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Testers Wanted: Precision Pro Titan Elite Rangefinder ×


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Posts posted by lAwbOunC

  1. Finally went through the paces over a few different sessions on my GC3, and compiled about 10 shots with each of my irons.  The numbers below are the averages. 

    A bit of history... I built a new iron set middle of last summer and I am still adjusting to it.  I ordered 4 doz of the new TP5x blind after the podcast interview.  I don't have a lot of on-course experience with my irons and zero experience with the TP5x. 

    The question is, Where do I go from here?  Now that I have this data, how do I use it? I play in Colorado, so my carry numbers are inflated due to elevation.  Here are my observations from the data. 

    • My Launch Angle is higher than I expected.  I've always considered myself to be a lower-flight, high-spin player, but these new irons definitely launch it higher.  
    • My Spin Rate is lower on my irons than I expected.  Again, I chalk this up to the iron change last year.  My spin rate will not be low with the driver.
    • Descent Angle looks good until the 4i or 5i.  This is consistent with my on-course results.  There's not much stopping power with my 4 and 5 iron.  I have a hybrid that I can use from 230+ that produces more spin and stopping power.  
    • The GW is from my iron set and has similar launch characteristics to the irons rather than the wedges.  I don't know if this is necessarily a problem.  

    Let me know if you notice anything interesting in the results.  I plan on adding in my LW, 4H, 3W, and Driver over the next week or so.


    fitting data AVG.jpg

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