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Everything posted by bladesmizuno

  1. 1. Your current driver( photo included) and the story of why you are gaming it. 2. Why we should pick you to test the driver. 3. Tell us about your best drive or driving round this season. I am currently gaming the Titleist TSR2 with stiff Brava shaft. I had been playing a Sim2 Max for a few years when I buddy of mine let me try his TSR2 with same set up (9 degree, I use 10.5). Loved it and switched. I don't know that I am any more deserving to test than anyone else on this site but I would do my best to provide honest, objective and useful feedback. I always appreciate the feedback others leave on these posts so I would love the privilege of being able to do the same. And I've heard positive things about the Paradym drivers. I have 4 kids so I don't typically buy new clubs so trying a new one would be pretty cool. My best driving round came earlier this year. I played with my parents (86 and 79 years old) and my younger brother. I think because it was such a relaxing environment, I wasn't thinking too much and I was just swinging easy and bombing drives. My brother even said "your swing is always the same." Totally not true. But on that day it was. I would be extremely excited and honored if I got chosen but if not, I'm excited for those that will!!
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