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Testers Wanted: Vice Golf Irons ×


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Posts posted by pegasus2357

  1. So I think that I win the package on the doorstep contest today :lol:


    Boz is amazing to work with. Worked up the great custom number design in a flash. Balls got to Cali from Oz even faster. I can't wait to see the reaction at the tournament honoring Coach Mattos later this month.



    Well I'll be, Boz you have really outdone yourself here. That is simply brilliant. Hope the day goes well and the balls are appreciated sactown

  2. The following shows that even when you are addicted to Boz's Balls sometimes he comes up with something for you to trail that just isn't suited for you. I no complain as the first time I have had to say something negative about one of Boz's inventions and this is the idea of being a Test Pilot for the man. Be honest and give constructive feedback. Tell him what works and what doesn't. I know that he looks, listens and learns and makes adjustments where possible.


    Got home and there was a package of goodies from The Boz, happy days indeed. :P


    I received a Pink Drop Bear, a Version 2 (V2) of the X3 ball is a Four Piece, and a Gel Prototype TV-One and one of his new style hats.


    I usually take the balls out to the back concrete and do a bounce test, to gather some idea of the firmness of the balls. Pleasing sound and bounce from the Pink Drop Bear, acceptable sound and bounce from the V2 X3, the Gel Prototype TV-One made a real clunk and did not bounce nearly as much as the other two balls. Redid the backyard test with the same results and came to the conclusion that the TV-One was indeed a hard ball. Oh well nothing gained nothing ventured, to the gold course I went with the three balls. Please note that my home course is very wet and has no run at all, in fact some drives even appear to have back spin on landing.


    Positives first, always a good place to start. Pink DB what a lovely ball :P . Off the driver, fairway woods, irons, putter it just gives you confidence in what is going to happen. I am not a long hitter of the white/pink thing but this ball goes as far as my best drives, best fairway woods. Where it really excels in my opinion is when you have a short iron in your hands. land it on the green and it drops and stops. Oh what a feeling. Of the putter it is soft in feel but a couple of practice efforts and off you go sinking putts everywhere.


    V2 X3 is a Four piece ball. The Boz told me that it is designed to be firmer than the current X3, he is right. I found with this ball a slight reduction in distance across the board in comparison to my current ball of choice the X3. As hard as I tried I could not get it to go as far as a standard X3. I will take it out again as the next ball did my swing in when testing it so the current results could be effected by this.


    Gel Prototype TV-One well where to start. As stated this ball is hard. As hard as I tried to hit it it would not go. I ended up doing my swing in trying to hit the ball and get it to travel any distance at all. This was off the tee, with fairway woods and irons. Putting this ball did not give me the usual Vision confidence. Maybe that was because I was defeated before I got to the green. I also found it a bit hard to see with its Clear Gel finish, that could well be me. I am sure that this ball is not suited to my swing speed and would be aimed at somebody with a higher swing speed than mine. Can I say that in all the balls The Boz has sent me to trail this would be the first ball that I haven't been impressed with. It will be interesting to see what others with the same ball make of it. I have spoken to the man about what I have posted here and he has promised to take these thoughts of mine to the drawing board. It will be interesting to see what he comes up with.


    The hat, I like where the man is going with this, I have a problem in that due to my head size it doesn't quite fit. I don't know if it is one size fits all or not.


    In conclusion this is the first time The Boz has sent me something that hasn't left me looking for more. As stated it is a prototype that I was trailing and he has promised on a stack of coloured golf balls that the next ball I get to trail will leave me breathless. :lol:

  3. Well, whaddya know, I actually got to PLAY GOLF today. And, as payment for my drought, I got to play at Beverly CC. I brought out the sleeve of X3's to see if they were up to the test. I will keep my review pretty simple:


    Wedges: This is where the ball fell out of contention for a gamer spot. On short chips (10 yards or less), the ball is fine. On half wedge shots (40, 50, 60 yards) which are my favorite & my specialty, this ball does not spin enough. I hit my best shot of the day (36 yard chip) and watched it roll 10 feet past the hole.


    Misc: The ball doesn't seem to cut, but it does scuff a bit, and seemingly does so easily. After 1 or 2 holes, the ball had that scuffed feeling to it. Not a major problem, and it didn't impede my play, just an odd thing that I noticed.


    FINAL POINT: The glove still f***ing rocks. Going back to a regular glove would probably be a rude awakening after having this much tack and grip.


    I will be playing Sunday and then next week Saturday, so more reviews will come.


    May I be so bold to ask where do you normally try and land your pitch shots? By that I mean are you looking to land them at a point and the spin the ball close to the hole or?


    There as been some comment about this is in Aus and the general agreement reached has been that the release of Boz's balls is constant and after allowing for the amount of roll one gets a different landing point plugged into the brain and the rest can be become child's play.


    I totally agree with your comments about the glove. I got to the stage that I couldn't find a glove that I was happy with and went gloveless for a while until this thing turned up for a trail. Feel naked now without it :)

  4. Played 18 with the Artic White yesterday. It was about 5-10 yds longer than the Gel for me from the driver. Irons were about the same as the gel and putter was nice, but nothing special for me. It was hard for me to dial in putting distances, but I was on a new course with greens that had LOTS of hills/breaks/etc.I don't know if that was the ball, or if I was just not reading things well. I'll reserve any further comment about that to a time when I can take it to a putting green.

