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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×


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  • Location
    United kingdom

Player Profile

  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Short Game
  • Biggest Weakness
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Fitted for Clubs

Ieuanjr's Achievements

  1. I agree, tee position is very important. It is a massive annoyance for my wife on dog legs when she has 150 to the corner and then a 200 yard shot from the corner to the green. The angles of tees need to be considered on certain types of holes! In the UK I find the red "ladies" tees are very much an after thought and are just put slightly in front off the yellow "mens.
  2. With the new WHS system it makes it easier for people in the same group to play from different tees and still be able to compete against eachother. However i am not a fan of setting handicap as benchmark for what tees you should play off based on handicap. I am relatively new to golf (3 years playing), my handicap is slowly coming down (20.5) however i average 260 yards with my driver. Playing off the forward tees on most courses would mean that i would be hitting an iron or hybrid off the tee for most of the par 4s We have all played with a senior golfer that drives the ball dead straight but only hits it 150-180 yards. I personally think people should play tees based off the distance they hit the ball. It doesnt matter if you play off scratch, if you only drive the ball 210yards you shouldn't be in a position where you have to hit a driver on a par 3 from the tips.
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