. So, here are the numbers from TrackMan: first launch and peak height. Edel 54 launch was 29.1 with peak height of 94. Edison 53 launched also at 29.1 and had a peak height of 102, so 8 feet HIGHER! Edel 58 launched at 30.8 and hit a peak height of 91, and the Edison 57 took off at 30.2 and flew up around 90, so no real difference. SPIN: Edel 54 spun at 10936, Edison 53 was 10312 (624 less), Edel 58’s spin was 11668, and Edison 57 was 11375 (293 less). In summary, with the numbers I saw really the only category that Edison won would be distance, but the shafts were also ½” longer than my gamers.IMG_3821.jpeg.1ca1a93e2a4340d6b3485792c6f412ec.jpegIMG_3819.jpeg.2636cd15231e8b81cdebac2ee8aabd7b.jpegIMG_3820.jpeg.524655766ca4b563078d1b6e4ac24490.jpegIMG_3822.jpeg.54826a41ee2810c1c429fc4198d37c21.jpegIMG_3826.jpeg.2808fa60f04f7c6884dd692c639f6242.jpegIMG_3827.jpeg.9f2f000fadea732a730b4235db6ab045.jpegIMG_3828.jpeg.7259918d7edccf5dda1f56b52d2cc8b3.jpegIMG_3829.jpeg.69d6e0378f6dfcfdbf8a614f6ec18683.jpeg


On-Course 10/20

I’ve pretty much already addressed everything I saw on-course when I posted and added pictures, and addressed it above in the previous categories. I will say I thought that on-course full shots was where I would see these shine just because of that powerful feeling I got with these on flushed shots at the range, and with Edison’s claims of more forgiveness. I thought for SURE I’d hit more greens, miss “closer”, see a difference from my Edels, but I just didn’t. Add to the fact that the grinds just didn’t work for me around the greens where I struggle most and these just weren’t for me on-course at all.

Good, Bad, In-Between 10/20

The good for me were the looks and powerful feel of the wedges. The bad was that these didn’t perform up to any of the claims made by Edison. The in-between comes down to this… These were not fitted to me at all and, to be honest, I really didn’t think these could beat my Edels for this reason alone. The shafts were too soft from a flex and tip standpoint (KBS Tour S vs my Nippon Modus 130 X), they were also too long at an extra 1/2” over my Edels making it that much harder to hit the sweet spot on full shots and even worse when it was time to grip down and chip around the greens. The Edel fitting is pretty extensive, at least the one I did, and we tried a TON of different shafts and not just brands. We tried various stiffnesses, lengths, weights, etc., we really zeroed-in my wedges for me and my swing. There was just no way the Edisons could compete with that. I would LOVE to have a true fitting with the Edisons, and THEN have them go head-to-head to make it a true test.IMG_2608.jpeg.3a6b0718cea5a391c79729d38363942a.jpegIMG_2618.jpeg.66217223ec5b2902fa2a048c261487f4.jpegIMG_2612.jpeg.7c055b0b88baeff2f6f918c36a896c29.jpegIMG_3280.jpeg.359ff2aa32913c6478cfa821cca28b9f.jpegIMG_3272.jpeg.464b4c0945a09ea54947959382d67e95.jpeg

Play it or Trade it 10/20

After getting this far in the review I think it’s safe to say you all know my answer here… Trade them. They will not be going into my bag, and I probably won’t spend the money on getting Nippon shafts and having them built similarly to the Edels because just the grinds alone don’t work for me. I want to be clear that these are QUALITY clubs! They just aren’t for ME… I don’t want anyone to think I’m bashing Edison in any way, shape or form because I’m not. If one looks up the Edison threads, and looks at the other reviews here they will see much different results, so don’t just read my review and make assumptions. Edison has a free trial program so it’s always best to take advantage of those specials and see how they do for you!

Overall Score 47/100

I sincerely thank Edison Golf and MGS for giving me the opportunity to participate in this review, my first of wedges on MGS. I really appreciate being included!


Awesome review! Great to hear about someone from SE Michigan even if you've moved! I've always been curious about the Edisons, but I've never gotten along with a V sole in a wedge. I feel like they just skip and I blade everything out of the bunker. Good to hear about the Edels though, they are on my list!

:wilson_staff_small:  Cortex w/MGS Motore X F1 7X tipped 1"

:wilson_staff_small: F5 17 degree hybrid w/Rogue Black 85X

:wilson_staff_small:C300 Forged 3-5 w/C-Taper 130X

:wilson_staff_small: FG Tour V6 5-6 w/C-Taper 130X

:wilson_staff_small: Staff Model Blade 7-PW w/C-Taper 130X

:cleveland-small: RTX4 52, 56, 60 w/S400 Tour Issue


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Is there any tests you guys would like to see done that I did not do with my launch monitor?



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22 hours ago, GolfSpy_APH said:

Interesting review. Appreciate your honesty overall and does show that not all clubs will fit or suit all golfers as we expect. 

