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Fujikura Ventus Shafts - 2024 Forum Review

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[Ventus Velocore+ ] – Official MGS Forum Review in progress by [Syks7/Jonathan Gilliam]



About me

Here we go again!  I’m always honored to do a test for MGS and this one should be interesting.  I’m still a 41 year old architect in Southern California and as of this moment am riding an absurd wave of good play that has seen me drop from an 11.3 to an 8.3 as of today!  A lot of that improvement has been finding some consistency with my driver  -- PGX Gen5 0311 9º with a Tensei CK Pro Orange shaft).  The Velocore+ is really going to have to perform to unseat it.    


At home I have two dogs, a 4 year old little girl who sometimes is occasionally interested in golf (until I offer some instruction) and an awesome wife who works with me on a “fluid” golf budget while also doing her level best to ignore the endless parade of golf related boxes arriving at the door.  Those boxes fuel a lot of time spent tinkering with my equipment – maybe too much....😄.  All the tinkering has taught me a lot about how different shafts, weights, and hosel settings can really affect what you are trying to get out of a club and I have a very good time trying different things out and can often be found out in my training facility (garage) -- building, practicing, and learning.   


About my game

I’m in a surprisingly great spot with my game.  There was a lot of toil, frustration, and bouncing around the 10.5 line before breaking through and I now find a fair bit of consistency throughout the bag.  Putter, Wedges, & irons are all pretty reasonable and driver, once a weakness, has now become somewhat of a strong suit.  That said, my performance on the course is heavily tied to my performance off the tee and any jump in consistency will help improve the other three areas.  As my driver play has improved, I’ve gained a lot of insight into strokes gained and I’ve become a big believer in the statistic.  I’ve mostly stopped laying up on Par 5s and I pull driver on short par 4s anymore because of it – and barring a complete mishit it seems to bear a lot of fruit (birdies) if I get to have a wedge in hand for my approach into the green.  I’m really excited to see if Velocore+ can get me closer to the hole and keep me in the fairway more often.  There’s got to be something to so many pros playing a version of the Ventus!     


Testing Methodology

For testing I’ll be using the same head ( PXG Gen5 0311  9º) and putting together a direct comparison to my current shaft (Mitsubishi Tensei CK Pro Orange) using a combination of oncourse performance and simulator data using a GC4 (Unfortunately not mine).  On course I’m going to focus on the basics using a base of data I’ve already been collecting for my own purposes --  Fairways in Regulation, Right and left fairways misses that still have a look at the green, Right and left misses that are in jail, and total distance.  I’ll probably just shift to using the Velocore+ on course since I already have a good data base, but I’m planning to get out for some solo twilight rounds with my club wrench to do some hot swap head to head testing.  In the Sim I’ll obviously be able to collect more direct data and the first order of business is going to be getting the Velocore+ dialed by spending a couple hours playing with the weights and hosel settings.  After that I’ll do some direct data collection with both shafts along with my previous AV Tensei raw blue.  I’ll probably throw some of the shorter shafts into just to see what data I can get, but they’re all 3 woodish length so it may not be relevant data.



What I’m looking for:

I want to see if that 2-3mph jump in club head speed is real.  I also want to see if all the fuss about dispersion is real.  I know my current driver shaft really well, it’s consistent enough that I pretty much have a one way miss.  My dispersion cone goes about 10 yards left of center and 30 yards right (with the occasional way right) and I aim accordingly.  I’m hoping to see the velocore+ narrow that up a bit or at the very least put a lot more shots towards the center of that cone.   Really excited to see how it goes.   Thanks to MGS for trusting me with this one.


OG Blue during fitting


Final Testing Methodology

My testing methodology shifted based on something I read.  It got me thinking about how personal shaft fitting is and how one thing that may work for one person may not work for another.  One shaft that I think is terrible could be perfect for someone else and vice versa.  It’s highly subjective.   For this reason, I shifted my review toward the data and characteristics of the shaft that I would find helpful if I was reading a shaft review.  In the end, I kept the data collection from the simulator & on course & dropped the direct comparison to competing shafts.  The goal being to focus on what the shaft had done for me and why I think it had done so.  Hopefully this will provide you with a reasoned look at the Velocore+ Blue.

