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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×

Hosel Rocket

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  • Location
    NE Indiana

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  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
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  • Biggest Strength
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Biggest Weakness
    Short Game
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. So... I bought a DF3 CB. I went through the online fitting process and found one on FB Marketplace that caught my eye. After some initial trepidation about dropping a bunch of money on something literally all the way across the country, I committed to it. I've spent an hour on a practice green at the local course and here are my thoughts: 1) It's not automatic... but it's significantly better than my current putter. If I take the time to line up anything relatively flat from 3-10 feet, I've already got more confidence than I previously did. 2) The thumbs off thing is pretty cool. I'm experimenting with all sorts of grips while I feel this thing out, but thumbs off is a fun tool/exercise. 3) Lag putting is a bit perplexing, but coming along. I can putt three balls from the same spot, feel like I put the same effort into the stroke, and... what happened? It'll come, but I'm left shaking my head every once in a while. 4) Did I mention it's already boosting my confidence? I'm finding already that I'm putting more pace on my putts because I'm not worried about running it 3 feet by. I'd obviously like to not putt it three feet by, but the point is, I feel more free to be aggressive with my pace because I'm gaining confidence in nailing whatever come-backer I'm left with. This will be a growing process, I'm sure, but I'm excited to work on my putting for the first time in forever. I might even build a putting green in my barn for the winter. Never thought I'd say those words!
  2. Wait... LAB will fit me online and I don't have to buy direct from them?!
  3. I went back to the store to try the DF3 last night. If I had a repeat performance, I was prepared to take it home and suffer whatever verbal lashing I received. It wasn't as magical though. I don't know what the difference was. Ok... The difference was me, obviously. I still like the putter and think I may have one in my bag eventually. But I'm glad I took the second look and was able to pump the brakes before I dropped $600 on one. Off to eBay to see what people have discarded...
  4. You just keep to your side of the border, and we'll be just fine. Or, we can lean into it and start a two-day golf trip in OH/IN called the Hosel Rocket(s) Open. No one with an index of under 10 is allowed to join. Thanks! Looking forward to contributing.
  5. I typically only have 2-3 realistic opportunities at birdie per round, so if I had tap in pars, I'd consider this a big plus for me right now. On the other hand, maybe I feel like I only have 2-3 realistic birdie opps per round because I don't roll the ball consistently with my current putter. Hmmm... That's a bit of an epiphany.
  6. I honestly looked around for hidden cameras. It was so confidence inspiring.
  7. Thankfully, the people who bought it turned 95% of the course property into a publicly accessible park and not a housing development or strip mall. I feel pretty fortunate that I can walk around the place and talk with my kids about what used to be there.
  8. I've currently got an old Ping Craz-E in my bag, so looks clearly aren't something I'm too concerned about. But I get your point.
  9. How long have you been playing golf? A long time. My parents belonged to a club in town, and while I spent the majority of my summers playing baseball, I'd go to the course with dad and play 9 holes with him a few times a year. Trips to the course became fewer as the baseball schedule picked up in intensity, but I never gave it up entirely. This year I've made a concerted effort to figure out how much I really like this game and it's been a wonderful experience. What’s your handicap or normal score? Somewhere in the 80s. Pretty solid for the majority of holes, but I will inevitably have 1-3 blowups that tank my score. What do you love about golf? Now that I've got some perspective in life (your 40s will do that to you), I see it for the personal challenge it is. I don't have to stack up to anyone else, just be the best player I can be. Or, just go have fun with friends. It's up to me. What brings you to MyGolfSpy? Do you already know any other Spies? I've read so much content and watched a bunch of videos, so I wanted to be a part of the group. Plus, I'd love to be a tester in the future. I don't know any other spies, at least, not that they've told me. Where are you from? What is your home course? NE Indiana. Unfortunately, my home course is closed. Greenhurst Golf Club in Auburn, IN, was a wonderful place to learn the game. I play most of my rounds at Bridgewater Golf Club in Auburn. What are the best and worst things about golf in your region? Golf is pretty accessible around here and prices are reasonable. But, that can also mean long round times unless you're fortunate enough to be able to afford membership at a private club. What do you do for a living? Certified Financial Planner working for a company that helps people across the country achieve their financial goals. How’d you pick your user name? I used it as a screen name for a golf game, and it was available here, too.
  10. I love this question, mostly because I'm wondering about it, too. I bought a new driver this spring and told myself I would need to play a significant amount this summer to justify a new set of irons. I think I've met that threshold, but I had an experience with a LAB putter today that has my head spinning. New irons? Why not spend half that cost on one club?! Granted, I'll use it more than anything else, but... Irons, wedges, putter? What's the order? I'm actually thinking it might be the reverse order of what I just typed. I'll use the putter the most, wedges next, then the individual irons. It makes sense, but it also could be a recency bias.
  11. I shook my head in disbelief and looked at the (oblivious) store staff multiple times. I simply couldn't believe what I was seeing doing. With a LAB Counterbalanced putter in my hands, I was draining +50% of my 8-12 foot putts in the store. I've long suspected that the "practice greens" in stores are set up to be friendlier than real-world conditions, so I expected to catch an employee snickering with the slightest of fist pumps, thinking he was out of sight. But no. It was just me, the putter, and a half dozen cast-off balls no one would consider pocketing. Had Tom Watson momentarily assumed control of my body? Or was there something to this science? I quickly grabbed a similar-looking Odyssey putter, thinking, "Either this practice area is rigged, or I'm just hot," and proceeded to make one out of my next 15. I went back to the LAB, and I picked up right where I had left off. Then it happened. I looked at the price tag. Now, I knew going in that LABs were pricey items, but I was shook from my blossoming love affair right quick. The particular model I was wielding had the Accra shaft, so we're talking just over $600. I immediately started justifying the price in my head. "You use this club more than any other." "It's one of the fastest ways to improve." "It's just like you, odd-looking but reliable." But $600... I know that a club always performs better before you've paid for it. However... It just worked. Is this the exception? I know the right answer is to go back and give it another test run in a few days, but... Is it possible for a putter to improve you that much? What experiences are others having? How long did the honeymoon last before reality set in, and are you still satisfied with the club?
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