I find the comparison tough and while I understand the claims of lower flight and more forgiveness I wouldn't have expected them to be more forgiving considering the fitting you had with your edels. Seems like they were a perfect fit going in, so anything other than a in person fitting would have been extremely tough to beat. 

I know you touched on the sole, but that is where I am more interested in all the different lies and areas on how that just performed. This seems to be a key or focal point of these wedges versus some of the other claims (imo). I know my pings are way better out of bunkers than the mizunos, but the mizunos perform better on thicker rough. The technology in them is very different as are the grinds, which kinda makes it tricky to compare as they are different clubs. Almost like comparing a GI to a Blade - different claims, different lofts, different ways or methods of achieving levels of performance. While they didn't perform perfectly for you they didn't seem to be terrible given the way they were fit via the online system. 

Appreciate you passing them along to another tester and seeing how they perform for them!

On the sole comparison I note this in a post where I’m chipping around the green. Yeah, it’s certainly a major factor!!! 
What I take from Edison’s claims about forgiveness goes to the location of weight in the head, and the overall design of the head creating a larger sweet spot, etc. Even with a fully fitted Edel, the claim of being more forgiving does not have an asterisk, a caveat, some kind of clarification to say that they would only be more forgiving than clubs purchased off the rack, or against non-fitted options, and I think that this is important to note. Club manufacturers make claims and the claims apply to all golfers unless specifically stated. Our job as a tester is to test the claims. I made sure to make it perfectly clear in my chipping post, and review exactly what you’re saying. Was going to be tough… BUT, I, as a tester, am still to test the claims and say my experience. Was it going to be tougher? Sure!!! But this is what MGS, the site, is ALLLLLL ABOUT. I’ve been here since day one. One of the “OGs”, I believe in what MGS does, we put manufacturer claims to the test and honestly report our findings. Anyway, I enjoyed the wedge testing, I’m very appreciative of the opportunity, and maybe my results will reflect that values of My Golf Spy, honest assessment of manufacturer claims put to the test against “gamers”, fitted or not. 😃😃😃

Driver: Ping G430 Max 9*, Ping Tour 70X

Fairway: Ping G425 15*, Ping Tour 70X

Hybrid: Ping G425 22*, Ping Tour 80X

Irons:  Ping i230 4-GW, TT DG X100

Wedges: :edel-golf-1: SMS 50D/54V/58D:Nippon:Modus 130 stiff, +1”

Putter:  :edel-golf-1: EAS 1.0

Ball: Titleist 2023 AVX

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4 hours ago, PMookie said:

On the sole comparison I note this in a post where I’m chipping around the green. Yeah, it’s certainly a major factor!!! 
What I take from Edison’s claims about forgiveness goes to the location of weight in the head, and the overall design of the head creating a larger sweet spot, etc. Even with a fully fitted Edel, the claim of being more forgiving does not have an asterisk, a caveat, some kind of clarification to say that they would only be more forgiving than clubs purchased off the rack, or against non-fitted options, and I think that this is important to note. Club manufacturers make claims and the claims apply to all golfers unless specifically stated. Our job as a tester is to test the claims. I made sure to make it perfectly clear in my chipping post, and review exactly what you’re saying. Was going to be tough… BUT, I, as a tester, am still to test the claims and say my experience. Was it going to be tougher? Sure!!! But this is what MGS, the site, is ALLLLLL ABOUT. I’ve been here since day one. One of the “OGs”, I believe in what MGS does, we put manufacturer claims to the test and honestly report our findings. Anyway, I enjoyed the wedge testing, I’m very appreciative of the opportunity, and maybe my results will reflect that values of My Golf Spy, honest assessment of manufacturer claims put to the test against “gamers”, fitted or not. 😃😃😃

I enjoyed your straight talk  review. I am not a forum tester… I am also not  as refined in club usage and terminology that I probably should be.. That said; I have never had a club(s) swing as easily and enjoyably as the Edison’s. .. I am actually starting to believe that this might be part of the issue with my  “learning curve”  in hitting the Edison’s.
   My two biggest issues making for a hodgepodge of concerns is that one, my wrists problems are necessitating a big change in attack angle. The other issue which should be self correcting is that my home course has been exceptionally and exceedingly wet for the last couple months. Wet caliche is a killer to hit out of and increases the wrist pain issue. So due to operator limitations and the wet course conditions the wedges have not had a really fair test on the most important of all the proving grounds, the course. 
  My question to you is have you had clubs that swing/ feel fantastic, but just don’t perform?? 
  Again,  good review and thanks for any input you might have about my question. 

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Well Thanks to PMookie and MGS I have been given the opportunity to retest the Edison2.0 wedges!

 I bought my first set of clubs when I was 19 and would get out 10-12 times a year till my late 20's then kids and other responsibilities ate up my time. About 6 years ago I started picking it up again and bought a set of Ping G400 irons and became addicted! I live on Vancouver island so I am fortunate to be able to golf all year round (although it can be a little wet in the winter).

