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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×

Net Double

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About Net Double

  • Birthday January 7

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    Golf, Shooting, Bowling, BJJ

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  1. Honestly, I liked them until i got the Sub 70 wedge in my hands (KBS Tour 120 S) It is so amazing it makes these other wedges feel dumb. I must also add in, Ive never used a "new" wedge besides the Sub 70 and the Bombtech. 80 Yards and in, I like the Bombtech set, I just don't like having to take full swings with them. Will be upgrading all my wedges to Sub 70 in November. (limited edition wedges coming out)
  2. O.K. you guys got me, I knee jerk purchased the 52/56/60 degree wedges off of Instagram I watched, I think GM-Golf do a review on the wedges and he liked them? so I went ahead, I also upgraded from a 1000 year old set of wedges, so they have been great for me, I loved them....... Until I recently bought a 48 Degree wedge from Sub70 golf and OMFG I do feel like i got subpar wedges from Bombtech(no pun intended... Maybe?) This all being said, when I bought the Bombtech wedges I could not tell the difference between them and a name brand, now that I'm a little better and my swing speed is so much higher than when i bought them, I feel like the shafts are not quite stiff enough to be called stiff IMHO, and the spin numbers have to be pretty low as well, reason I say this, I don't draw a single club in my bag, except these wedges, they draw every time from full swings, I am GUESSING this is from the shafts being not quite as stiff as I like? and a drawing ball is a less spinning ball IIRC. FYI Rick Shiels did a Youtube Review of the Driver (fist gen IIRC) and he liked it, and said nice things.
  3. Played a little as a junior(in Alaska, maybe 12 times total), and a few times for work and such, but picked it up as a hobby in August 2019. I score anywhere from +14-+22 My app says 18.5, but I'm not sure that is super accurate or if it counts. I love the peace, the being outside, and the escape golf brings. I first noticed you guys when I was searching for a less expensive alternate to PROV1's and found your "find it cut it" information. No, but I have been telling everyone that lends and ear to check you guys out(mainly defending my choices on clubs/balls - snell, Sub70), in fact, I have done it so much I figured I should join and be a part of the forums at least. St.George Utah. I don't really have a home course, I play all 4 municipal courses here regularly. What are the best and worst things about golf in your region? You can play comfortably year round, you can find pretty flat courses to walk if you are so inclined. The worst part is middle of the day summers (up to 114 F) and the sandy soil eats up black clubs. NERC Certified Transmission Operator Cause it sounded the funniest, I thought Net Par, Net Bogey, Net Birdie, But Net Double made me chortle when i thought of it, so i threw it in!
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