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About mainuh

  • Birthday 05/26/1951

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    surfside beach, sc via redding, ct
  • Interests
    I wish that I knew what I know now
    When I was younger.

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  1. JB - it wouldn't be the first time on a forum that I haven't been asked questions, reviewed plans. If something doesn't ring true while works being done,shoot me a pm anytime - We build a bit differently here in the NorthEast - those cold winters make for houses lasting 200+ years in these parts. rob
  2. what do I do...? - Carpenter / Contractor. 30+ years in the trade. Got my degree in Art, met some of the most famous people in that world and knew that, while good and acknowledged (awards, shows, etc.) I was never to be on that level. Carpentry to me is akin to sculpture/painting - you create something new from nothing every day, that satisfaction is what makes me get up happy every day and to top it off, I am my own boss... If you ever have a question about anything related to your home, PM me -I have seen it all. rob
  3. Caught you "snooping" on me - lol

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