I have been looking to replace my Mack Daddy4 wedges for a while now, while they perform well for me from 60Y and in I have zero confidence in them beyond that. As a 16 handicap I find the myriad of choices for bounce and grind options out there intimidating, I do not see myself buying a few sets of wedges for different  playing conditions. The fact that the Edison wedges have one bounce and grind solves that issue. The other thing they claim is they are more forgiving so my hope is that they will fill the gap from 60-100Y for me. I have a mevo plus in the garage so I will be able to test out all the claims and report back, I will also get them out on the course as much as possible.

Outside of golfing me I enjoy Fishing and exploring in our camper.

The wedges are supposed to be delivered this week and I am looking forward to testing them out! 









First impressions


As this is a retest I am not doing an unboxing. Above is a pic along side my Callaway's


I really like the way they look from address the middle club is my titleist  gap wedge, they blend very well and weight and feel are very similar.


Above is a picture of my Titleist gap wedge with the Callaway wedges for comparison.


As I am a re tester these were not fit for me and they are considerably longer than my Callaway's, they are about the length of my 8 irons. I did a session on the sim and at the range at full length, full shots were fine but chipping was hard to get used to so I cut them down yesterday and re-gripped. Did another session on the sim today and I really like the feel. More to come...

Final Review

First impressions 10/10

I really liked the look and they felt solid on the full shots. Once I cut them down and  re-gripped  they were even better. 

aesthetics 9/10

The overall look really suits my eye, and at address they blend extremely well with my t200’s. I will say I prefer a high toe wedge for my lob wedge but for me that is just a confidence thing for open faced sand shots.

Feel  10/10

I love the feel of these wedges especially for  3/4 to full shots. Even on off center hits they feel solid wear as my current gamers will feel like you hit a stump.

The numbers 9/10

The biggest benefit I find with the Edison 2.0 compared to my Callaway’s is the north south dispersion from 50-100 yards. Being a 16 handicap I do not always hit the center of the face and the Edison’s are far more forgiving in  that aspect. They are not magic though so if your face or path is off they can not straighten your shot.  My east west dispersion was similar to my gamers. As for higher spinning and higher flight once again I did not find any noticeable difference, I deducted a point for that.

On course 19/20

When I first started using them on course I noticed an immediate improvement on longer shots but around the green no difference. However the more I practice and play with them the better they feel. The one place I will give the edge to my Callaway high toe 58 deg is for greenside bunkers, I am still struggling a bit with the edisons from there but I think that will get better with more practice.

The good bad and in between 19/20

The good- as advertised they are far more forgiving than a blade wedge. The bad- I really don’t have anything bad to say about them. The in between- for me it is the sand shots but that is probably me more than the clubs.

Play it or trade it 19/20

No brainer for me it is Play it! I would say my short game has improved playing the Edison’s (my handicap has not improved but there is always one part of my game that lets me down on any given day but thats golf!)


For the target golfer the mid to high handicap avg golfer I don’t think you can go wrong with the Edison 2.0. If you are not playing blade’s for your irons why switch to blades for your wedge’s? An added bonus on top of being more forgiving is you won’t  have to stress over what grind and bounce you need for how/where you play.




Edited by BrianSeal
Final review

Titleist t200 irons, tsr2 sriver, cobra ltdx woods

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Want to welcome @BrianSeal who we have selected to re-test the Edison 2.0 set of wedges! 

They should be arriving with him in the next few weeks and the testing can begin again!

Very much looking forward to your review and thank you for taking this re-testing opportunity on.

Also, a sincere debt of gratitude to @PMookie for making the wedges available for this re-testing opportunity!


D: :titleist-small: GT-2 10° w/ GD Tour AD-UB 6s

3W: :titleist-small: GT-3 15 Tensei Black 75 X

3h: :ping-small: G430 18° Tour 2.0/Stiff

7W: :callaway-small: 21° Rogue ST Max LinQ 7X

4i:mizuno-small: Pro 225 with Project X io 6.0

6i-PW:  :mizuno-small: Pro 225 with Recoil 110 f4

50,54° & 58°: :vokey-small: SM-10

P:   :L.A.B.: Link.1

Ball:  :vice: Pro Plus Drip

Bag:  Ghost MGS Anyday 14 way

"And so, we beat on, boats against the current, borne ceaselessly into the past." - Fitzgerald

” The woods are lovely, dark and deep,   

But I have promises to keep,   

And miles to go before I sleep,   

And miles to go before I sleep. - Frost

"That you are here—that life exists and identity,

That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse." - Whitman

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10 minutes ago, GolfSpy_BEN said:

Want to welcome @BrianSeal who we have selected to re-test the Edison 2.0 set of wedges! 

They should be arriving with him in the next few weeks and the testing can begin again!

Very much looking forward to your review and thank you for taking this re-testing opportunity on.

Also, a sincere debt of gratitude to @PMookie for making the wedges available for this re-testing opportunity!

This is awesome. 



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Congratulations @BrianSeal, and such a great opportunity created by @PMookie!