First Impressions & Aesthetics

Aesthetics (9/10)

Its sharp, and it’s sharper than I expected it to be after looking at it on the Fujikara website.  It looks exactly like I’d expect a high end product to look – simple, refined, and flashy without being over the top.  The best comparison I can make is that it reminds me of something like a BMW M5.  It’s a very high end daily driver with some serious tech and juice under the hood that isn’t over the top looking like a Lambo. 

Color wise, after reviewing the photos on Fujikara’s website, I thought I was in for a baby blue color.  That isn't the case.  Its by no means dark, but it isn’t baby blue.  It’s definitely lighter than the the OG Ventus Blue or TR Blue, but not drastically so.  A lot of the lightness comes from the pearlescent finish which somehow manages to be both shiny and flat.  Its pretty clean.  There’s no glare from it, and it isn’t distracting over the ball.  I was a little apprehensive about how the finish would hold up in the bag, but after 12 rounds it looks no worse for wear.

The one knock I’ll give it is that if you don’t like the finish or color there’s no getting away from it.  The finish makes it loud without being obnoxious and while it isn’t distracting it’s noticeable over the ball in a way that the deeper tone of the OG Ventus & TR Ventus shafts are not.  


First Impressions -- General first swings (8/10)

My first swings came in the simulator and right off the bat I noticed that the Velocore+ Blue felt stiffer than the OG Ventus Blue I was fit into (feeling a lot to me like the OG Ventus black 6s).  I had a hard time finding the center of the face initially, but started to improve as I made adjustments to the hosel & weights.  Ball speed was initially down 3 MPH from the CK Orange, but started to come in line as I made adjustments.  The last 10 were within 1 MPH of the CK Orange average.  All in all, it was a solid first outing considering I was consistently using using one of the least hot parts of the face (high heel).  It was incredibly consistent and short of a couple swings I used the same 1” x 1” part of the high heel side part of the face for 23 swings. 




First Impressions – On course (8/10)

On course, my first round was mediocre.  The Velocore+ Blue had the same feel as I had in the simulator and I still wasn’t finding the center of the face.  Despite that, I hit the same amount of fairways as with the CK orange and my average distance was within a yard of the CK Orange baseline.   The only reason it wasn’t a better day was that I could not hit a green in regulation to save my life.  The one thing of note for the day was the lack of catastrophic misses off the tee.  I’m usually good for one ‘oh no’ drive per round, but I wasn’t that day.   I know my driver well enough to know the feel and result of mishits off of certain parts of the face and while the face contact was the same for mishits the result was not.   It was far more muted than I was expecting when I looked up to track the ball.

The numbers 9/10

Over 12 rounds and two bookending sim sessions I did see a positive change in my numbers.  First off, on course, I saw a about a 4.5 yard jump in average driving distance.  Going from 251.4 with the Tensei Orange to 255.9 with the Velocore+ Blue.  Correspondingly, the sim numbers show a jump in average ball speed of about two mph which tracks exactly with the 4.5 yard jump in distance.  Interestingly, the ball speed jump is not coming from an increase in clubhead speed.  That has remained almost the same despite the ½” longer shaft length.  There has been no 2-3 mph clubhead speed increase as was advertised by Fujikara.  The added ball speed is coming from better efficiency, contact, launch conditions, and lower spin.   I’m down from 15 launch with the Orange to 12 with the Velocore+ blue and I’ve also seen my spin drop into the 2200 range vs. 2500.   Not drastic changes, but 4 yards closer to the pin on average isn’t nothing and it will tip the needle in my favor slightly in regards to strokes gained.  This is doubly true when there’s a lot of room to improve since I’m hovering at the bottom end of the swing speed for this stiffness and shaft weight.

On course, I’ve seen a jump of about 6% in Fairways in regulation with another 5-10% of what I would call ‘almost’ fairway in regulation -- Clean look at the green with a decent lie.  That’s good enough for 1 more fairway per 18 and 1-2 more looks at the green per round. Again, while it’s a marginal improvement it’s definitely not nothing.

