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Testers Wanted: Vice Golf Irons ×


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Posts posted by GBWarPig

  1. 15 minutes ago, Wedgie said:

    I have a SkyTrak at home and the numbers on full shots mirror the Z Star that I compared it to the night I tried it in terms of spin.  The difference on the course is the Gamer is way better in the wind.  I swear the dimple-in-dimple crap straightens the ball out mid flight and the ball just seems to go farther.  I'm mid 90s with driver and around 80 MPH with irons so I'm not crushing the ball but this ball just seems to work for me.  That being said my best round ever was with the Top Flite D2 Feel at $12 for 15 balls so look at the source.  When the MGS ball test came out last year I committed to only playing urethane and my index went up so who knows what works.  I'm starting to think if I do the opposite of what I read online I am better off.

    Dig it, totally a case of what works for you. I’m around a 110-115 driver speed, and upper 90s on irons, which makes me lose those compression yards in softer balls versus tour balls. Will still snag a sleeve to give a run at the price point, but with tempered expectations haha. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Wedgie said:

    I was a MTB-X tester last year and it is a really good ball.  No complaints really other than I had to order it on-line which is a personal thing. I lost distance off the tee with the Snell in comparison to the Z Star I was playing at the time.  Irons seemed a bit longer though.  Every ball I play seems pretty much the same to me anyway but I do track scoring and if I score better with a Top Flite ball then I will play a Top Flite.

    Might be worth scoring a sleeve of the Gamers and seeing the numbers both on a monitor and on the scorecard. Will play whatever when that scorecard number keeps dropping!

  3. 3 minutes ago, Golfspy_CG2 said:

    I used to think the same way until around 2015, when I hit the 716 AP1's.   Finally a Titleist club I could hit, then the TS drivers and I was on my way!!   I've since improved enough to have played the AP2 a couple years ago, and now the combo of T100s/T200 after spending most of the summer earlier with the T300. 


    I hit both the T100 and T200 when getting fitted for my new bag, the dispersion on them both were higher than what I was getting from the Mav Pros. Distance and overall spin were comparable though, could have made them work, but not immediate best fit.

  4. 24 minutes ago, PMookie said:

    Look, here’s the rub. A big deal is being made out of Bryson’s length. Did any of you read the article about how he worked with Bridgestone to figure out SPECIFICALLY what his deviation from the rough was going to be on shots hit with 8 iron-PW? No guessing on fliers, actual statistical analysis! 
    Guess what?! ONE guy finished under par at the US Open. The guy who did the analysis of the affect of rough on approach shots..... He didn’t win because he bombed it by everyone! He won because he STUDIED the course and the defenses. 

    I know, this isn’t about Bryson, but folks, scores by the bombers were STILL over par. We didn’t have the 20 under that people are scared of. By-the-way, look at the winners on Tour over the last three years. They’re not all “bombers”, and it wasn’t too long ago that a guy hitting the ball 290 off the tee was the king of the sport! Yep, Spieth screwed-up his swing and putting, but he was dominant, and NOT a long hitter. 

    Yeah, but if the USGA can't force course conditions like they do at the US Open, then they are going to legislate it out in another fashion. Halting progress for the sake of halting progress seems like a bad business to be in. Embrace the athleticism that today's players have, not fight against it.

  5. 2 hours ago, Wedgie said:

    I think people would be surprised by this ball if they'd actually try it....which most won't.  My lowest scores are with balls like these.  If I recall John Barba wrote an article about the Wilson Duo and mentioned his lowest round was with the Duo.  A guy I play with who uses ProV1s 90% of the time dropped the best score of his life 2 weeks ago using a Supersoft.  The Gamer is longer for me off all clubs, straight as an arrow and putts true.  Most guys worried they won't check up could probably use some roll out.  

    I had the opposite effect from you - I couldn't get any distance out of the various non-tour balls I played (Maxfli Tour namely) from woods/irons, but didn't mind the performance around the greens as I'm not much of a check up guy, more controlled bump and run. Switched to the MTB-X and immediately gained yards, and have adapted to the spins around the green. Almost like there's infinite ways to play the game.