TaylorMade SIM 2 Max Driver

TaylorMade Sim Ti 3 wood

Titleist U505 Hybrid (3H)

TaylorMade Tour Preferred CB Irons (4-PW)

Vokey SM8 Wedges (52/56/60)

Odyssey Ai-ONE 7S Putter

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1 hour ago, GolfSpy_BEN said:

Want to welcome @BrianSeal who we have selected to re-test the Edison 2.0 set of wedges! 

They should be arriving with him in the next few weeks and the testing can begin again!

Very much looking forward to your review and thank you for taking this re-testing opportunity on.

Also, a sincere debt of gratitude to @PMookie for making the wedges available for this re-testing opportunity!

Congrats @BrianSeal.

Looking forward to the review!

@PMookie awesome to see we are having more and more re-test!

 Titleist GT3 11* Tensei 1k blue

 Titleist TSR2 4w 16*

Titleist TSR2 5w 18.75*

 MKII ZX 5's (4-6) w/ KBS Tour V

MKII ZX 7's (7-PW) w/ KBS Tour V

 Vokey SM9 Wedges 50* 54* 58*

DF2.1 Putter


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11 hours ago, Dead Solid Bogey said:

I enjoyed your straight talk  review. I am not a forum tester… I am also not  as refined in club usage and terminology that I probably should be.. That said; I have never had a club(s) swing as easily and enjoyably as the Edison’s. .. I am actually starting to believe that this might be part of the issue with my  “learning curve”  in hitting the Edison’s.
   My two biggest issues making for a hodgepodge of concerns is that one, my wrists problems are necessitating a big change in attack angle. The other issue which should be self correcting is that my home course has been exceptionally and exceedingly wet for the last couple months. Wet caliche is a killer to hit out of and increases the wrist pain issue. So due to operator limitations and the wet course conditions the wedges have not had a really fair test on the most important of all the proving grounds, the course. 
  My question to you is have you had clubs that swing/ feel fantastic, but just don’t perform?? 
  Again,  good review and thanks for any input you might have about my question. 

Numerous times… I’ve had a couple drivers, sets of irons, wedges, 2 putters, you name it! I used to demo all new releases each year and do fittings and some just didn’t work like they did in the fitting… Both drivers were a shock once I got them in-hand after my fittings. Crazy. 

Driver: Ping G430 Max 9*, Ping Tour 70X

Fairway: Ping G425 15*, Ping Tour 70X

Hybrid: Ping G425 22*, Ping Tour 80X

Irons:  Ping i230 4-GW, TT DG X100

Wedges: :edel-golf-1: SMS 50D/54V/58D:Nippon:Modus 130 stiff, +1”

Putter:  :edel-golf-1: EAS 1.0

Ball: Titleist 2023 AVX

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bump.. do not sleep on Edison wedges, please go check out our reviews if you have not yet. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Had another guy try the edisons last night.  Said they felt better than his tm mgs



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well the weather here has been terrible but I have done a few sessions with the mevo+ in the garage. For comparison I took ten shots with each club from 20yd to 100yd in 10 yd increments. I found that avg spin and height to be pretty much the same as my Callaway's. My dispersion however was much better with the Edisons. Hopefully the weather improves this week and I can get out for some on course testing.

Titleist t200 irons, tsr2 sriver, cobra ltdx woods

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Got to play my first outside round of 2024 today. 
Shot a 6 over but the highlight was a 50 yard hole out for eagle with my edisons! Really loving these things! 



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Got out late in the day with nobody around to do some on course comparisons, basically just dropped balls from 40-90 yds and hit a few shots with each club. The Edisons did not disappoint! North south dispersion was much better than my gamers much the same result as I had on the Sim.

Titleist t200 irons, tsr2 sriver, cobra ltdx woods

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14 hours ago, BrianSeal said:

Got out late in the day with nobody around to do some on course comparisons, basically just dropped balls from 40-90 yds and hit a few shots with each club. The Edisons did not disappoint! North south dispersion was much better than my gamers much the same result as I had on the Sim.

love to hear that!  I'm hoping for an early Spring so I can play some real rounds with the PW.  One day I'm going to go out with my oldest and hit tee shots then just play from PW yardage and hit both to see which club "wins out."  We have a par 3 near by too that I might take a lap through.  But every simulator and range session that I had produced more consistency with the Edison, which is still wild to me.  

:taylormade-small: Qi10 - Terra Forza White | :cobra-small: Speedzone 5-wood - Ventus Blue 8S | :ping-small: G430 3-Hybrid - Kai'li White 80s

:edel-golf-1: SMS Pro 4-PW - Steelfiber i110S | :taylormade-small: MG3 Raw Black 50.09, 54.11, 58.11 - DG TI S200

:L.A.B.: Mezz Max | :titelist-small: Pro V1x | Vortex Blade | Ghost Maverick Black Ops - Forum Edition | :CaddyTek: CaddyLite EZ v8


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5 minutes ago, GolfSpy BOS said:

love to hear that!  I'm hoping for an early Spring so I can play some real rounds with the PW.  One day I'm going to go out with my oldest and hit tee shots then just play from PW yardage and hit both to see which club "wins out."  We have a par 3 near by too that I might take a lap through.  But every simulator and range session that I had produced more consistency with the Edison, which is still wild to me.  