The only major frustration with the numbers is that I have not translated the better looks into better scores(yet) – though I did shoot a 79 and one magical twilight practice session I played 16 holes at even par (two balls for 8 holes).  Otherwise, I’m averaging the same number of strokes north of par as I was before (+9.5ish).  Truth be told, I think it has nothing to do with the Velocore + and everything to do with me getting more greedy when I’m closer to the hole…


On Course 18/20

On course is where this shaft really shines for me.  Its just rock solid stable for me wherever I it on the face. So long as my path and face orientation aren’t way out of whack it usually generates a playable ball for me.  I don’t have big spinny misses with it beyond those that come from a truly atrocious swing.  Don’t get me wrong, I can still pull it or push it like the mediocre striker that I am, but I’m no longer snap hooking or banana slicing it into oblivion.

My personal favorite though has been the stability on drop kicks.  I’m someone that has a propensity for getting stuck on my back foot and that can lead to heavy contact.  Previously, this kind of miss had a tendency to upset the face orientation and it was dealers’ choice as to whether I was headed left or right with a lot of spin.  With the Ventus Velocore+ Blue the face seems to either re-square because of the stiffer tip section(guessing?) or not have be upset at all.  It contacts the ball square and while I lose some clubhead speed I generally end up in the center of the fairway with a reasonable return on distance.  The last round I played I hit a drive that all my playing partners laughed out loud about.  No joke, I hit 8” behind the ball with what I can only assume was a 0 degree attack angle and skipped the club off the ground into the ball – resulting in a drive that still made it out to 220, was perfectly straight, and dead center in the fairway. The stability has added a layer of forgiveness off the tee that has me muttering, “better lucky than good” a lot and shaking my head. 

Dispersion wise my entire cone has narrowed vertically and horizontally.  I see a consistent carry and my right left bias has migrated from right with no left back toward the target line with about 10-15 yards of left and slightly more right.  Overall, this is good, but truthfully it’s been a bit frustrating because I’m not quite as confident with my aim.  I’ve been playing the right bias for so long that I’m having a hard time visualizing my dispersion and overriding the desire and confidence of aiming down the left side with zero worries.  It’s enough a problem for me that I’m mulling the idea of opening up the face a bit by going up ½ a degree in loft and adjusting the weights to add more fade bias to bring it back to a right miss only.  I’ll play a couple more as is and see if I can get used to it.

Overall, I’ve been very happy with the Velocore+ on course and I think it has been a solid performer for me.




Its stable and consistent for me.  I can’t stress that enough.  Those two factors are more than enough for me to work with.  I’ve been on a big quest to find or build equipment that’s easy for me to hit without thinking about mechanics.  The Ventus Velocore+ blue in combination with the PXG 0311gen 5 does that in spades.  It isn’t the longest combination I’ve ever put together but it is exceedingly easy for me to hit with a repeatable positive result.  


Its pricey.  $350 isn’t cheap by itself, but throw in a driver head, fitting, and build costs and you could easily be into a single club for four figures.  That’s a tough ask even if you’re a serious player or a giant golf nerd like me.   It’s an even tougher sell when you consider that there’s a lot of older premium aftermarket shafts available for a lot cheaper that have similar performance characteristics (though not quite as good for me) as the Ventus Velocore+ Blue. 


Shaft fitting is an incredibly variable process that I’ve only dipped my toes in enough to have a good idea of what is going to work for me.  Even then, every fitting I’ve done has taught me how little I know.  I’m constantly surprised when a fitter puts something in my hands that just works despite everything, I’ve learned about bend profiles, kick points, etc. to the contrary.  Fortunately for me the Ventus Velocore+ Blue is right in my wheelhouse, but that doesn’t mean its going to work for everyone.  It isn’t a magic bullet that’s suddenly going to cure swing flaws or lack of consistency.  I caution that while the Velocore+ Blue profile is designed for broad appeal that doesn’t guarantee that it will work for you.  If you’re going to spend the coin on this don’t take a flyer, get fit and make sure you get the right one.  I was fit into the OG Blue 6s since they didn’t have a velocore+ available at the time, and I still occasionally think that the Velocore+6s is a tad stiff for me.  I half wonder if I would not be seeing better performance with a 5S.  Make sure you are fit on the Velocore+ if you are interested.

