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  1. Very nice, jealous. I am originally from Central Illinois and Deere is probably my favorite course despite living in CO and playing a few big name courses here and elsewhere. Used to get up to Deere a couple times a season when I still lived in the area. Managed a 67 from the tips there a few years ago – not that good anymore
  2. I suppose I care more about perceived offset than the actual number. To me they look terribly offset even if they’re not. These being kyoei blanks, I’ll be curious to see what they look like in future iterations as some of the newer kyoei’s seem to have less perceived offset.
  3. Yeah I saw the numbers and compared to some other brands I am familiar with/have played. However, in my original reply to the photo of the MB, the Toura MB, despite being "low" offset still looks like it has a good amount behind the ball in the photo.
  4. Yeah, I looked through those. Some good ones, but still looking for a straight on view behind the ball. Just surprised that the Toura website doesn't even have the stock behind the ball angle. In photos I've seen here they seem to have a rather large amount of offset but it's difficult to tell for sure.
  5. Can someone post top line photos like the first one here, but of the CBs? All of the pics don’t really do a great job of showing offset behind the ball.
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