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Testers Wanted: Vice Golf Irons ×
Site Maintenance - June 17 6pm EST to 6am EST (Planned) ×
Site Maintenance - June 17 6pm EST to 6am EST (Planned)


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Posts posted by nagromibm

  1. Thanks for the response.


    With regard to the shafts, as I understand it, the whole algorithm taps into the Most Wanted data, and the clubs tested are with the"standard" shaft, with the most appropriate flex for each tester. Could you link the shaft model from the testing into the output.


    I fully get that it would be almost impossible to get usable data for all the shaft options out there, but for the shafts you've actually used in testing you've already got it, and it's the shaft that relates directly to your data.


    Can you clarify the what the distance and accuracy improvement figures are relative to, as I'm sure most of us are a little confused by it.


    The sell out claims are about as stupid as claiming the Most Wanted results are rigged. Pretty sure Tommy Armour putters haven't got a massive marketing slush fund!


    Keep up the good work.

    This would make it worth the $7 at least - with no shaft/flex/loft reference you can't use the recommendations without serious trial and error and wasted money! 

  2. This tool is only for new drivers. Your swing may be fit best to an older driver. This is a feature they are planning on adding in the future.


    I ponied up and ping g400 lst and wilson c300 were recommended. And, in the nature of using the tool as it was recommended, as an "off the shelf tool, I did the following.


    I went to PGASS and hit both. The c300 was pitiful. I knew it would be as I hit it previously and didn't like it. Though 10 degree stiff was recommended for me I hit multiple configurations. NADA.


    then the helpful sales lady helped me with the ping lst. Hit the 10, the 8.5 in stock stiff, xtorsion stiff, stock regular. I hit and logged 36 drives with the ping lst. LONGEST drive was 237, average about 218.


    As reference, in 367 drives that I've tracked on my ping G 9 degree, my driving average is 241. I use project x LZ 5.5.


    Then, to test other ping configurations, I went to GG and tracked another 60 drives using lst, max and again, none were to my average.


    Sent from my SM-G950U using MyGolfSpy mobile app


    The differences are probably due to the various shafts and loft combos used versus your current driver & shaft combo - without specific shaft/flex/loft recommendations you may not see any gains. Maybe if you tried every single shaft & loft you might end up with the various numbers shown in the recommendation, but until they add that feature it's still a guessing game, although you have some good clues.

  3. Just paid my $7 dollars and got 2 driver head recommendations....  :huh:  interesting but certainly not worth $7 bucks!


    Without shaft details (at least flex and model from stock options) the process and system is flawed, that's what I thought I would get. You would get fairly big differences if you go for the recommended driver with a regular or stiff shaft... not sure how that is built into the model.


    Until they add shaft and flex they system is pretty pointless in my opinion; they do plan to add those data points in the future though - definitely worth $7 when that's in place, hell I'd even pay $20 for that, but for now save your $7 and wait for version 2.0.

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