Could hit 60 degrees in MA on saturday


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I played a few holes this week in the warmish weather and had two shots using the back grind on the 57* wedge.  Almost a flop shot but with a little space between the trap and pin for some roll out.  Being the first on course swings in 2 months i didnt expect a lot.  Both shots came off well, the turf interaction didnt grab or bounce into the back of the ball.  The clubhead sort of glides along the turf without having the face open up.

i had one other 57* shot from about 60 yards using the front grind and it was crisp and on target, a little long but the direction was good. 

It is a good start to the year with the new gamers.

Modern Bag:  :ping-small: G410 LST 10.5*, Hzrdus Smoke RDX 6.5 Flex;   :titelist-small:  915F 3w, Diamana S+ 70 S flex; :callaway-logo-1: Mavrik 18* 5w;  :mizuno-small: JPX 919 HM Pro 4i;  :mizuno-small: JPX 900 Forged 5 - PW, PX LZ 6.0;  Edison 2.0 49*, 53*, 57* KBS Tour 120 S;   :ping-small:  Heppler Fetch;  Ball - :Snell: MTB-X; Bag - Jones MyGolfSpy Edition! 

Shot Scope H4, MG600 Rangefinder

Classic Bag:  Driver - :wilson_staff_small: Persimmon; 3w - :Hogan: Speed Slot; 5w - :wilson_staff_small: Tour Block; 3 - pw - :wilson_staff_small: Dynapower; sw - Ram Tom Watson;  putter - bullseye standard or flange.

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12 hours ago, TG8 said:

I get the same notification’s from Edison…  While the 49° and 55° wedges and I are continually growing our relationship. The 59° is refusing to engaged in any positivity except for the occasional relatively close bunker shot. 

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On 10/3/2023 at 7:08 AM, Placasse61 said:

Placeholder 10/19/23

Who is Peter Lacasse?

I am not totally positive after 62 years, but I guess that he is still being developed! He is a loyal friend, competitive to a fault, trained Chef (Johnson and Wales 1981) working in and around the Boston area as an Executive Chef for 8 years. Then I decided to take a Culinary Arts Teachers position at my old High School in Attleboro MA. For 32 years I was a teacher, Track and Field Coach and whatever coach the children needed me to be. I retired from teaching and coaching in June 2020. Only to spend the 2nd semester spring of 2022 as a long-term Culinary Arts sub and back coaching Spring Track in 2023 and beyond!

My wife of 39 years Kelly, totally out of my league, is a major contributor in who I am! We have 4 adult children, Candice 38, Mark 35, Jason 31 and Sean 29. Three are married with children, 8 grandchildren, and our baby is still searching for that girl.




The first time I played real golf, not just swinging clubs in a field with found golf balls from a local range or golf course, was at Stone E Lea golf course at 16 with a borrowed set of clubs. Then I found a used set of Spalding Elite Irons 2-pw. I continued to play golf (not very seriously for 40 years) mostly playing 2-5 times a year for fun. A 105 average (low 93 Lucky day) and a high of 132 with an eagle from 165. Over the past 5 years I have played more often, and since 2020, have taken a more competitive approach, playing 20-27 rounds a year (once a week). Overall, my average score now is 96 with a low of 85 (broke 90 6 times in the past 2 years 5 this year) and a much more consistent Iron game with some gifted Ping 710's.


I have only owned 3 sets of irons the Spaulding’s 25+ years, a boxed set of Wilson staffs on liquidation 15+ years and the Ping 710’s I use now. Pretty much the same with Woods Wilson 1200’s 1,3,5 And Taylor made Bubble shafts 1,3,5. When I Retired I celebrated with a fitting for woods and purchased Ping G410 driver and 3W. I never was much for gear as I felt that it’s the player and not the tools. After getting my new tools I have seen a big difference in good –great contact and am really enjoying the game more. MGS has also helped me with other spies thought processes to enhance the most important part of the game “ME”. I am finding this year that my approach is just okay and is either good or just fair (not terrible) and my wedges around the green are not very good or consistent. I am chipping these days with my 8 iron to bump and run which I am okay at in appropriate situations. I feel unless I am on with my approach wedges or chipping I lose at least 5 strokes a round.

I am so excited to test the Edison 52 and 56 with KBS 120 stiff shafts standard lie, because I am really looking to make my short game more consistent with fewer miss hits and more control. Also, to see how it compares to the Ping Glide 2 that I play (48, 54) and the 60 that doesn’t end up in the bag much. With Edison’s claim of a more forgiving club with a much larger sweet spot, for better distance control, “smash factor”, (which I totally need). I hope to also experience similar lofts and spin with the Edison wedges as I get with a well hit Glide.


Edison 2.0 51*, 55* First Impressions: 19/20

Aesthetics 10/10

Feel 9/10

wedge test Unboxing: 10/24/23

I was pumped when I received My Edison 2 wedges when I got home on Monday from NC. Upon opening the box, I felt they did a really good job protecting the clubs with 6” of well packed paper on each end of the box. It was also nice to see the blades with a black head cover with the Edison Logo, and the cool Edison Golf hat!