  6. 43 minutes ago, DaveP043 said:

    These kinds of things could certainly increase the advantage of hitting fairways, and increase the penalty for being longer and wayward.  Longer softer fairways could decrease roll.  But from a "regulation" standpoint, they're simply not something that can be regulated by the USGA/R&A.  The set-up for pretty much every PGA Tour event is under the control of the PGA Tour and the host club.  The PGA Tour has been marketing distance for a long time, as well as telling us how good these guys are.  The PGA Tour has a vested interested in long drives and low scores, that's what they advertise.  Every-week course set-ups won't change until the PGA Tour senses a decrease in viewership related to the more boring (to some people) style of play that extreme length seems to produce.  But most avid golfers will watch no matter what, so the Tour is trying to attract the fringe viewers, the occasional players and non-players.  And for a fringe viewer, what's more exciting, huge drives and lots of birdies, or chip-outs from the heavy rough and 10-footers for par?

    I'm fully with you, I just think it's very strange that the two governing bodies appear to be at fundamental odds with each other - one wanting to dial back the distance and bring more challenge into the game, and the other wanting more distance and super low scores because, to take their slogan, "These guys are good".

    I think there is a middle ground that satisfies both parties, and I wish the USGA and PGA would explore that and make it the norm. It shouldn't be 4 majors out of the year that amp up the rigor, and a bunch of other events where -15 to -20 is a top 10 score.

  7. I liked the idea on the pod of the different progression in the rough - rather than a first/second cut based on distance from fairway, longest rough out where the bombers hit, and shorter rough where someone would have had to club down or just isn’t as long. 

    That combined with longer grass and/or softer fairways, would help combat any ”distance problem”.  But messing with equipment innovation isn’t the way to do it. 

  8. 1 hour ago, FrogginBullfish said:

    Yeah for sure. It's stuff like this that has actually made me like Titleist. I was never big on them before but now that they're making a big R&D/innovation push, I'm fully on board.


    Yeah, despite the majority of my WITB, always liked Titleist as a brand. Just wish I would have gotten better numbers out of them!

  9. 3 wood is one of my favorite clubs in the bag, just something I can consistently put 250 down the pipe. I've had the most success, and seen friends in my group have the most success, when they stop thinking about hitting it like a wood. Lots of people go for the driver-esque swing, rather than a sweeping to mild trapping motion in the downswing, and they top it combined with overswing, which spray it out everywhere.


    My tips is always to move it back towards the middle of your stance, rather than out front, and drop the trailing elbow to make sure you are getting down into the ball.

  10. Yeah, this is fully a developmental club - allow the R&D guys to go wild and play with whatever materials/shapes/etc. they can, and hope to sell some sets to those who can afford it. Eventually they'll get the feedback they need on what works and what doesn't, then we'll see maybe an idea trickle into the normal sets in 4 or so years. I dig Titleist pushing the envelope.

  11. Totally a feel based putter would be my preference, but from there, can go with almost anything. 

    I’d say one additional thing for me is a single material face - no inserts or things like that. Soured on those thanks to the Odyssey Works putters and the mesh face product coming undone and Callaway not doing anything to fix it. One poor experience pushed me to single material faces for the rest of my life. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Middler said:

    I was thinking the same - I have my CodeChaos (bought in June, still love them) and two pairs of conventional spiked FJ's. If not, I'd have another pair of CodeChaos in gray/black. OTOH, it is nice to have spikes on days when the course is sloppy and/or raining. I haven't tried the CodeChaos in those conditions yet...

    I played with them in the 50s and constant drizzle a couple weeks back, no grip issues that round. One round sample size, but enough for me to consider ditching them. 

  13. 33 minutes ago, Quigleyd said:

    The mass would not be less if it was smaller but weighed the same.. Wouldn't that make it have more mass? 

    If weight was the same, then mass would be the same - weight is just mass times gravitational pull. However, the USGA provides an upper limit on weight (1.620 oz), so Bridgestone may be closer to that upper limit than Taylormade based on size if densities were the same.

    The raw stats point towards what you were thinking in the original post - better wind performance based on height of shot, and lower spin would also reduce the impact of wind on fade/draw shots. 

  14. 20 minutes ago, Quigleyd said:

    I was reading though the TP5 test again and the bridgestone BXS again. It is interesting that the BXS run larger than average and the TP5 runs smaller. 

    My first thought is that that smaller (if they weigh the same) is a good thing right? It will have less drag. This may be one of the reason that the TP5 and TP5X are both very very good ball when playing in wind. 

    Smaller balls would have less mass, so in theory it would have less drag (assuming similar dimple patterns), but slightly less spin and carry as the force generated on the larger ball is slightly greater at the same swing speed. Mind you, we are talking fractional differences. 

    This bears out in the latest Most Wanted golf ball when comparing these two specific examples. 

    - TP5: Avg backspin of 2,294 rpm (Driver); avg height of 116; avg carry of 279.06

    - BXS: Avg backspin of 2,367, avg height of 117; avg carry if 281.95

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