Lastly, it’s tough to say whether it’s a worthwhile upgrade if you’re already playing a premium shaft.  There’s been a lot of people asking if its worth upgrading from the OG Blue to the Velo+ Blue.  I don’t have a great answer to that, but I can speak to whether or not its worth an upgrade from a CK Orange.  The truth is that it’s still a little nebulous.  Have my numbers improved?  Absolutely.  Have they improved a lot?  Kind of?   Its small gains, but there’s potential that it could be worth a couple strokes – a solid gain if you’re working your way down single strokes.  However, if I was just looking at it on paper I’d hard time justifying the expense.  I’d probably be looking to see if there was low hanging fruit that would be a cheaper option to save me a couple strokes first.  That doesn’t mean that I don’t think its worth an upgrade, it just means that I think you’re going to have to ask yourself a question like this and make a judgement call on whether the potential gains are worth the cost to you.  It’s a question that only you can answer.



Its in the bag without question.  The combination of stability, consistency, and dispersion is pretty much all I need to be sold on.  I’ve seen jumps in average distance, distance and dispersion on mishits, and fairways in regulation along with a shrinking dispersion circle.  Marginal they may be at the moment, those metrics are going to be worth some strokes eventually.  It does exactly what I want it to do right now and I get the feeling that there’s a lot of space for me to grow into it.   I haven’t even remotely  come to a point where I felt like I was hitting the edge of the Velocore+ Blue’s stability and I’ve tried.  There’s a lot more performance I can find in this shaft and its worth continuing to play it on that basis alone.


Bottom line, I really like the Velocore+ blue.  It is a solid piece of equipment.  It’s easy to see why the Ventus line in general is so popular on tour.  Anything that can help bring consistency to an marginally consistent 8.7’s swing must be a nice sharp tool to have in the bag for a pro that’s trying to reduce variables.  I think it has great potential for it to help your game if you fit into it, have a consistent swing, and are realistic about the performance increases you can achieve.   There’s plenty of upside and I firmly believe that it’s a great option for finding some of the consistency and gains you need to make your way further into single digit or + territory.  Is it worthwhile to a higher handicapper?  Probably not.  Like I said earlier it isn’t magic and if your swing lacks consistency or is flawed it isn’t going to do a ton for you other than lighten your wallet.  However, if you think its going to help you, regardless of index, don’t let my review stop you.  Try it out at a fitting and see if there’s an improvement.   The only question I think everyone should ask is whether the potential upside outweighs the cost.  For me the answer is unequivocally yes.



Edited by Syks7


311062546_PXG_LogoSmall.jpg.1ff58b767d1fb1cdfeac9a387718766e.jpg  0311 Gen 5 -- Ventus Velocore+ Blue


image.png.374545efa45a29aed00287677e783604.png  0317X 2&3 -- Tensei CK Orange


:srixon-small: ZX7 4/AW -- C-Taper Lite 110


:cleveland-small: RTX Zipcore 56/10º@55º  58º/10  C-Taper Lite 110


Test.png Link.1 -- Accra


:srixon-small:  Zstar Diamond


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Congratulations to a very nice group of well chosen testers. Needless to say, there will be a great deal of interest in how the new Ventus shafts perform. Are you guys up for the challenge?  I know you are. Have fun. 

Driver: Taylormade Stealth 2 plus, LA golf DJ shaft, 55S

3 wood - TM Stealth plus, Mitsubishi Kai’li. Blue, 5 wood - TM Stealth plus,  Hzrdus red, 3 hybrid Mizuno CLK, Fuji pro

Irons (5-PW) - Mizuno 921 HMP, Accra IS 80

Wedges, TM MG4 SB 48*/09*, HB 54*/13*, TW 60*/11*, Accra ICWT 95 M4

Putter: L.A.B. DF3, TPT shaft, pistol grip

Bag: Vessel Cobra tour stand bag

Balls: Titleist ProV1x, Callaway Chrome soft X LS, Bridgestone Tour B XS or Srixon Z star Diamond

Tech: Arccos, Bushnell Pro XE rangefinder image.jpeg.6421bf4c3e32ba5a27f4fe57d0571222.jpeg

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Congratulations everyone.