My first visual impression was of nice, rounded lines with soft edges. I really like the brushed matte look of the metal and the crisp lines of the logo and lettering. I am not an equipment junkie yet, but I noticed the double bevel bottom, my glides have no bevel, and the top edge looks thick but not blocky. The back has clean, soft lines and Overall appearance is pleasing and sturdy.

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I did find the head a little smaller than my glide 50*, 60* and much smaller than my G710 48*. It does seem a little heavier than my glides, but I am not sure yet if it is the blade or the shaft. I will have a better Idea when I play a round. I do like the way they lie at address with little effort. The shaft, KBS Tour 120 S is definitely thicker than my other wedges but are more in line with my Irons. I like the overall sturdy feel, with backyard swings, as well as a feel of more momentum development with less than full swings. Something I don’t feel with the glides. Again, will test how that feels on the course.


The pictures above with the golf balls show the natural lie of the Edison and Glide club heads.

Though not flashy, a couple guys that I play with really liked how they looked but you could tell that they did not know the name, and ultimately not impressed.

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I went to Mr. Greens indoor golf in Ashland yesterday and hit each club 40 shots with the launch monitor.

G710 49* 12.0 bounce and 64.1* lie.  Avg carry 101.6 total 104.4, back spin 5770 (high 6300, low 4300) Apex avg. 85' and club speed 76.1

Edison 2.0 51* Bounce 21/5 and lie 63.5. Avg carry 94.5 total 99.0,  back spin 6672.5 (high 8200, low 5570) Apex avg 60' club speed avg 72.4

Edison 2.0 55* Bounce 21/6 and lie 63.5. Avg carry 80.8 total 82.5, back spin 6345.2 Apex 67, club speed 72.7


The graphs are 49*, 51*, 55* .  The 55*graph is missing many of the shots which were closer to center and l-center. Below see the strike zones on the club heads. I am noticing that with the smaller club head, I am seeing less toe shots. 

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My first impressions when using the clubs were overall positive. I like the look at address and how the clubface almost sets itself up. The weight of the club was really different with the first few swings but became more comfortable with each use. I think the slightly heavier club reduced my swing speed (compared to 49*) but the ball speed was at a higher percentage of gain compared to the effort. 

So far, the Edison claims of greater forgiveness because of a larger sweet spot are true. Giving a more consistent closer to straight shot. The trajectory seems to be lower with substantially more spin, but there seems to be more roll out. I am looking forward to giving them the course work out for the real test results. They also seem to clean up well!


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Final Review

Aesthetics: 10/10

My first visual impression was of nice, rounded lines with soft edges. I really like the brushed matte look of the metal and the crisp lines of the logo and lettering. I am not an equipment junkie yet, but I noticed the double bevel bottom, my glides have a single bevel, and the top edge looks thick but not blocky. The back has clean, soft lines and the overall appearance is pleasing and sturdy.

I did find the head a little smaller than my glide 50*, 60* and much smaller than my G710 49*. It does seem a little heavier than my glides but is well balanced and has a nice swing feel. I do like the way they lie at address with little effort. The shaft, KBS Tour 120 S is definitely thicker than my other wedges but are more in line with my Irons. I like the overall sturdy feel, with backyard swings, as well as a feel of more momentum development with less than full swings. Something I don’t feel with the glides. The sound of the ball hitting the club is pleasing, resembling a solid wood bat hit, while also soft to the feel. Overall, with the larger sweet spot, I get the great sound and feel often.

Though not flashy, a couple guys that I play with really liked how they looked but you could tell that they did not know the name, and ultimately not impressed.


The Numbers: (9/10)

Simulator sessions showing average results

G710 49* bounce12.0 and lie 64.1* lie.    

Avg carry 101.6 yds total 104.4, backspin avg 6835 (high 8235, low 5234) Apex avg. 85' and club speed 74.1

Edison 2.0 51* Bounce 21/5 and lie 63.5.

Avg carry  97.5 yds  total 99.0,    backspin avg 8372 (high 11,940 low 6835) Apex avg 60' club speed avg 72.4

Edison 2.0 55* Bounce 21/6 and lie 63.5.

Avg carry  80.8 yds  total 82.5,    backspin avg  8956 (high 12,325 low 6940) Apex 67, club speed 72.7

Ping glide 2 54* bounce 14.0, lie 64.4    

Avg carry  80.6 yds, total 84,     backspin avg. 5254, (high 8,940 low 4235) Apex 68' Club speed avg 73.9  I am all over the place with this club.


Accuracy with the Edison’s are definitely better than my gamers! My “baseball type swing” does not always give me a pure hit. Most misses are towards the toe and the club face does close a lot making shots pull left. With the Edison wedges the majority of the shots were 3-5 yds closer to the target vs my gamers. On average the 51* is about 5 yds shorter total distance, with better carry and less roll out than the 710 49*. The 55* has the same carry with 2 yds less roll out vs the Glide 54*. Both Edison 2.0 clubs have substantially more backspin with 20’ less apex height, but maintaining better stopping power on the green. In addition, when turf is really soft with wet conditions my glide wedges often dig and create chunk shots. I am finding that I have fewer badly hit shots even with non-sweet hits, and shallower divots in soft grass areas. The heavier feel tends to keep me in a more relaxed swing tempo than the Glides, especially in less than full swings. Being a 20+ handicap I have no clue on shaping shots other than by accident, so that is not in my arsenal of tools!

