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About Breakpar

  • Birthday July 24

Profile Information

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Player Profile

  • Age
    60 and over
  • Swing Speed
    91-100 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Short Game
  • Biggest Weakness
  • Fitted for Clubs

Breakpar's Achievements

  1. Galway Bay apparel is high in quality (I have three pair of pants) but be prepared for ill fitting jackets, and I mean greatly ill fitting. GB also controls the reviews on its website and will not post a negative review.
  2. Hi Everyone: I think the drills for ball first contact on a mat are all listed above. I note that several of you mentioned that mats may hurt your wrists or elbows. I feel compelled to remark that I had developed tendinitis in my elbow. I went to an ortho who injected cortisone. I stayed off playing for a month. Yet the first swing I took hurt. Ortho gave me another shot of cortisone. One month later I learned that the cortisone had dissolved several ligaments in my elbow, which then needed grafts. I was told then by several experts that this experience is not unusual bc the elbow capsule is so small. Condition is called cortisone toxicity. Be careful
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