Cobra LTDx LS 9.0 TPT Power Range 18 LO

Cobra LTDx 3W lofted to 16.5 TPT 17 HI

Tour Edge E723 21 degree Diamana Thump f85 S

Cobra LTDx 24 degree 5 hybrid TPT 17 LO

Corey Paul - 5 & 6 CB with KBS $-Taper 120 Stiff Black

Corey Paul 7 - PW Japan Forged Minimalist Blades KBS $-Taper 120 Stiff Chrome

Corey Paul Functional Art 52, 56 & 60 all with BGT ZNE shafts

Odyssey O Works Black #7 with BGT Stability Tour Shaft, SuperStroke Traxion 3.0 & 75g CounterCore

Bridgestone Tour BRX or MaxFli Tour

Tracked by Arccos, Bushnell V4, Vessel Lux XV 2.0 bag, Bag Boy quad XL cart with Alphard V2 wheels

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Congrats Testers!

Having played the old blue version, I am interested to see how the new one performs and if there are any differences.

 Titleist GT3 11* Tensei 1k blue

 Titleist TSR2 4w 16*

Titleist TSR2 5w 18.75*

 MKII ZX 5's (4-6) w/ KBS Tour V

MKII ZX 7's (7-PW) w/ KBS Tour V

 Vokey SM9 Wedges 50* 54* 58*

DF2.1 Putter


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Congratulations to all of you! Welcome to the testing community!!

Driver: TaylorMade Qi10 Max (Mitsubishi C6 Blue 60S 2022) 

Fairway Woods: NEW Cobra LTDx King 3 & 5 FW (Project-X Hzrdus iM10 Smoke Green 60g 5.5R)

Irons: TaylorMade Qi 6-PW (Ventus TR Blue 6R)

Wedges: Cleveland RTx 4 52/56/60 Wedges (True Temper Dynamic Gold 105 Tour )

Putter: Cleveland Frontline 10.0 Mallet

Grips: GolfPride CP2 Wrap Jumbo

New Gamer Ball: 2024 Bridgestone Tour B RX 

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Congrats to the testers! Cant wait to see how this goes and opinions of it

DRIVER  CALLAWAY.png.02d1ed01b3f95aaceb59b33edf1d6f2d.png Paradym Ai SMOKE MAX D w/ Mitsubishi Tensei Blue 65-R 10.5*

WOOD TAYLORMADE.png.c09940dc65e88df056ed8bc6fac5d992.png STEALTH 2 Plus 15* w/ Mitsubishi Kali Red 65-R 42" 15*

HYBRID CALLAWAY.png.02d1ed01b3f95aaceb59b33edf1d6f2d.png Big Bertha 19 w/ UST Recoil DART 75-S 20*

IRONS MALTBY.jpg.db763764d25fcfd7c75f92dc47028a09.jpg TS3 Forged 4i-PW w/ True Temper Score LT 100-R

WEDGES PING.png Glide Forged Pro w/ ZZ115-W 48*/52*/58*

PUTTER Cleveland.jpg HB SOFT 8 w/ Center Shaft 3*

Check out my Tests...


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Congratulations Testers! I'll be checking out your results to see how your long game improves with a high end shaft.

Mixed bag of goodies: Taylormade M2 driver, Titleist F15 3 wood, Nike 5 wood, Mizuno 923 Hmp irons, Cleveland zipcore wedges and Odyssey 3 ball putter.

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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, GolfSpy_APH said:


The Fujikura VENTUS driver shafts have taken the golfing world by storm, claiming to be more stable and consistent with tighter dispersion and increased ball speeds than its predecessor. The new Fujikura VENTUS shaft, powered by VELOCORE technology, has a lot to live up to.