On-Course (18/20)

I like the feel of more confidence I feel when setting up for shots with the Edison wedges. A sense of relaxation and knowing to let the club do the work on full and down to ½ swings. My overall feeling is that a shot from the fairway or light rough, will be at least close to the green and not in trouble. The smaller club head gives me a smaller target which narrows my focus when addressing the ball. Forgiveness is apparent with slight miss hits, demonstrating similar distance and accuracy to well struck balls on the course. Having more confidence in the clubs, I have seen fewer chunk and scull shots providing greater success on approaches. The clubs have increased my GIR % on average from 11.1% to 19.6% but also putting me in better position to chip (with the 8 Iron) reducing my number of chips by 2. In a recent 9 holes I shot a 40/29 (+4) but what really stuck out was my GIR (3) but only 2 chip shots. When I was not on the green it was on the fringe so very puttable!



Though my approach is better I still have difficulty chipping. Around the green “I have the YIPS and HEEBIE-JEEBIES” standing over the ball! Over the past couple years, I will typically use an 8 Iron to bump and run with decent accuracy. I was hoping for a miracle cure with the 55* to help get a flop, but I still have the same issue. I spent some time at an elevated green practicing a couple dozen shots from below with some success but not great. I was also hoping to work on sand play but with the colder weather made it difficult as the sand was never dry. The 55* was better at picking the ball clean but I was unable to test dry fluffy sand. I do feel that with the Koeler Sole (double grind/bounce) will help me in most sand situations. On less than desirable lies, (hard pan, thicker rough and soft turf) my overall contact has been great. 

I feel my game has improved because of a better approach shot in my bag. My overall score should drop by a couple shots with more regulation greens.

The Good, The Bad, The in between (19/20)

I really like the look and feel of the club and they seem to be pretty durable and clean up well. Edison is not a name most golfers know and I had only heard of once or twice prior to the testing. In general I like smaller companies with true stakeholders in their product! Shortly after, I went on line to be fitted, Emails were received thanking me for being “interested in the Edison wedges” and if there was anything the staff could do to help. I also liked the money back guarantee if the clubs didn’t fit my game. In addition, when I was selected to test the Edison Wedges, the founder Terry Koehler, sent multiple emails thanking me, telling me what to expect and best ways to test his product! I thought it was a nice touch and helped me to feel trust in the company. Though my clubs arrived last, I feel my order was completed before the stated time line, and in a reasonable shipping time line. There were a few extra nice touches shipped to me such as an Edison golf hat, and club head covers. I also like the fact that it is a Direct purchase from the company. I really am not a fan of the big box stores and root for smaller company success.

I do think that more information (tutorial) about lie would have been helpful to me when being fitted. I had no Idea the difference lie angle can make until chatting with GolfSpy BOS, and him giving me a lesson on the subject. It would suggest Edison ask a couple questions relating to the lie, to help better fit a golfer. The price point at $199.95 seemed high compared to other similar wedges for Ping Glide 3.0 $149.99, and Vokey SM9 $179.99.


Play it or Trade it? (19/20)

I really like that the clubs, for the most part, do what the company claims “more forgiveness, distance and accuracy, with lower trajectory and higher backspin rates. My game seems to be better with the clubs in my bag so If it seems better in my mind, then it is! The Edison wedges should play well for most levels of golfers but I truly feel they will help golfers who struggle a bit making consistent contact in the sweet spot. The smaller club head but larger contact area enables golfers to make good/great contact more often, producing straighter shots with more reliable distance.   



As a hacker most of my life, my education on equipment has really gained traction over the past 3 years. The Edison 2.0 test has been an educational, fun and positive experience. Terry Koehler and the company were very helpful with insights on the club’s technology and detailed explanations on key aspects of the club face’s expanded contact area.

The smaller club head but expanded clubface contact area, bring home the company’s claim of more consistent control of distance and accuracy.  I also found the lower trajectory and Apex height of my shots to be beneficial in most situations, while increasing backspin and green holding ability. My tendency to chunk shots in wet soft areas has been substantially reduced, smaller /shallower scalps giving better distance. The Edison wedges have given me additional confidence on set up and when addressing the ball. This allows me to let the club to do the work and not overthink my shot. In most situations I feel the ensuing shot is much more successful than with my gamers.  Though I struggle with wedge use for chipping I feel with more deliberate practice, the Edison 55* will become a significant part of my arsenal.  

