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  1. The Garmin App and S70 Watch present numerous frustrations after just 1 week of usage due to its limitations in functionality and data management. Let's delve deeper into the issues outlined: Garmin App: Shot Management: The app restricts users from deleting, adding, or reviewing shots until the scorecard is saved, making it challenging to accurately track crucial details such as yardage, club selection, and shot locations during gameplay. This restriction severely hampers the ability to maintain an accurate record of performance throughout the round. Midgame Scorecard Save: Saving the scorecard midgame to access shot details results in the premature end of the round, effectively treating it as a new game. This creates incomplete rounds that do not contribute to overall statistics, which is frustrating when seeking comprehensive performance tracking. Flag Location Adjustment: Users are unable to adjust the flag location on the app during editing or zoom in, which limits the accuracy of shot analysis and evaluation of performance on the course. Customization Limitations: The absence of an Approach wedge in the "My bag" feature and the inability to customize loft settings for specific clubs restrict users from accurately reflecting their equipment and preferences within the app. S70 Watch: Real-Time Location Tracking: The watch lacks a GPS ping feature to show users their current location in relation to the course map layout, making it difficult to pinpoint shots, putts, and flag locations accurately. This absence undermines the utility of the device for users seeking detailed performance analysis during gameplay. Shot History Viewing: Users cannot review previous shots or putts on the map layout, depriving them of valuable insights into their performance and shot placement throughout the round. CT10 Sensor Functionality: While putting with a CT10 sensor, users do not need to manually enter data, but this can lead to inaccurate inputs if putts are not registered. The inability to review and edit shot information until after the round further exacerbates this issue, leaving users uncertain about the accuracy of their putting data. Yardage Input: The watch lacks the capability to input or view hole yardage on the scorecard, which is essential information when reviewing date post game. Pin Location Adjustment: Adjustments made to the pin location during gameplay do not seem to save on the map layout when reviewing performance in the app, leading to discrepancies in shot analysis and putt counts. Menu Customization: Users cannot reorganize the order of menu options for quicker accessibility, which may lead to frustration and inefficiency during use on the course. Club Stats Review: The inability to cycle through each club in "club stats" quickly limits users' ability to review average club hit distances efficiently, detracting from the overall user experience. There is the potential for improvement with software updates or additional features that address these concerns. However, as it stands, the limitations of both the Garmin App and S70 Watch make it hard to digest the price tag they put on these products. I've spent over $1100 CDN and feel like all I got was a cheap, gimmicky phone app on a smart watch.
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