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DialedInDriver's Achievements

  1. Man, I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty jealous you get to be a tester for MGS! That’s like a dream gig for anyone who loves gear as much as we do. I bet it’s hard to resist picking up new stuff, even when you know deep down it might not change much. Does testing all that gear impact what you end up buying? Like, do you feel more tempted to switch things up because of it? I’m sure there’s gotta be a piece or two that surprised you in the process. I’d love to hear how being a tester influences what makes it into your bag!
  2. Sounds like you’re constantly refining and experimenting, which is exactly what makes the journey exciting! What part of the process keeps you hooked? the improvement you see in the data or that ‘aha!’ moment on the course when it all clicks?
  3. Haha, a home simulator? That’s living the dream! I bet it makes tinkering even more tempting, huh? How often are you swapping out clubs or messing with your swing in there? Sounds like you’ve got the ultimate playground for testing gear without even leaving the house. Do you ever feel like what works in the sim doesn’t always show up the same on the course? I’m curious if having that instant feedback helps you settle on stuff quicker or if you still need those rounds on the course to really know.
  4. Ah, love that! I'm the same way, I can't help but try out all the gear. Sometimes it's more fun to tinker and see where it leads. Do you test it out first on the range or just take it right into a round?
  5. Honestly, one of the best parts of golf for me is the constant tweaking and testing, especially when it comes to my driver. Maybe it's the researcher in me, but the whole cycle of having a bad round, diving into alternatives, finding something on Facebook Marketplace, picking it up, and taking it out for a round is just fun. Sure, it's a bit of a rabbit hole, but isn’t that half the enjoyment? I'm curious how others experience this. How do you balance between trying something new and sticking with what works? Do you guys go straight to the fitting studio, or do you enjoy the tinkering like me, researching, testing, talking it out with friends? Also, what’s your sign that something’s a keeper? For me, it’s that first good round when it just clicks. But I'd love to hear how long you usually give a club before deciding it’s staying in the bag for good. Looking forward to hearing about everyone else’s gear journey!
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