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Testers Wanted: CaddyDaddy The Claw Golf Gloves ×


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Posts posted by jawide626

  1. So like everyone here I bloody love the game of golf, However i struggle to find comfortable shoes that support my weight and are comfortable with my disability.

    I weigh about 126kg (277lbs) and my right foot is a bit mis-shapen from birth in that it's shorter than my left foot and 'rolled' over slightly so i walk more on the outer edge of my foot than the weight beared across the width of it. In normal everyday life i wear Merrell walking shoes and while they're not absolutely perfect, they're the best i've found for what i need. For golf i have tried all sorts of shoes from different companies and currently have a pair of Puma Ignite spikeless shoes and Footjoy Dryjoy spiked shoes. The puma ones are wide and hte sole feels nice to walk on but very uncomfortable across the lace area for me, the footjoys are literally the opposite, and something about the design makes me walk even more on the edge of my feet, almost 'going over' on them that after about 5-6 holes i'm popping painkillers just to get through the other 12-13.

    I tried some Ecco shoes on in my local pro-shop the other day and when sitting down they felt lovely, standing up was like standing on a mattress, for some people it was probably heaven, for me and my substantial weight along with my small 'footprint' where the weight goes when i walk i found that the mid-sole just 'crumpled' underneath me and it was very uncomfortable! 

    So essentially what i'm after is golf shoes that go 'against' the norm of "comfort this" and "soft that" and have a firm sole and midsole, basically like my Merrell walking/trekking shoes but that look like and offer the traction benefits of golf shoes.

    i've heard that Adidas have a Terrex 'boot' style option which might be good, or Ecco have some firmer ones (BIOM range maybe?) but i'm very much open to suggestions and ideas PLEASE!

  2. Training aids are only good if that's your problem to fix. There are literally hundreds of thousands of training aids out there that all claim to fix your golf game. The problem being that they often don't all focus on the same thing. So is it your swing plane that's wrong? is it your swing tempo? is it your grip? is it your body rotation? is it your face path? i could go on...

    It's a cliche answer, but go and get a few lessons. A good coach will identify your main problem and help you fix it. If you then find a training aid to help fix that problem, great! 

    It might be akin to putting a band aid on a burn, it's still a type of first aid, but not the one that you need. 

  3. I have a G80 and couldn't live without it. Have had it since December 2021/Jan 2022 and it's saved my ass a few times. can have it as 'plays like' which takes slope into account, or turn that off for tournament play. Can pick lay-up targets and get yardages for them, can pick where the flag is on the green and have a map of the hole as well. It also doubles as a launch monitor which is very accurate, also has training modes such as tempo training which i've never used but i believe is really good. No complaints thus far, a full charge will last me through 4 rounds comfortably, but i usually charge it when it drops below 50% anyway.

  4. I have the free 18B version and for me it's annoyingly on-par with my Garmin G80. The distances it gives are usually within 1-2 yards as the G80 and it has a google maps like satellite image rather than a digitised version the Garmin gives so if i go way off-line (as is sometimes the case) 18B will give me distances from where i am while the G80 doesn't show my current location in relation to the fairway. 


    The only improvements i'd made are less 'faff' on the screen, often you just want simple information. And of course no matter how good my phone is, 18B doesn't double as a launch monitor like my G80 does.

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