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Everything posted by Jvandelay

  1. Good Morning, a very good question, why should someone be a tester for anything golf related??? And the better question, what makes myself a better tester than others? I'm an avid golf nerd, architecture, courses, golf clubs, accessories, bags, apparel, I enjoy it all. Trying out new clubs each year, crunching numbers like RPM, carry yardages, anything to improve my game. I play a lot of am tournaments throughout the year, with the goal of winning every one. But the better someone gets, the more likely one is to fail, and golfers understand that more than anything. So with the amount of golf someone plays, the testing of a device, accessory, or club would get put more through the ringer and an accurate depiction of the product would conveyed to the consumers. I also know, the more detail one is to provide about the testing product the more people can make up their minds before purchase. I have all of these qualities and would go out of my way to test anything and everything that I would have the opportunity to. I'm currently at 495 courses that I've played in my life with the last 2 years posted on IG at amgolfblog My goal is 1000 while I'm still on this side of the grass. I trust your judgement will be just and look forward to hearing from you. Regards
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