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  • Swing Speed
    90 mph or less
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    Short Game

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  1. I have had a Mevo + for almost 4 years now. I use it exclusively indoors. Used to use a bay in my garage. I liked it so much that I built a man cave around it. I stated out using it with an iPad then moved to GSPro with a gaming pc. Although I’m a data nerd for most things, I find that I just like to play sim golf. There are lots of pros/cons of the different devices. I suggest anyone interested join the various Facebook groups to delve into all that.
  2. Said you couldn't afford a launch monitor. I've had the Mevo + for over 2 years and have been very happy with it. Skytrak is also in the same category and most that have it, like it as well. Looks like you have room for either. Mevo + is now $1,800. I got my Mevo first - and was using it in my garage - now am building a man cave and will move it in there.
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