. My overall impression is Edison meets their claims of making better wedges for the average everyday golfer. I am typically not a gear person, but understand the value of really good tools and feel the Edison 2.0 are good helpful tools!thumbnail31.jpg.0bb2aa3d83eb79e178569b345031d56a.jpgthumbnail36.jpg.24040f99a182748be850c8ddeb7e9dfd.jpg



Final Score: (95/100)





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Was able to get my January round in today. Gorgeous day 51 degrees sunny no wind and crystal-clear blue skies. Played well on the front and terribly on the back 48/56. The one takeaway was that I was still hitting my Edisons well with approaches, but more importantly I had 5 really good chips (5-10 yards from the green) to within 10'. I am still liking the feel and more so around the green.




Well, the Edisons have stayed in my bag. I have been working on my focus with chipping using the 55* and it is starting to work for me. Getting much better chips above, below and just off the fringe. I continue to like the feel and have much more confidence around the green. As it gets nicer out I will check in again with some numbers, and how they are holding up with lots of play!

4-PW and UW Ping G710

Ping Glide 54 degree wedge

1,3,5 Taylor-Made Titanium bubble shafts (24years)

Top-Flite Gamer Putter


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2 hours ago, Placasse61 said:

Well, the Edisons have stayed in my bag. I have been working on my focus with chipping using the 55* and it is starting to work for me. Getting much better chips above, below and just off the fringe. I continue to like the feel and have much more confidence around the green. As it gets nicer out I will check in again with some numbers, and how they are holding up with lots of play!

Mine are still in the bag as well. Sold the vokeys just so I couldnt be tempted. 

Edited by TG8
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I am not in the testing; however, I did order two (55 and 59) wedges. With Josh Ross’s help I was able to get a custom order. It took a while for my order, but Mr. Totten at Edison made everything right and shipped them 1 day air to me. Edison has really amazed me with their excellent customer service! Here are the initial pictures: image.jpeg.1131a3753f1648f304a5aef3873f27ed.jpegimage.jpeg.a3e732185f8178351e88b3a4df7dbade.jpegimage.jpeg.2472100105e72825eb15581380307ae1.jpegimage.jpeg.09258c9e316aae43548944ef79c1c4b0.jpegimage.jpeg.8b52f6a7c06d82af8ad3722efad76488.jpegimage.jpeg.b89b2394203dd663c5b491e18de2625f.jpeg

Can’t wait to put them in play!

Play like a champion today!

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@Javs I just learned of the delay in getting your custom components in, super sorry that happened but I'm glad Bill got you taken care of. Can't wait to hear what you think!

In my Vessel-removebg-preview.png.afd31301c874ee24a33a6c5f06f4ab98.png Lux XV Cart Bag:
Driver: Cobra RADSPEED XB PTC 10.5°
Fairway: Callaway Paradym 3HL 16.5°
Utility: Callaway Apex UW 19°
4 Hybrid: Cobra KING LTDx 21°
Irons: New Level 480-TC (Thanks to MGS for allowing me to test these!)
Wedges: Edison Golf 2.0 49°, 53°, 57°
Putter: L.A.B. Golf DF3 34"/67°
Ball: Maxfli Tour (Thanks to MGS for allowing me to test these!)

Check out my Official MGS Reviews Below!
:skycaddie: LX5 Watch - Link Here!

MaxFli.png.395dd0dca3a12529f636728b3e66a134.png Tour and TourX Golf Balls - Link Here!

image.png.28a3be9c497202cfc8176faecf8777ad.png Approach S70 Watch - Link Here!

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@BrianSeal , now that some time has passed from the posting of your final review, are you still getting along with the wedges?

Good job on the review, btw!


D: :titleist-small: GT-2 10° w/ GD Tour AD-UB 6s

3W: :titleist-small: GT-3 15 Tensei Black 75 X

3h: :ping-small: G430 18° Tour 2.0/Stiff

7W: :callaway-small: 21° Rogue ST Max LinQ 7X

4i:mizuno-small: Pro 225 with Project X io 6.0

6i-PW:  :mizuno-small: Pro 225 with Recoil 110 f4

50,54° & 58°: :vokey-small: SM-10

P:   :L.A.B.: Link.1

Ball:  :vice: Pro Plus Drip

Bag:  Ghost MGS Anyday 14 way

"And so, we beat on, boats against the current, borne ceaselessly into the past." - Fitzgerald

” The woods are lovely, dark and deep,   

But I have promises to keep,   

And miles to go before I sleep,   

And miles to go before I sleep. - Frost

"That you are here—that life exists and identity,

That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse." - Whitman

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17 minutes ago, Josh Ross said:

@Javs I just learned of the delay in getting your custom components in, super sorry that happened but I'm glad Bill got you taken care of. Can't wait to hear what you think!

Josh, no worries and Bill took good care of me. He was very quick in responding via email and directly on the phone. He went above what was expected to make it all right. Very happy with the service and the look of the wedges. I’ll give an update once I play them. Thank you!

Play like a champion today!

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@GolfSpy_BEN, just got back home after a couple of months on the road in the southwest. While the rest of my game has gone off the rails a bit I am very confident with the Edison wedges! They won’t be coming out of the bag anytime soon!

Titleist t200 irons, tsr2 sriver, cobra ltdx woods

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