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About GolfingPhysio

  • Birthday 02/13/1997

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  • Interests
    Everything Golf and health

Player Profile

  • Age
    29 and under
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Short Game
  • Biggest Weakness
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Fitted for Clubs

GolfingPhysio's Achievements

  1. I would show a preference for a strength and conditioning program over a stretching program all the research out there is showing better outcomes for hip pain with strength-based work. I would look at your ability to side plank as this can give a good insight as well, if you struggle to hold 30 seconds this would be a big area I would look into for your hip and will see results sooner than later.
  2. awesome glad its helping! look im honestly not to sure of anyone there. I do virtual ones which are good, but in-person ones I do prefer. the other option is if you go on TPI website and go find an expert you can find ones near you https://www.mytpi.com/experts
  3. no worries mate, more than happy to help. These things do take a little bit of time to work through slowly. I would recommend getting a professional to do a full screen to draw out any other issues. one thing I have found that's helped a few of my clients with arthritis in the hand is getting fatter grips on the clubs. can be a bit more comfortable.
  4. perfect these can blend into a program really well!
  5. @Josh Parker to be honest it might not come down to just stretching, a lot of the research is wearing away from stretching and more to strength work through full ranges of movement or focusing more on eccentric phases (muscle lengthening phase) of exercises. I wouldn't recommend specific exercises but more a global movement based program focusing on full ranges of movement. I.e deep squats, dead lifts, kettle bell exercises. these can all be great additions.
  6. @cksurfdude hey mate, It depends on whether the initial injury is a muscle strain or if you have done something else. muscle strains will typically be more one-sided. in terms of back pain, there are a few things for hip and bake related issues give this a go https://www.mytpi.com/articles/screening/the-pelvic-tilt-test?search=Level One Screen. will tell you a lot about your muscle control but may only be a small part of the bigger puzzle some basic exercises I would look at implementing into a daily routine for everyone even without back pain, cat cow stretch, lumber leg rocking and glute bridges
  7. G'day, So quick intro I am a Physiotherapist and TPI certified medical professional. I am just throwing it out there as I have seen a few injury-related questions that I may be able to provide some guidance for (as best as I can without doing a proper assessment). Just want people playing golf for as long as the possibly can. so either comment below or send me a message
  8. How long have you been playing golf? What’s your handicap or normal score? I've been playing golf now for 6 years currently playing off 11 What do you love about golf? I love the freedom it gives me and now implementing it into my career is making it even more enjoyable Where are you from? What is your home course? Im in Melbourne Australia my home course is Mandalay golf course What do you do for a living? I am a physiotherapist, in particular working my why into the golf scene as a golf based physiotherapist enjoy talking with you all
  9. hey Chippy, welcome! Mate if you got any injury related questions don't hesitate to reach out. cheers
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