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Everything posted by golfanatic828

  1. Srixon, with their v-soles and beautiful club design caught my attention about a year and a half ago. Bought the highly rated z565 irons and LOVE them. Filled the wedges with Cleveland CBX Cavity Backs, 48, 52, 56 and 60 degree. These, too have the v sole wedge and are the only wedge I've ever performed well with. The v-sole has MUCH to do with this, as I am a digger. Being somewhat impulsive and more than a bit of a club-ho, I have recently looked for a "back up" set of irons and was drawn to the Cleveland CBX irons for several reasons. They don't cost an arm and a leg, the long irons are incredibly easy to hit, and the gapping works perfectly with the wedges I mentioned above. My thoughts are these...Srixon/Cleveland is a FAR underrated company that is currently producing extremely high quality irons. I may be biased because using the CBX irons for the third round I played with them garnered me a 9 iron 140 yard hole in one and the lowest score I've ever shot on my home course (a 73). I don't think I'll ever part with my 565's and will at some point put them back in the bag, but with the results of the CBX irons, which happen to have great feel for a non-forged iron, they will be my gamers for the foreseeable future. Anyone looking for quality equipment should NOT overlook Cleveland/Srixon!
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