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Big daddy

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Posts posted by Big daddy

  1. 5 hours ago, Shapotomous said:

    For my raw cleveland gamers i clean them after a round and then spray Fluid Film on a rag and wipe them down and get no rust issues at all.  Don't go crazy with the amount - after wiping the club with the wet part of the towel, wipe again with the dry part of the towel and it won't get all over everything either.  Sometimes I get a little rust on the spare wedge I keep in the pole barn by the hitting net because I don't wipe it down like I should and a quick hit with 000 steel wool gets rid of the rust.

    I also use the same wet / dry rag approach wiping down the steel shafts on the classic clubs that don't get used often. 

    Fluid film is fantastic stuff, I use it instead of WD40 on anything I don't want to rust.  I buy 12 packs of the spray cans.  And its non toxic so when your dog sniffs it out on the freshly sprayed 3pt linkage on the tractor and licks at it you don't have to pump their stomach.  

    So if you wipe it w a towel that has fluid film on it and then again w a dryer towel you don’t get it all over your shaft/grips bag? Or do you let it sit outside of the golf bag for a while before returning it in there 

    Do you ever do anything to get all of the fluid film off? Or the dry towel after application is enough? 

    hold long have you have the raw wedge that this method has worked ?

  2. Thanks that helps. I keep them clean and dry. I’ll continue to do that. And I’ll prob keep them in the house assuming less humidity = less rusting. And when they start to rust I’ll buff w the steel wool. 

    I just don’t understand ab the oil. What if I oil them after I use them. In-between rounds they’ll be oiled and not rusting for a week or a month in between rounds since it’s winter now. Then when I play the oil will be wiped off during the course of play and after the round I’ll clean and oil again. I’d do it if it’ll help slow it down. I would just be aware it’ll be messy. But if it won’t help slow it down at all I wouldn’t bother. 

    I bought 4 wedges so I got one of each finish. Didn’t realize 2 of the 4 will rust intentionally.
    I just prefer new and clean look. Plus I saw some tests that showed no spin improvement w rust so other than aesthetics (and I prefer no rust look) I don’t see the point if it doesn’t improve performance. Wondering if rusty wedges will chew up my ball bc I take full shots w wedges. 

  3. 10 hours ago, Chip Strokes said:

    i wouldn’t coat the wedges between rounds. wd-40 and other oil based lubricants get all over everything and your whole bag is gonna end up a mess. 

    when you clean your clubs at home, rub them with some 000 or 0000 steel wool and that will take care of the rust without harming anything. 

    Thanks for the tip. 

    I’d keep the two wedges inside in a mud room if I were to cost them in oil to avoid a mess in my bag. But I just want to confirm that costing them in oil will slow the process. 

    also in re to the 000 or 0000 steel wool won’t that search the face? Or do you just do it on the bounce of the club? And do you do it raw or w some lube? 

    thanks - love the look of raw and black w out the rust so I’m just trying to slow the process as much as I can  


  4. So if I do clean my raw sm8 after every use. Would applying wd40 or another oil slow the rust process w out harming the club ?

    is there a better applicant to put on between rounds if not wd40 

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