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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×


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  1. Ohhhh the ridiculous golf ball balance test from the excuse makers... The problem with all of this nonsense is... The little tiny bit a ball is off would not affect ones game at all... There are millions of physics at play in a golf game on every shot and literally every single one of them has by orders of magnitude more effect upon a golf ball than the infinitely minuscule amount of weight distribution that even a tiny piece of scotch tape barely affects it... FFS even one blade of offset grass on a green, or the slightest of bumps would throw a golfball off by feet during its path. A grain of sand, a speck of dirt, even a dimple hitting in an offset way, a non visible to the eye foot or spike mark, ANYTHING, literally millions of variables on a green alone, let alone in the air, affects a golfball FAR MORE than ANY of this. The gyroscopic nature of the golfball spinning at thousands pf RPMs would offset ALL of the microscopic weight issues with a golfball. Hell, even water that sticks to the ball in the test alone throws off the entirety of it. You would have to test this in an insanely controlled environment to prove ANY of these haphazard claims that you're making. And you'd still fail. It's still amazing to me how many people in here & all of these posts so clearly took shop class or home economics as their elective in high school rather than a science class (or were homeschooled) and it's truly indicative of what happens when republicans fleece the educational system & put religion in the place of science. FFS. The level of seriousness you all take this for is literally cult like and insane! My favorite part is when you all recite the nonsense that Bryson Douchecanoe's coach says that the tiny amount of weight unbalance would throw a ball off by 20 feet on a putt.... BUT SHOW ME ANYONE WHO'S OFF BY 20 FEET ON A PUTT, EVER. You can't! It doesn't happen unless someone crushes the ball with a putter or is drunk AF. Were ANY of that true, nobody would be making putts, ever! Yet they're (and most of us are) insanely or pretty darn accurate. The excuse making from pros AND all of you is just sad. And the need to gain clicks & traffic off of pure pseudoscientific bushido is just pathetic.
  2. mods please remove this, browser crashed & sent before I was anywhere near done...
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