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About cbhenri10

  • Birthday 10/10/1990

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Portsmouth, NH
  • Interests
    Golf, skiing

Player Profile

  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
    Weekend Golfer
  • Biggest Strength
    Short Game
  • Biggest Weakness
  • Fitted for Clubs

cbhenri10's Achievements

  1. I tend to walk with a push cart slightly more than I ride, but I recently bought a little fan off amazon with bendable legs that wraps around the handle of my BagBoy or the vertical roof support when I'm in a cart. It has 3 speeds and the battery hasn't died during the round on me yet. Somewhat useless when there's even a little breeze or riding to your ball but it's definitely served it's purpose on those days when there's no air movement and I'm waiting in the hot sun on the group in front. For $25 I think it's made me more comfortable and kept me in a good mood out there
  2. I consider my wedge game around the greens to be my biggest strength and I'm almost 100% a feel-type player for these shots. I use a different "clock" system when practicing my short game - I look at the green as a clock and bounce around to the different numbers on it for more random practice reps. Depending how much time I have, I'll take three balls to different areas around the green (clock numbers), and three clubs. I only carry 52 and 58 degree non-set wedges, made this change a couple years ago from 52/56/60 to try and simplify my decision making process. It's helped a ton and the short game data in rounds from my ShotScope x5 certainly backs that up. The third club is one of my short irons for bump and runs, usually a 6-9 iron, I mix it up. I'll hit one ball with each club to the same hole trying to pick specific landing spots for how I envision the ball rolling out. I really feel like this has made me a lot more confident in taking on different types of lies with various clubs and gets my creative juices flowing. It can be pretty intimidating hitting a 7 iron out of a greenside bunker when the flag is 10 yards away but experimenting with unusual situations like this can open your mind to new setups and feels. The 7th hole at my home club has a green and surrounds that provide any scenario I could encounter elsewhere on the course - good variety of sloping and flat areas, a bunker with a high face on one end and more level on the other, tightly mown approach out front and lush rough on the sides and back. Plus it's right next to the maintenance building so I can show up to work a little early and get some reps in a few times a week. Lucky me I enjoy working on this part of my game, my handicap has dropped 6 strokes since I started taking it more seriously and I truly believe getting these kinds of shots closer to the hole has been the biggest reason. Making the putts to get up and down is a different story though lol, maybe that needs to be the next area I try to improve...
  3. That's very interesting. Can't say I've ever used a simulator before a round as I don't know of any courses in my area that have them set up year round. The few that do have them set them up once the course closes (mid Nov-mid march). I've never been a huge warm-up-before-a-round guy until this season, not too sure why. Time constraints I guess? My dispersion with most clubs has never been very big so for me it's hitting 5ish balls with four clubs or so just to see what the miss is for that day - am I pulling everything a little or is there a little fade there? Depends on the day lol. But whichever way it's going it tends to last throughout the whole round so I work with it and adjust my start lines with each shot accordingly. Then 10-15 min on the practice green rolling some lag putts and a few 5 footers. Nothing crazy
  4. Thanks friends! On the course working today, hopefully I'll be able to sneak in a quick 9 afterwards
  5. I purchased a set of T100S irons around Christmas this past year and they have made a HUGE difference in my game. I previously had the original Nike forged blades for about 15 years (2002 model?) that I bought off a friend from high school for $300 (because he was the guy buyong the latest model every other year). He was a very good player and I was probably a 25-30 handicap around that time but had heard that good players play blades so i felt the need to jump at that opportunity...needless to say it took me a decade to learn to hit them decently lol. I've never had a formal lesson but those things were a lesson in themselves with every ball I hit. Zero forgiveness. At least half of my approach shots were 20-40 yards short of the green except for the few that I "pured" that felt buttery smooth. Always instant feedback and really developed a pretty good, consistent swing IMO. Since the upgrade I'm rarely short on approaches anymore. Pin high, whether it's on the green or left or right, even occasionally long sometimes! The forgiveness with these are something I never knew could be a thing in Iron technology (until i started diving deep into MGS reviews). No regrets at all. I fully respect anyone out there that's played what they've played for awhile and are comfortable with that but my mind has really been opened as to the newer products available. Such a game changer for me
  6. I played my first 15 or so years of golf with no technology whatsoever. A few years ago I couldn't resist anymore and got the Bushnell v5 shift. I love it. I feel like it has really improved my iron play with learning my distances and giving me confidence in club choices. My GIR% has doubled since I started using it. I will say I stop using it inside 90ish yards as I prefer to rely on feel when not hitting full shots
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