    The driver being longer I also am not so sure about. Either that ball was longer, or I was absolutely smoking the drives for a change. I HAVE been improving lately, so it may have just been my technique.

    All in all though, I really liked the Artic White and found it easy to keep my eyes on and like the gel, a great ball around the greens. :)



    As a long term user of Boz's balls, trust me they do putt differently to other balls. This has been a long held view by users in Australia that these balls do not take as much break as you normally allow for with other balls.


    Once you can convince the mind of this fact the rest on some days can be easy. :blink:

  5. Hey Nasty... I'm with you on what you said at the end. Without this opportunity, if I had seen those balls sitting in a pro shop or store, I would not have given them a 2nd look. Now.... I'm anxious to see them GET in the pro shops and stores!!


    Where have I heard that before??? :lol: In Australia we have the same problem it would appear. If the packaging isn't a well known brand name people wont buy the ball because Tiger/Phil/Jim/Sergio doesn't use them.


    A lot of where Boz has got to so far has come from the internet and not retail because as he says he is not trying to make a ball that the pro's will use but a ball that us mugs can use and get better results with.


    There have been some great reviews written up so far and it is really interesting sitting back here and reading your thoughts on balls I have used. A lot of similarities to what has been written up here.


    I too have to put my hand up and say that one/maybe two of Boz's trail balls have either A been lost or B meet a watery grave which I find to be a shattering experience. Especially when you have in your possession a trail ball that is the best thing that you have hit for a long time and for some unexplained reason you manage to find that shot that leads to its demise.

  6. Following from the above, yes he is right. I have been astounded to get to a green after thumping a Vision Ball and thinking that I will know how this thing is going to putt. The feel off the driver/irons can be very deceiving when putting. Your brain thinks We have just hit the ball that far, now that we have putter in end you only have to give this ball a slight tap, ummmm error.


    It is all trail and error and as Boz said it may take more than a few holes to work out what each ball really can do.

  7. so what is the deal with the Russell ball? Is it the same as the Gel V yellow? Assuming the Gel Vs are the round numbered ones that come in Pink, Arctic, and Yellow and the Gel




    Russell holds a special place in the Vision line up. He is one of the original little Aussie battlers whose name came up after much banter and discussion. To assist all of you, and by posting this link I am in no way trying to promote another site, here is how Russell came to life. He is a different ball all together from the other UV Balls (yellow) balls that you have to trail.




    If you have a few spare days you could also try and wade through the posts in Vision Golf Ball Test thread. Though I must warn you that whilst there is a lot of top information in that thread there is also a lot of general banter between users. :angry:


    I am sitting back in the land down under watching on with great interest as to how you lot over there are finding out about what we have been lucky enough to have used for a while. If you have questions post and I ma only to willing to assist where I can. The technical stuff is for Boz anything else is fair game.

  8. Now you lot know what we down under already knew. Our man of coloured balls certainly knows how to give you a package of goodies.


    Enjoy what you have, as an addicted user I have tried most of the balls that you have in your box of goodies. All are different and play differently, some will suit your game more than others and one will become your go to ball if the land down under experience is follows on.


    As Boz as said get to the practise green with the balls before you go out to play, that is where you will certainly notice the difference.


    And don't let the different colours worry you, I got cleaned up in a match play game by our Club Captain who stole/borrowed a "Pinky" for the day, played of a 14 handicap at the time and finished 2 over on the back nine with a ball he had never used before but was astounded as to how far it went when hit.


    And above all enjoy the journey, there is always great excitement here when Boz says the magic words "I have some new balls in for you lot to try". You never know what will be in the box and how the new offerings will play and how they are judged by the test team.


    As such there will be one prototype of the latest mini test

    batch of the Nano TV One ball included only 36 were built.


    These are usually never released outside our family test group

    as these type of prototypes are a little raw for outside

    presentation but I am happy to share to show where I am heading

    with things.


    Cheers. Boz.


    See we told you he is a caring sharing sort of guy.


    Enjoy the goodies when they arrive, you never know what Boz will include in any package, can still remember opening my first one and the questions that followed like how much have you spent to get this collection of goodies.


    For those lucky enough to be testers enjoy the ride, don't have any thoughts about how a ball is going to preform until you have slapped it with a driver and an iron and if you really need to a putt. Experience tells me that looks can be decieving.

  10. Couple of further comments


    A: After some more playing, I really dialed the drives in. I was whacking the GelX's 250 with my fairway before the carry on Saturday. Cobra clubs and these vision balls really get along


    B: Pinky took a dunk in the lake and is gone. She had provided sterling service (I'll need to nab some more in the next order)


    C: Give the balls a bit of time. I'm noticing far more distance and spin out of these balls now that I've got 72 holes in with them then after the first 18 or 32. Don't give up on them, they will work out for you (assuming you talk to Boz and make sure you're getting the right ball for your game/what you want to do on the course).


    B: Have heard a rumour that Boz is toying with an idea of making floating golf balls


    C: This is so true, Boz has a range of balls that are all a little bit different. They may came in different colours and finishes but there is a ball in the range that will suit your game and reduce your handicap ;)

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