About The Fujikura VENTUS

A premium driver shaft that has made its way into the bags of many tour professionals and amateurs alike, the Fujikura Ventus with VELOCORE has become a go-to golf shaft since its introduction in 2018. In 2024, Fujikura released a new VENTUS Blue version with VELOCORE+ technology and advanced materials to improve on what was already a very popular choice. A key change in the 2024 version is a simplified bend profile with a re-engineered multi-material bias core claiming to improve stability for more consistent strikes. Additionally, the new VELOCORE+ claims to enhance feel and the overall performance of this high-end driver shaft.


Please welcome and congratulate our testers!





Congrats to the testing crew chosen - do is proud as you “swing for the fences” (ooops, wrong sport 🤪).  Looking forward to hearing how the new shafts compare out.

Edited by Willie T

WITB?:ping-small:  G400 SFT w/Aldila NXT GEN NVS 55 Aflex ; :ping-small: G410 3w; :ping-small: G400 3h(19), 4h(22), 5h(26) - stock Ping Alta CB R-Flex; :edel-golf-1:SMS 6i, 7i - KBS TourLIte 95 R-Flex; Maltby TS1 8i-9i-PW w/Apollo Acculite 85 R flex; INDI FLX-S wedges (50, 54, 58) w/Recoil graphite shafts -R-Flex and :odyssey-small: AI-One 7T BD Milled (aka Millie), ball choice tends to be Pro-V1 or simliar 3pc urethane balls. 

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Congratulations testers.  Should be a good one


  • Qi10 MAX 10.5 Fujikura 50-S
  • Cleveland Launcher XL Halo 15*
  • Rad Speed 19* Hybrid
  • Cobra King Utility 4 iron
  • ZX5 MKII 5-AW Modus 105S
  • Smart Sole Full Face 54*
  • Smart Sole Full Face 58*
  • Odyssey Versa 3 T
  • Tour BX/TP5 
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Super excited to be chosen as one of the testers for this shaft. I currently play an OG Ventus Blue and will be comparing old tech and new tech head-to-head as part of this test. Going to be fun putting this thing through some rigorous testing which all of you would expect. Intro will be up later this week, if not sooner. 

Driver:  cobralogo.png.60692cdc05482efd83e68664e010b95f.png Aerojet LS, Ventus Velocore+ Blue Shaft - 6S
4 Wood:  callaway.png.e65d398fb0327017a369499fc6126064.png Rogue ST Max 16.5, Tensei White Shaft - 7S
Utility Iron: mizunopro.png.90cc4fb9895830e28063d9a5be416145.png Fli Hi 3-iron, HAZARDOUS Smoke Black Shaft - S
Irons:  mizuno.png.f0e7b21135cb6273b3c1430866904467.png JPX 921 Tour 4-P, Project X Shafts - Stiff 125g
Wedges: cleveland.png.f21f4d2361520fdf1bbd9d515a2f11e6.png 52º, 56º, 60º
Putter:  odyssey.png.58c727e37eb7efda62bce4f7b8881bd9.png Ai-One 7 T CH, 34"
Preferred Ball: srixon.png.f177578dda27a20ef80a0a8b1ae96e3b.png Z-Star Diamond
Pushcart: bagboy.jpg.0dda53b5175958e1b5686f22b90af744.jpg Nitron
Rangefinder: bushnell.jpg.c51debd06066fa243dea7f14d69a8dba.jpg Pro X3+

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Looking forward to your experience with this one 😊

  • PING G400 LST Mitsubishi Tensei White 60X
  • TaylorMade SIM2 3 wood Fujilkura Ventus Blue 7-X
  • Titleist U505 2 Tensei 1K Black 85 X
  • Titleist T100 4-P Nippon Modus 3 120X
  • PING S159 50-S 55-H 59-T DG X100
  • L.A.B. MEZZ Max Broom Accra 47" 79.5*
  • Srixon Z-Star XV 

Currently testing the 2024 PING S159 wedges…


Was testing, still loving the 2023 Titleist T100 Irons 4-P



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Congratulations testers!  Looking forward to reading your thoughts and experience with these shafts.

