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Testers Announced! Stix Golf Sets ×


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Everything posted by dpvu

  1. I have tested this unit at the range, in my indoor garage set up. Additionally, I have collected data against a GC Hawk indoors and FlightScope Range unit at a driving range. All my testing has been done with the latest firmware available to me (v3.30). Here's my review: Bottom-line is if you want a launch monitor under $1000 then get this. If you have Mevo+ or Skytrak money and need better numbers those are better units. This is great for casual golfers that want engaging ways to practice away from the course. If you have the budget, the only reason you might go for the R10 is its portability and ease of use or if you really want to play local courses in Home Tee Hero. Outdoors at the range this unit is a beast for the price. It went toe to toe with the FlightScope very well in my test. Into a net is more problematic. My setup works well but others have had issues. It's absolutely key to have the unit level and the manual says 8 feet to the net but I think more like 10 helps. GC Hawk Test Indoors (6 feet unit to ball and 11-12 feet ball to screen): Launch direction, angle, ball speed were all pretty much within the promised specifications. Slightly higher launch angle with the R10 but the unit was a little below the mat. 7 iron carry distance was within 3-4 yards every shot. Spin was pretty variable but generally the R10 was slightly overestimating spin. It actually picked up the correct side spin for every shot as well. Driver was a bit more off (about 10 yards short on carry). I did have the incorrect side spin a few times (usually baby fades to draws or vice versa). FlightScope Range test outdoors at the range (6 feet unit to ball, range balls, limited wind): Ball speed was almost an exact match Launch angle was about 1 degree high pretty consistently with the R10. Could be the unit was again below the mat. Distances were generally good. The R10 was actually estimating slightly more than the FlightScope a lot of cases. Everything from wedges to driver was pretty good. Spin was generally okay but definitely more all over the map. The R10 did not pick up higher spin very well. Sidespin also varied a decent amount with a few shots having the wrong sidespin. Club speed is bad which is a little disappointing given the G80 was very good with club speed. I look at ball speed now instead. The graph below is my data from the FlightScope Range test. The R10 is on the y axis and FlightScope on the x. The line is y = x so basically the closer the dot is to the line the more the units agree. Garage Sim Experience: I get pretty good results but I don't have anything else to compare it to other than my own experience and expectations. I have 6 feet unit to ball and 10-11 feet ball to the net. Irons seem to be pretty good and within my expected distances. Shape seems reasonable for the type of shot I'd be expecting with the strike and feel. Spin is decent as well but I have nothing to compare to and I don't know how my mat behaves but I get about 6000 on a 7 iron and the wedges do push closer to 8000+. Driver is maybe 15 yards short. My better drives inside carry 250 and I do think those carry more like 265. Spin inside with driver is higher than I would expect (most are above 3000 rpm). Home Tee Hero is fun and a good casual sim experience. Always cool to play courses you know and it plays pretty close to how you'd play it in real life.
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