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Testers Wanted: Vice Golf Irons ×


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Posts posted by pkroetsch

  1. I recently went in for a driver fitting. I told the fitter I was looking at Titleist, TM, Ping, or Callaway. The second driver he gave me was the ZX5 LS. Honestly when he handed it to me my original thought was….really….Srixon? It immediately felt good and the numbers matched. Not to mention it setup very nice to my eye. Not super flashy but I don’t like anything too busy.
    As the fitting went on we kept coming back to that one and it was the clear winner for me. 

    Anyways I was pleasantly surprised and I have a driver and 3 wood on order now.


    1. How long have you been playing golf? What’s your handicap or normal score? I've been golfing since I was 5 years old. My parents lived a block away from our local golf course and I pretty much lived there everyday in the summer. My handicap is a +1 and typical score is right around par.

    2. What do you love about golf? I love the competition and being out on the course for me is a stress relief. I can forget about everything else going on in my life for the 4 hours on the course.

    3. What brings you to MyGolfSpy? Do you already know any other Spies? I have always been brand loyal to Titleist. I started following MyGolfSpy and it has really opened my eyes to other brands and finding the truth behind the technology. I am very interested in the data so you guys bringing the data to everyone I think is awesome

    4. Where are you from? What is your home course? Grand Forks, ND | Kings Walk Golf Course - Arnold Parlmer Design

    5. What are the best and worst things about golf in your region? The best thing is fall golf doesn't get much better. Worst thing is the winters. We only get about 6 months of golf a year.

    6. What do you do for a living? I am computer programmer.

    7. How’d you pick your user name? pretty boring username. Its my first initial and last name.

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