TaylorMade SIM 2 Max Driver

TaylorMade Sim Ti 3 wood

Titleist U505 Hybrid (3H)

TaylorMade Tour Preferred CB Irons (4-PW)

Vokey SM8 Wedges (52/56/60)

Odyssey Ai-ONE 7S Putter

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This sounds like a great opportunity!
Really interested in seeing the testing 


Driver - Stix Compete
7W - :ping-small: G5
9W - :callaway-small: Big Bertha War Bird
5H/SW - :callaway-small:Edge 
6H - :ping-small: G15
5-PW - :macgregor-small: MT-86 OS
56 - Kirkland Signature 
Putter - :odyssey-small: White Hot Pro

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Looking forward to hopefully providing some good content on this one.  Know the bar will be much higher so Ill enjoy the challenge of delivering.

Driver - Sim2Max 10.5° (set at 9*) UST Helium shaft

3W - StealthHL 16.5°

3h - Sim2max 19°

irons - Sim2OS kbsmax85mt steel shafts reg flex 5i-Aw

wedgies - Jaws MD5 52°-10° (Bounce) S Grind

                  Jaws MD5 56°-12° (Bounce) W Grind

Putter - Mizuno OMOI Type II

VENTUS Velocore+ review

Stack Referral code

Final Sugar "Pure" Golf Balls Review

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Solid group right here, congrats all!

In my Big Max hybrid bag:
:mizuno-small: ST-X 10.5* Kai'li Blue R Flex
:mizuno-small: ST-Z 15* Kai'li Blue R Flex
:mizuno-small: ST-Z 4h Linq Blue R Flex
:cleveland-small: Launcher 5h
:wilson_staff_small: D200 6i-GW
:cleveland-small: CBX 54* & 58*
:cleveland-small: Huntington Beach #10
:maxfli: Tour S

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Congrats to the the testers, I look forward to following this one.

Driver: :taylormade-small: QI10 Max
Fairway: :taylormade-small: Sim2 Max 3HL
Fairway: :ping-small: G425 Max 9 Wood
Hybrid: :mizuno-small: 2020 CLK 5 Hybrid

Irons: :cleveland-small: Zipcore XL 6-PW
Wedges: :cleveland-small: CBX Zipcore 46° 50° 54° & 58°
Putter:   :edel-golf-1:
 Array F-3 
Ball:  :srixon-small: Q-Star Tour Yellow

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Congratulations to this group of testers. Looking forward to the comments and reviews,

Especially @Preeway to compare the + model to the original model.

Driver & Fairway: :titleist-small: Titleist GT2 8 degree - :Fuji: Ventus TR Red & :titleist-small: TSR3 15 - :projectx: Hzrdus Black Gen 4 

Hybrid: :titleist-small: TSR2 21 degree - :projectx: Hzrdus Black Gen 4

Irons: :titleist-small: Titleist T200 3G (4) & T150 - (5-G) - :Nippon: Modus 105

Wedges: :vokey-small: Vokey SM9 54, and 58

Putter: :cameron-small: Cameron Phantom X 5 

Ball: :titleist-small: Pro V1 & :maxfli: Maxfli Tour

Link to Motocaddy M7 w/Remote Trolley & Bag Review


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Congratulations testers!  Very eager to read these reviews.  Good luck all!

Working at getting better ... and very slowly getting there.

  •  :callaway-small: Paradym 🔹🔹🔹 Max 8* (:accra:  Shogun Blue M0 Otto-Phlex)
  •  :taylormade-small: Brnr Mini driver 13.5* (:accra: FX 3.0 140 M1 Otto-Phlex)
  • :callaway-small: Paradym X 4 and 5 Hybrids
  •  Maltby TS1 (shafts:  :kbs: Tour 120S)
  • :cleveland-small: RTX6 Zipcore 53*, and 58* mid wedges (:projectx: wedge shafts 6.5)
  • :cleveland-small: Frontline Elite 1.0
  • :redrooster: Gloves

My Official 2024 TaylorMade Qi10 Review:  https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/62804-taylormade-qi10-drivers-2024-forum-member-review/?do=findComment&comment=1014200

My Official 2023 Red Rooster Sussex Glove Review:  https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/58614-2023-mgs-forum-member-test-red-rooster-sussex-golf-glove/#comment-911042


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